Does this sound like oab/urge ic?

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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Diaperfur
  3. Incontinent
I pee like 1-3 times an hour , the urges are like almost constant but go away for a bit after i pee. I only drink link 60 oz of water a day sometimes with a bit of juice for dlavor, i do coffee like 2-2 times a week. Sometime when i try to pee its hard to, then only a litrle comes out other times its a bunch and its instant. I usually have deippiage after and a decennt leak amount like 1 or 2 mins after
Your first best bet is seeing a urologist and having your prostate checked.

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I agree, a trip to the doctor would be able to answer that question. It could be numerous issues. There's no guaranteed answer you can get here.

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the internet is not a doctor! What you're describing might be urge incontinence but it might be several other things
Time to see an urologist, my OAB issue started with small surges after going pee after I left the bathroom.
I made a doctors appointment and wore real fit for men for a bit of protection untill I could be seen by an urologist.

the internet is great for finding information about issues, but can not beat a diagnosis from a Doctor.

once you have seen the urologist you will be better informed on how to procceed.
Sounds like a UTI. Go to urologist and he can check your urine and probably give you an antibiotic to treat it.
[UTI= urinary tract infection]
I have the same symptoms but diagnosed with oab by my uro i go to
Some people - not necceasarily on this site - have commented that it sometimes seems that diagnostic terms like "OAB" are given out too frequently and because people feel it is better ot have a name for something - this comment might do a disservice to many healthcare professionals, but the important thing is to look as carefully as possible at what is going on and this might take some time. I am not saying there is anything to fear or that what seems (to a layman) is likely to be OAB will turn into something nasty -what i do feel is that it is important to give the right treatment for an individuals personal circumstances and that having a few questions prepared in advance of the consultation can be helpful. Basic things like:

Is this likely to get better on its own given time?

Is there anything I can do by changing parts of my lifestyle to improve things?

Can you give me the right medicine for this condition now, or will we try different drugs to find out which are most effective?

I have to deal with they symptom and it is difficult-what is the best form of protection for day and night use?

Can I have access to a continence adviser to help me and (in UK) provide any necessary pads etc.

Not all will be relevant to everyone - Maybe others can add to hte list of "possible" enquiries.
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