What is "Babyfur/Diaperfur"?

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
I'm an AB/DL, and I've seen this section of the forum before (haven't looked at any of the threads before though) and just now I'm wondering, what is babyfur and diaperfur? I believe it involves fursuits, but I'm still pretty much in the dark. Would someone please explain to me what it's all about? Who knows, maybe I'll try it and find I enjoy it.
Babyfur/Diaperfur: http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Babyfur

A babyfur is a member of the furry fandom who enjoys roleplaying younger characters.

Short term: We are babies who act like animals or roleplay as younger characters.

All you have to do is find an inner self about yourself if you feel like you are a furry. Diaperfur is just an adult furry in diapers while babyfur is a baby animal (who also wears diapers) nothing of the sort but much cuter than AB's >///<
Snivy said:
Babyfur/Diaperfur: http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Babyfur

Short term: We are babies who act like animals or roleplay as younger characters.

All you have to do is find an inner self about yourself if you feel like you are a furry. Diaperfur is just an adult furry in diapers while babyfur is a baby animal (who also wears diapers) nothing of the sort but much cuter than AB's >///<

Okay, thanks! It seems to be a bit simpler than I thought it was.
a babyfur and diaper fur. they are furries that are also adult babys. thats why there called babyfurs. as for diaper furs, same thing :) there diaper overs and a furry, so there diaperfurs. i know because i am both.
A babyfur is a furry who is also an infantilist; someone who likes to roleplay as a baby animal. For me, the babyfur side of me is strictly for online roleplaying and not for actual regression; some people like to regress into baby animals though. There might be fursuiting involved, but it varies from person to person.

A diaperfur, however, is a person who is more fixated towards the idea of an animal wearing a diaper, regardless of the animal's age unless they are also a babyfur.
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