Recent content by 7YearsDog

  1. 7YearsDog

    Little Toys

    The only time in my life that I didn't really play with toys was a short period between 12 and 14. I felt obligated to stop playing and buying more, but I started up again when I was 15. I think about 90% of the objects I own are toys. I probably have around 400 of them. I realized I missed it...
  2. 7YearsDog

    Baby Food?

    I'd personally choose Gerber banana baby food over most sweets any day. That stuff is delicious!
  3. 7YearsDog

    Show off your paci!

    My main pacifier looks quite a lot like the one posted just before me! Ha ha.
  4. 7YearsDog

    Obscure bands that you like?

    I really like My Brilliant Beast, Even Rude, and Ghoulio, when it comes to obscure bands.
  5. 7YearsDog

    What got you into diapers?

    It was actually this website that sparked my interest! I had a very good friend a few years back who knew about my interest in toys, picture books, and such, and she told me that I reminded her of of an "adult baby". At the time, I didn't even know it was a thing. I looked up the term online...
  6. 7YearsDog

    little age

    I'd say I'm somewhere between 2 and 7 years old. Though it's hard to exactly say. When I was around 7, I felt like I was younger than I actually was, I was obsessed with the idea of being 4 years old. So, I'm not sure if my highest age is exactly accurate.
  7. 7YearsDog


    I don't drink enough to unintentionally wet myself or pass out, but I have say, a diaper is very handy after a few beers and all the water I chase it with! Saves me about four trips to the bathroom while being fun at the same time.
  8. 7YearsDog

    The store toy aisle

    I always visit the toy aisles at the store, whether I buy or not, and both the baby and regular toy section. Meijers is the store I shop at regularly, and I have to say, they have a great selection of bath toys in the baby section! If I had the money, I'd buy them all.
  9. 7YearsDog

    picture of my bed/sorta crib

    That looks so awesome! I love all the different Simbas you have.
  10. 7YearsDog

    Has anyone had a sleepover for ABDL'S?

    I've never had one with anyone who truly identified as AB/DL, but I did spend a few weeks and a lot of nights with a friend I'd made online (on an unrelated website) who indulged in AB/DL activities with me. Nearly every night we'd play with my toys together, make forts out of my bunk bed, and...
  11. 7YearsDog

    Whats your interface color on here?

    I'm using the default blue one. I tried blackened for a while, as I liked the orange and black color theme, but some of the text was too dark to read easily on it.
  12. 7YearsDog

    Would you stop being an adult baby if you could?

    I would absolutely not give it up. The benefits, how happy it makes me feel, far outweighs the downsides. There are things I don't like about myself, like every person, but I have to say I feel pretty cool in a diaper and very proud of my room that looks like a day care center. Sure, I've had...
  13. 7YearsDog

    Your oldest Teddy/Plushie/Soft Toy/Cuddle Buddy

    My oldest would be a stuffed Tweety bird that I've had since I was just a few months old. He's surprisingly in decent condition still.
  14. 7YearsDog

    Whats the most embarrassing thing you've ever had happen?

    I had a rather upsetting life experience happen to me when I was 23. I was so deeply upset about it that I didn't feel much else mattered, so I took a good friend up on an offer to buy me a present. Of course, I asked for diapers that would be delivered to my home that I shared with my family. I...