Paranormal Happenings

Topex said:
I really don't think there is a such thing as ghosts or paranormal in this context. It just isn't possible and there's always a reasonable explanation that often comes down to "why did person X believe they saw something", and usually, it's because they wanted to see it and subconsciously convinced themselves that they did
That's what I'm starting to really feel despite my personal beliefs. It could be something that the mind creates but, then again I don't know. I haven't experienced anything paranormal myself but, my boyfriend has. I'm actually curious to go to somewhere haunted to do a little hunting to see something I always loved reading up about the paranormal in books.
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Life is a mystery, and I'm fairly confident when I say there will never be a solid scientific explanation of the origin or the limits of life. We will always be presented with a variety of beliefs to choose from. Since we live our lives according to our beliefs we may as well choose the beliefs that are most agreeable to us. Some people will insist they base their lives on facts, but those "facts" are usually nothing more than beliefs in disguise.
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As a professional paranormal investigator with over 35 years experience I have had many strange things happen. From seeing strange apparitions to getting touched, scratched, or pushed when there was no one else close. I still strive to come up with a logical explanation for all.
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oOOOOOOooooo what do u want to know. I have seen, witnessed and lastly, been scratched by ......
Let's call it a ghost for now. Moving objects, full body apparitions in the daytime walking across your kitchen floor with your brother looking at it disappearing into the basement door. Two witnesses. so you know apparitions don't always happen at night at hours they can happen in the daytime too. We also had a poltergeist in the basement but it's no longer there. It was a 1912 house in Michigan.anyways I'm open for questions and I'll answer the best I can but I've had lots of experiences and I still have latest experience was something when I was in the bathroom hit my shoulder causing me to fall backwards.I thought my husband was playing a joke on me so when I went to go look for him and call him he wasn't here it was just me..... Some strange stuff 😳
Powderedbum said:
As a professional paranormal investigator with over 35 years experience I have had many strange things happen. From seeing strange apparitions to getting touched, scratched, or pushed when there was no one else close. I still strive to come up with a logical explanation for all.
The explanation is that we have different dimensions and the one that we experienced sometimes it's a spiritual dimension so we have our physical dimension world and then we have the spiritual dimension thing with all the crazy stuff in it. We can't deny that there isn't a spiritual realm we can't deny it it's proven itself to us so many times and not to mention the scratches man it burns. I don't know if anyone else had the scratches but I know it's as real as can be.
I don't think you can have another explanation other than its spiritual.
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Bouncybottoms said:
The explanation is that we have different dimensions and the one that we experienced sometimes it's a spiritual dimension so we have our physical dimension world and then we have the spiritual dimension thing with all the crazy stuff in it. We can't deny that there isn't a spiritual realm we can't deny it it's proven itself to us so many times and not to mention the scratches man it burns. I don't know if anyone else had the scratches but I know it's as real as can be.
I don't think you can have another explanation other than its spiritual.
the bummer about spiritual world is when something spiritual comes after us we can't physically go after it is that weird but yet the spiritual beings can do things to us to a physical body that messes with my head sometimes. I need an explanation for that one.
Maybe they have more power than we do given that they've passed to the next plain. I've often wondered though if earth bound spirits were stuck in a sort of purgatory? Who knows.
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I think there are a lot of things in this world that we don’t yet understand, and some that science may never be able to explain.

For example, why do we like to wear diapers?🤣. Ok, bad example.
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RedPandaDL said:
I think there are a lot of things in this world that we don’t yet understand, and some that science may never be able to explain.

Certainly there are, yes. "Science" is really just a collection of human-made ideas that have withstood experimental scrutiny thus far. Given that, I would think that an explanation can be "found" for any phenomenon… but said explanation will probably be repeatedly replaced as our ability to test hypotheses continues to grow. Once upon a time, a satisfactory explanation for the apparent movement of the sun and planets was that the gods carted them around in chariots. Much later, an acceptable explanation was that mass magically generates a force called gravity. Still later, an acceptable explanation was that mass (still magically) causes curvature of spacetime. But even then, there's a lot of proverbial hand-waving going on about the whys…

By the same token, I expect that no singular theory of science will ever explain everything, or forever remain unchallenged by new evidence. I do not have reason to assume that a "theory of everything" is even possible.

There will always be phenomena that are classified as "paranormal", no matter how much we come to "understand" (or more aptly, model) scientifically. And some of them will eventually be reclassified as "scientific fact", as e.g. Ball Lightning has been.
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When.i was a kid, my brother and I had a knife fly across a room and stick in a wall. We were the only the house.... ran around the house looking for someone, noone, I ran out front he ran out back, noone anywhere
I have seen ghosts before and prophetic dreams and energy experiences
Ive had a few things i can't really explain. The first one i was home alone for the first time i was probably like 10 years old. House was newly built. I was watching tv in the living room and heard a noise in the kitchen. I got up to check it out and saw one of the cabnit doors were open. It wasn't earlier when i went to go get a drink from the fridge. I took 2 steps into the kitchen it didnt just close on its own, it slammed shut. I called my moms phone freaking out begging them to come home.

Another time in the same house maybe a few monthes later my mom was tucking me in for bed and was sitting on the foot of my bed facing me. At the foot of my bed i saw what seemed to be a dog tail go from one side of the foot of the bed to another. I sat up and looked over the foot of my bed and my mom asked whats wrong? Told her i saw a tail and thought one of the dogs were in my room. (we had 2 dogs) nothing was there. After she left my room my closet door which was barely cracked with the light on cause i was freaked out. Turned off. I yelled for my mom and came in my room opened the closest fliped the light switch off on once and light came back on.

Had a few other times that i saw "orbs" move across my room in the same house.

Fast forward to the rental we lived in later after my parents divorce. I was about 12 years old. I got up to use the restroom and saw something move past the doorway to the kitchen. I took a few steps into the living room and further back in the doorway standing there was this black shadow figure. It was very dark in there and this human like shadow figure was darker then the darkness in that room. I quickly flipped the living room light on and it was gone.

Another time maybe a few weeks later in the same rental. My stereo was playing. I had the radio on. I went to turn it off and it kept playingmy brother was standing there next to me. He unplugged it. It kept playing and suddenly got louder and louder to max volume over the course of about 10 seconds then static and shut off. We were both freaked out and now he kind of believed me about the other things.

A few monthes later same rental. I woke up to my brothers furby going off. I walk over and shut it off and laid back down. A few minutes later i heard it talk again but it wasnt on the shelf any more. My closet light just like the other house flipped off and i could hear it in the closet saying "Come play with me."
I "DID NOT" go play with it and covered with my blankets and covered my ears until i feel asleep

After we moved again i didnt really experience much else. Besides seeing "IT/ The shadow entity" in a few episodes of Sleep paralysis.
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I had a very odd experience when I was doing substitute teaching, something which lasted only one year (thank goodness) before I got employed by the school system as an IT tech. Anyway, I was subbing for a biology teacher, a three day gig as her father had just died and she was away with family for the funeral. The only thing I had to do was show videos to each of the classes. Back then, we had the old tape videos. The machine was kept in the library so I had to get the machine and hook it up to the big television that was in the class room. Not knowing which RCA connections went where in the back of the TV, I simply turned on the TV and turned on the video machine and figured I'd just push the RCA connections into the various black, red and yellow connections until it worked but I didn't have to. Without anything being hooked up, the video played on the TV with no hook ups. I later asked the secretary if that was possible and she said no. That video ran for all three days without being connected to the TV.
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I'm not sure what was happening. The TV/video set up was portable, on a cart and I had to get it from the library. The only thing that I plugged in was the power strip into the AC wall plug. The secretary had no explanation for it because I asked. I later was hired by the school system as an IT assistant so I did those kind of setups for the teachers all the time, plugging the VCR into the TV. Of course later, we were all on computer, ceiling projector and Smart Boards. I used to assemble the Smart Boards so I was very familiar with all the equipment that we used. I asked IT and they had no explanation for it either.
Widgeydog354 said:
well if it more modern id say wireless broadcast but we had those kinds of tvs on stands in my school so thats not possible most likley
Yeah, this was in 2001, almost 20 years ago.
100% believe in the paranormal.

I didn't before, but after my Grandpa passed when I was in high school, I had vivid dreams that he was still alive. A few years later, I moved into a dorm room on campus, and I swear on a stack of Bibles that the dorm was haunted. I will never forget the time that I was cooking dinner in our shared kitchen area, and I felt the feeling of someone behind me.

Thinking that my roomates were just playing a joke on me, I went along with it for awhile, but then I realized: my roomates weren't home. I had seen them leave earlier to go to the gym and one of them was out of town, so there was no way that there was anyone else in there but me. I called out their names, but obviously, nobody answered.

Around that same time, I also got a phone call from my Grandpa's old phone number. My heart literally stopped-how could my Grandpa be calling me from that number after he had passed away? I answered the phone, but nobody was on the other line.

I still can't explain it.
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I used to work IT at our local junior high school. We had a beloved teacher who had died of cancer and there was a memorial garden near our parking lot. A year after her passing I was turning on the computers in our computer labs, computers that were used every day by students and teachers and I noticed on one of the computers that I had just turned on that the last log on was her name. She was always very nice to me and she lived one block from where I lived. Maybe she was saying hello.