Got my first paci


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Diaperfur
Just got a NUK 7 with an adult-size guard from Adult Pacifier. Any advice for care and maintenance?
I don't do anything special.

Just clean the pacifier with dish washing liquid and rinse thoroughly. Clean your pacifier every day or just once a week depending on how often and how long you use your pacifier.
I washed it thoroughly with soap and warm water before I used it the first time. Over the past six months before I use it I just run it under warm to hot water for about 10 seconds and rub it a bit before and after using it, kinda like a mouthguard
Awe come one everyone! Real babies just pick it up off the ground and start sucking!!! 👶

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neophyte said:
Awe come one everyone! Real babies just pick it up off the ground and start sucking!!! 👶

Sounds good to me👍
should this not be in the AB forum, a paci isnt a diaper
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Sleep with one every night clipped to my tee shirt. Took me 2+ weeks to get use to it but now I put my bed time diaper on, grab my binky and sleep like a baby.
The important only is keep it clean when's out of use. Dirty paci left in some humidity place can destroy latex, in combination with high temperatures the corrosive process going very fast. Silicone teats are more resitent.