Who here is the “baby” in their family?

yup was and still am. I am enjoying every minute of it.
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I was the youngest as I was the only and adopted at that. I would have been terribly spoiled except my parents didn't have a lot of money. My mom was German and she didn't believe in spoiling a child but I did get a few things that my equally poor friends didn't.
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My sister was the youngest in our family.

Except for rare occasions, she was never called 'baby' once she was a toddler.
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I was an only child, but I was always treated like the "baby" of the family even when my half-siblings were born
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TeddyBearCowboy said:
Just curious, who else here was the youngest and always referred to as the “baby” in their family?

If so, are you still referred to as such?

What are your feelings about this? For me, it was always ironic as it was like, oh if you only knew….

Yup same here I have 1 older brother, but I’m so tall anybody who asks is like “is that your son?” & my mom would say “yea that’s only the younger one” & they would be like “ Holy shit what are you feeding these kids?!”🤣
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I used to be known as the baby of the family. I was small for my age due to being born very prematurely and I finished toilet training just before kindergarten (at nearly age six). I remember that I was eventually clean and dry at night before I finished elementary school.

Due to a combination of complications from my premature birth and being on the autism spectrum being called the baby of the family (and even my sister introducing me as her “baby brother”) didn’t start bothering me until age nine when I started feeling embarrassment. By age ten I really hated being called “the baby” and tried to seem as grown up as possible around my family (at least most of the time).
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As stated I was the youngest of five. Refer to by my Mother as the baby well into my teens. Used to drive me crazy. Now I'm near 55 she is gone miss it. Also due to my size referred to as Baby Huey(if you to young to know the reference Google it lol)
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I am the youngest among my immediate cousins, and I have no siblings. In academic settings I'm usually the youngest by a good margin so I've definitely been called a baby before. Definitely don't mind it, especially when it's from the girls!
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I am the youngest in the family, by several years. I was born as my brother and sister were approaching there teenage years. my sister as she has often told me, sometimes had the job of changing me. I dont think she would want to change me now! I havent asked her.
Hi! Just started to become active. I am looking forward to meeting many future friendly people.

I was the youngest; I had two older sisters, one almost 2 years, the other about 6 years older than me.
By Best to All,
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I am certainly the youngest in my family (not counting nieces) but in my indirect household I am certainly the youngest. I am not referred to as the baby though because they do know about my regression and they know not to trigger me
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My brothers were 10 & 7 years older than me. When I 6,7, years old my sister was born. After that, sometime in the future, I started having thought of being DL. But that is another story.:think:
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I am the "sandwich"/middle child. I have a brother that is 1 year older than me and another one three years younger. But in school I was always the smallest and youngest until 2 years before I finished.
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Yup I’m the baby on my family, my brothers are 19 and 17 years older my sister is 10’years older than me
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I'm baby in mine.

Me and my brother were friends of a family of 6 boys growing up and spent a lot of time with them. We were at the top of things with only one older brother in that family. It was so fascinating to see the oldest brother getting a weight bench and working out while the younger two were toddling about!
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Yup, I'm the baby by ten years. I distinctly remember my Mother telling me when I was about 8 years old, "You'll always be my baby."
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Youngest of four.
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I am the youngest of 3. Was called the baby of the family s fee times. Not now though.
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yes, im the younger only a 1/2 brother, but he is just a brother.

i'm like 5 years younger.

yes my mom has usually said im her baby, but never really any real want to be one, maybe no 50, but not 5 either.

i do remember at a bar my mom said i was her baby, weighed 350-360 at the time, but still in shape and 6-2, he looked at her and just said that had to hurt. :) best answer i ever heard.

but, i was always trying to be adult, as i was a bedwetter and also these days would be on the spectrum, trouble with writing and such things.

but yes i've even heard mom say im her baby not that many years ago.
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Wow! There is seemingly quite a trend here of folks being the youngest in their family. Aunt that’s because of the question itself, so less responding that are not, but this is rather interesting indeed!