What Was It Like to Live By Yourself for the First Time?

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I first moved out at 17. A lot of my plans caved and I wound up in and out of shelters until 20. At around 22, I was finally established enough for a 1-bedroom and I stayed there. Looking to solo-purchase a house soon.

I've never hesitated with purchasing diapers and suckly things, or the occasional toy, coloring book, etc. To me, they're vital to my mental health. I just stocked up on sterlite totes and went crazy.
Firstly, please start getting financially savvy and start building income streams now, college gives you time to do this!
Also, by financially savvy I do not mean saving, that is the OPPOSITE of what you want to do unless you are saving to build passive income streams. I'm talking investments and business. Learn about assets and liabilities, learn about taxes and how to leverage debt. You have time to get ahead so use it wisely.

I consult on finance and business, message me if you need some help or have some questions :)
Hi guys, I am not sure if my information will be that useful to you because you are clearly in A,America and I am in Australia so some of the terminology that we use here is a little different, but I still wanted to get on here and tell you about my experience.

I first moved out of home 6 years ago, living at university through the week and at home with my parents during the weekends. I kept most of my ABDL stuff at my parents' home because they had cleaners who came through every day at uni and cleaned our rooms for us, including emptying the bins (trash) for us. It might be important to try and figure out if you are responsible for emptying your bins or not while you are in college, especially if you are going to be putting your diapers in there.

When I did eventually move out of home, I was in a bungalow at the back of a friends' house, I took my own rubbish to the bin and therefore didn't have to worry about that aspect of things. The other thing that you will need to think about is the financial cost of having access to diapers etc.

I first did all the budgeting as someone mentioned above, figuring out how much there would be left at the end of each month. By that time, I was also 24/7 in diapers so I knew how many I used in a week and could figure out how much a week worth cost. I added that itno the end of my month's spendings and therefore came up with a new total for how much I would have left.

Hope that helps.
Scamander14 said:
So, I’m making a six year plan to be living on my own. I’m trying to get a good idea for how much money I need to be saving.

I start college in five weeks; as in, I move into my dorm in five weeks. I’m six years, I want to be living in my own apartment. What was it like when you first lived on your own and in something like an apartment, condo, house, etc.

How much money did you have to be saving? Basically, what was your income versus your cash-flow?

How crazy did you go buying AB stuff?

Were you able to buy AB stuff right away?

If you couldn’t/didn’t buy AB stuff right away, what was the reason you couldn’t or didn’t?

I would recommend looking on the website myfirstapartment.com. From what I've seen, it has articles and advice on everything from budgeting to apartment hunting to how to handle annoying roommates, and everything in between.
Just to be clear, I don't have any affiliation with that site though.
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