Tykables dubblers


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  1. Diaper Lover
So they promised at the end of 2023 the new better dubblers would be out. It's 12-21-2023. 10 days till 2024. And it's not even presale . That's okay. Rearz mega diapers blow tykables away. And rearz overnight boosters are as good as there improved dubblers are supposed to be. The problem is I use to like tykables.
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Used to like Tykables? Why the change? They're a really good abdl diaper company that I highly approve of.
Pantyman said:
So they promised at the end of 2023 the new better dubblers would be out. It's 12-21-2023. 10 days till 2024. And it's not even presale . That's okay. Rearz mega diapers blow tykables away. And rearz overnight boosters are as good as there improved dubblers are supposed to be. The problem is I use to like tykables.
The Dubblers are on a shipment due next week, they were supposed to be here 3 weeks ago but have been delayed in transit. Because this too has been delayed we opted not to have a pre sale on them and wait until we get caught up on the Puppers shipments before we put them into inventory to allow us to get caught up on orders before adding a ton more. We expect the Dubblers to be available around the end of the year depending on how quickly we can get the Puppers orders out and any additional delay due to them arriving between Christmas and New Year Eve when many people are on vacation.
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theancientmariner said:
Used to like Tykables? Why the change? They're a really good abdl diaper company that I highly approve of.
Will I actually buy from tykables again?? Oh yes. I'm just venting. The whole promise us all these new patterns and make us wait for MONTHS is aggravating. When I seen the "deluge" I loved it. But we wait and wait and wait. I think we need some more adult patterns and will order as soon as available. Now they need to up there capacity. If they doubled it! 14000 ml ! Imagine that between your legs.
@Pantyman I feel like your being inconsiderate, yes you have the right to vent, but do you think Tykables company wants to have stock issues when they're survival is based on sales? The issue is the country of origin and the shipping routes to get there, I can almost bet that from time to time, the large shipments are quoted a certain price then when the supplier gets to the actual port a phone call is made saying if you want this on this specific carrier you need to pay X amount more, its just how the world works at the moment.
pampers4U said:
@Pantyman I feel like your being inconsiderate, yes you have the right to vent, but do you think Tykables company wants to have stock issues when they're survival is based on sales? The issue is the country of origin and the shipping routes to get there, I can almost bet that from time to time, the large shipments are quoted a certain price then when the supplier gets to the actual port a phone call is made saying if you want this on this specific carrier you need to pay X amount more, its just how the world works at the moment.
The big problem i have was teasing us with all the great patterns in April and not delivering. I loved there dubblers. Put one in a waddle cut diaper and Im in heaven. Those are on delay now. If they would do one at a time when presale opened and if a delay happens then it would be more tolerable. With all the covid delays we experienced you think they would be more cautious. Now the shipping issues. Look at Abu. They are out for months at a time. They don't make promises and when they restock I jump on it. So I think I have the right to vent.

In April, we were excited to share with the community our updated designs and sought your valuable feedback. We're grateful to everyone who took the time to fill out our forms and share their thoughts on what they liked and the areas they felt needed improvement.

We understand that some of you might wonder why we asked for feedback on multiple designs. The truth is, your insights are integral to our design process. Without showing these concepts, how else could we gauge your preferences and expectations effectively? Your feedback helps us shape our products to better suit your needs.

Regarding the shipping delays, we want to clarify that they are largely due to the heightened demand during the holiday season, rather than COVID-19. Typically, our products take about five weeks to ship from our factory to our warehouse. However, our latest Puppers shipment has been delayed and is already in transit for 10 weeks. This is a situation beyond our control, and we share your frustration as it disrupts our planned schedules.

We are working diligently to mitigate these issues and keep you informed.
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todaler said:
We're grateful to everyone who took the time to fill out our forms and share their thoughts on what they liked and the areas they felt needed improvement.
Was this some sort of survey? I don't recall there ever being a customer survey on your diapers. If there was, I know I would've filled one out. Maybe I was away from internet access at that time, and just didn't see it. Darn.
theancientmariner said:
Was this some sort of survey? I don't recall there ever being a customer survey on your diapers. If there was, I know I would've filled one out. Maybe I was away from internet access at that time, and just didn't see it. Darn.
It was sent out in several email newsletters, posted on social media, and there was a link on the product pages for months.
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todaler said:
It was sent out in several email newsletters, posted on social media, and there was a link on the product pages for months.
Darn. Too bad I missed it.
As far as the discrepancy between rearz and tykables as far as absorbency…. It’s not that different. Rearz drastically increased ratings without changing the product at all! Just changed the “method” of testing… that’s unknown to anyone but them. 7500 to 8500 ml of usable capacity isn’t that much, and I buy both brands. They do not differ that much. As far as the XL size, the tykables probably fit better and more snug, but the tape positioning on daydreamers are different from critter caboose which affects overall perception. I still prefer non hook and loop tapes. Tykables is a very good performing diaper though. Very little difference between the two. Don’t get hung up on overall claims. They’re drastically inflated by rearz.
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Blue2006 said:
As far as the discrepancy between rearz and tykables as far as absorbency…. It’s not that different. Rearz drastically increased ratings without changing the product at all! Just changed the “method” of testing… that’s unknown to anyone but them. 7500 to 8500 ml of usable capacity isn’t that much, and I buy both brands. They do not differ that much. As far as the XL size, the tykables probably fit better and more snug, but the tape positioning on daydreamers are different from critter caboose which affects overall perception. I still prefer non hook and loop tapes. Tykables is a very good performing diaper though. Very little difference between the two. Don’t get hung up on overall claims. They’re drastically inflated by rearz.
I agree with you on Tykables and Rearz diapers not being very different. I love them both more than any other abdl diaper brand. I'd say I like Rearz a bit more, but Tykables has terrific shipping. It's always free!
Blue2006 said:
As far as the discrepancy between rearz and tykables as far as absorbency…. It’s not that different. Rearz drastically increased ratings without changing the product at all! Just changed the “method” of testing… that’s unknown to anyone but them. 7500 to 8500 ml of usable capacity isn’t that much, and I buy both brands. They do not differ that much. As far as the XL size, the tykables probably fit better and more snug, but the tape positioning on daydreamers are different from critter caboose which affects overall perception. I still prefer non hook and loop tapes. Tykables is a very good performing diaper though. Very little difference between the two. Don’t get hung up on overall claims. They’re drastically inflated by rearz.
I wish more people knew about that instead of thinking they have more capacity. They didn't even change anything and made diapers like splash which is usually 4500ml upped to 6500ml WHEN ITS STILL LOW CAPACITY.
Demonbabywearspamps said:
I wish more people knew about that instead of thinking they have more capacity. They didn't even change anything and made diapers like splash which is usually 4500ml upped to 6500ml WHEN ITS STILL LOW CAPACITY.
When Rearz changed the "advertised capacity" of their diapers overnight I was the one who called them out on the "false advertising" and I never did get a straight answer. The answers I received (the post is here, somewhere as this was right when they started making those RIDICULOUS claims about the diaper capacities) with one of my main points being that stock that had already been on hand was instantly advertised with capacities that are so far from "REAL WORLD" that it would be 100% IMPOSSIBLE that the diapers already in stock "somehow" gained 50% more capacity just by sitting on a shelf.

I HATE deceptive business practices and I've been in the automotive aftermarket my entire life including as a business owner until my disabilities (I am a significantly disabled veteran) forced me to sell my shop. When I was in business, we won "Best garage in the valley" 18x in 27 years yet we NEVER advertised (* I did sponsor several youth football and wrestling programs as well as coached both sports for decades, so if you want to consider that as advertising, that was the entire extent of me doing so*) and we were consistently booked 5-7 days in advance (could had been far longer but people tend to forget or have the work done elsewhere when their appointment is pushed out so far) and my entire clientele was damn near 100% based on word of mouth. I admit, we were not a "huge" shop, just 5 bays, 3 top tier technicians/mechanics (I prefer mechanic honestly) with 1 full time "B" tech to handle all of the minor jobs such as oil changes, tires, exhaust system work etc. that would take one of the top tier techs off of whatever work they were doing. The system worked INCREDIBLY well and we would often stay well past closing time to get every single vehicle that was scheduled, along with break-downs/tow-ins out the very same day as i only had room for 27 vehicles on my lot, including in the bays. We usually had to park our own vehicles around the corner from the shop due to a lack of space. I take my profession INCREDIBLY serious and HONESTY was our strongest suit as I DESPISE the endless amount of *most* chain stores that sell parts that aren't needed or have NOTHING TO DO with the problem the car/truck was brought in for in an effo4rt to sell all of their highest profit services, often without authorization or more frequently by using "scare tactics" to scare the customer in to authorizing work that in many cases either wasn't needed, not done properly, using the cheapest (I.E. low quality components that don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of lasting the life of the vehicle. I went out of my way to assail those businesses that did that because mechanics are one group of professionals (there are a LOT of true professionals doing this for a living but we're grossly overshadowed by incompetent, dishonest, uneducated "parts changers' which infuriates me as to this day, despite no longer owning a shop or being able to do this every single day, I still attend classes/schools, seminars etc. in an attempt to stay as current as I possibly can even though I can no longer justify the cost of much of the equipment needed to properly diagnose many newer vehicles. My point is I feel responsible to inform customers, friends or someone I don't know asking me where they ought to go and I only will ever recommend someone I trust to work on my own vehicle though to this day I have never needed anyone else to diagnose/repair my own vehicles. Dishonesty/incompetence and ESPECIALLY "LYING" (deceiving customers IS lying!) infuriates me and is perhaps one of the largest barriers in TRUE PROFESSIONAL being paid what they are truly worth! A great example is when I do work today, I won't even CONSIDER unlocking my tool box for a penny less than $50/hour and that's on standard issue, easy to do jobs. I charge as high as $150/hour to do electrical/computer diagnostics as that's the only way to make back what I've spent to date on my never ending education. That's not to mention I spend HOURS per month reading every single bit of information I can find to enhance my own knowledge. Some people claim my pay demands are insane yet I have to turn down roughly 2/3 of the requests for work I receive and I pretty much pick and choose what I will work on. IF my demands for pay were truly outrageous/indefensible, I would NEVER have dozens of requests per month, every month, as I have had non stop for the past 8-10 years since i had to sell my shop.

My main issue is that you can have 50 truly educated/trained automotive professionals and 10 who aren't and the 50 will be painted with the same shit covered brush in a customer's eyes due to the 10 who are anything but skilled/trained/educated/experienced fucking people over. Auto/truck/equipment mechanics all have a relatively HORRIBLE reputation (in general to the average consumer) that we did nothing to deserve but "perception to a customer IS reality" and until this industry MANDATES training/schooling/CERTIFICATIONS & finally LICENSING, this problem will never go away. It amazes me because electricians, plumbers/contractors etc. all have to be licensed to work in different towns/cities yet very little they do has to potential to harm as many people as incompetent mechanics yet ANYONE with a wrench can claim to be a mechanic!

Sorry for my rant. I just got home from a bunch of appt's and I'm not in a great mood. I just felt this needed to be said again.

With all of that being said, when companies decide to promote dishonest information, I point it out as i find it. I welcomed a discussion with whatever rep it was who replied to the posts I had made but none of my direct questions were ever properly or fully addressed. I'll NEVER support ANYONE who relies on deceptive practices in ANY business. I wish more people did this as then these companies would be FORCED to promote HONEST business practices without anything that skews the truth.

Maybe this is just me, but I can't help it. I DESPISE deception when it comes to taking other people's hard earned money!

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CptKirk said:
When Rearz changed the "advertised capacity" of their diapers overnight I was the one who called them out on the "false advertising" and I never did get a straight answer. The answers I received (the post is here, somewhere as this was right when they started making those RIDICULOUS claims about the diaper capacities) with one of my main points being that stock that had already been on hand was instantly advertised with capacities that are so far from "REAL WORLD" that it would be 100% IMPOSSIBLE that the diapers already in stock "somehow" gained 50% more capacity just by sitting on a shelf.

I HATE deceptive business practices and I've been in the automotive aftermarket my entire life including as a business owner until my disabilities (I am a significantly disabled veteran) forced me to sell my shop. When I was in business, we won "Best garage in the valley" 18x in 27 years yet we NEVER advertised (* I did sponsor several youth football and wrestling programs as well as coached both sports for decades, so if you want to consider that as advertising, that was the entire extent of me doing so*) and we were consistently booked 5-7 days in advance (could had been far longer but people tend to forget or have the work done elsewhere when their appointment is pushed out so far) and my entire clientele was damn near 100% based on word of mouth. I admit, we were not a "huge" shop, just 5 bays, 3 top tier technicians/mechanics (I prefer mechanic honestly) with 1 full time "B" tech to handle all of the minor jobs such as oil changes, tires, exhaust system work etc. that would take one of the top tier techs off of whatever work they were doing. The system worked INCREDIBLY well and we would often stay well past closing time to get every single vehicle that was scheduled, along with break-downs/tow-ins out the very same day as i only had room for 27 vehicles on my lot, including in the bays. We usually had to park our own vehicles around the corner from the shop due to a lack of space. I take my profession INCREDIBLY serious and HONESTY was our strongest suit as I DESPISE the endless amount of *most* chain stores that sell parts that aren't needed or have NOTHING TO DO with the problem the car/truck was brought in for in an effo4rt to sell all of their highest profit services, often without authorization or more frequently by using "scare tactics" to scare the customer in to authorizing work that in many cases either wasn't needed, not done properly, using the cheapest (I.E. low quality components that don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of lasting the life of the vehicle. I went out of my way to assail those businesses that did that because mechanics are one group of professionals (there are a LOT of true professionals doing this for a living but we're grossly overshadowed by incompetent, dishonest, uneducated "parts changers' which infuriates me as to this day, despite no longer owning a shop or being able to do this every single day, I still attend classes/schools, seminars etc. in an attempt to stay as current as I possibly can even though I can no longer justify the cost of much of the equipment needed to properly diagnose many newer vehicles. My point is I feel responsible to inform customers, friends or someone I don't know asking me where they ought to go and I only will ever recommend someone I trust to work on my own vehicle though to this day I have never needed anyone else to diagnose/repair my own vehicles. Dishonesty/incompetence and ESPECIALLY "LYING" (deceiving customers IS lying!) infuriates me and is perhaps one of the largest barriers in TRUE PROFESSIONAL being paid what they are truly worth! A great example is when I do work today, I won't even CONSIDER unlocking my tool box for a penny less than $50/hour and that's on standard issue, easy to do jobs. I charge as high as $150/hour to do electrical/computer diagnostics as that's the only way to make back what I've spent to date on my never ending education. That's not to mention I spend HOURS per month reading every single bit of information I can find to enhance my own knowledge. Some people claim my pay demands are insane yet I have to turn down roughly 2/3 of the requests for work I receive and I pretty much pick and choose what I will work on. IF my demands for pay were truly outrageous/indefensible, I would NEVER have dozens of requests per month, every month, as I have had non stop for the past 8-10 years since i had to sell my shop.

My main issue is that you can have 50 truly educated/trained automotive professionals and 10 who aren't and the 50 will be painted with the same shit covered brush in a customer's eyes due to the 10 who are anything but skilled/trained/educated/experienced fucking people over. Auto/truck/equipment mechanics all have a relatively HORRIBLE reputation (in general to the average consumer) that we did nothing to deserve but "perception to a customer IS reality" and until this industry MANDATES training/schooling/CERTIFICATIONS & finally LICENSING, this problem will never go away. It amazes me because electricians, plumbers/contractors etc. all have to be licensed to work in different towns/cities yet very little they do has to potential to harm as many people as incompetent mechanics yet ANYONE with a wrench can claim to be a mechanic!

Sorry for my rant. I just got home from a bunch of appt's and I'm not in a great mood. I just felt this needed to be said again.

With all of that being said, when companies decide to promote dishonest information, I point it out as i find it. I welcomed a discussion with whatever rep it was who replied to the posts I had made but none of my direct questions were ever properly or fully addressed. I'll NEVER support ANYONE who relies on deceptive practices in ANY business. I wish more people did this as then these companies would be FORCED to promote HONEST business practices without anything that skews the truth.

Maybe this is just me, but I can't help it. I DESPISE deception when it comes to taking other people's hard earned money!

dude i understand entirely. espeically since i see abdls getting tricked into thinking rearz has super high capacity diapers when it reality they're going to be very disappointed that thier diapers aren't actaully holding that much. it's very screwy mainly with their lil diapers that are supposed to be low capacity. They hold 3 floods max for me and only last 4 hours and i'm a heavy wetter. the fact that they didn't change anything and advertise as a 6500ml diaper is BS. it's less noticeable on their "11000ml" diapers but it's still false advertising in my opinon.
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