Too damn shy.

You did great. Your post isn't too long or too short. And you got out there and shared your opinion. I joined just tonight and I already am accepted and love it here.
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LilFox said:
Here goes, I am a painfully shy introvert (go figure), and I was hoping to open up and be a part of this wonderful community. I have been trying to help out or start threads but i keep finding myself typing out a response then over thinking it and deleting it . I really want to help out but feel my opinion doesn't matter? Or i dont want to offend anyone? Anyone else feel similar or have tips to overcome internet shyness? This is also the first forum I have ever joined so maybe that has something to do with it.
Thank you
I'm so glad you posted this, and got so many great responses. I relate so much to what you've shared here, thank you for your honesty and courage to say what I wasn't ready to!! I'm also an introvert, and shy, and this is my first forum too, so I haven't got any nuggets of gold for you, sorry. Except to say, just keep doing what you're doing, carry on being open, honest, kind and considerate and i'm sure you'll have a great time here 💚
Social anxiety has affected me for my entire life. Can't make it through a job interview without having a panic attack or tons of ketamine and alcohol
Hi @LilFox, well done for posting this. It takes courage to share your thoughts with people, especially if it doesn't come easily to you.
As others have said, this is a good first post, and a great template to go forward and build upon.

I'm not particularly shy or introverted generally, but I have a chronic illness which causes periods of depression and severe anxiety - which puts massive dents in my self-confidence - regularly, regardless of what I do. So I have days where I find it very hard to reach out to people.

Here's a couple of things I've found useful:
1. No-one is forcing you to post anything. Anything you want to say is your choice. How much, and how often you want to share is up to you.

2. You're not going to be able to please everyone - we've all got our own opinions. But there are enough of us here who are united by our diaper wearing, or our longingness to do so. So if you post something, you'll find you'll get a few people who will like and support it.

And 3. A lot of people have been struggling to reach out to people since the pandemic, especially if we found it harder to do in the first place. Something I've been experimenting with is using Bumble to find friends rather than dates. This way you may be able to find people IRL with some of your interests.

Hope this helps you

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace
LilFox said:
@Hemix that is a good point. I have been tring to write long thoughtful repurposes.
@fleckothefennec Thank you, i cant wait.
I started out writing small comments, mostly adding bits of my personal experience to what other members brought up in a thread or post. Just adding bits and bytes of my opinion in time helped me open up enough to begin posting more frequently as I noticed other members appreciated my input.

I think everyone understands how you feel and can relate to you. 😀 The topic of this thread is actually great, and may benefit a lot of other members! (I didn't expect it from the title) 🤟
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LilFox said:
Here goes, I am a painfully shy introvert (go figure), and I was hoping to open up and be a part of this wonderful community. I have been trying to help out or start threads but i keep finding myself typing out a response then over thinking it and deleting it . I really want to help out but feel my opinion doesn't matter? Or i dont want to offend anyone? Anyone else feel similar or have tips to overcome internet shyness? This is also the first forum I have ever joined so maybe that has something to do with it.
Thank you
Jump-in! The waters are nice!
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LilFox said:
Hier ist, ich bin ein schmerzlich schüchterner Introvertierter (siehe Abbildung), und ich hatte gehofft, mich zu öffnen und ein Teil dieser wunderbaren Gemeinschaft zu sein. Ich habe versucht zu helfen oder Threads zu starten, aber ich finde mich immer wieder dabei, eine Antwort einzugeben, dann darüber nachzudenken und sie zu löschen. Ich möchte wirklich helfen, habe aber das Gefühl, dass meine Meinung keine Rolle spielt? Oder will ich niemanden beleidigen? Geht es anderen ähnlich oder hat jemand Tipps, wie man Internet-Schüchternheit überwindet? Dies ist auch das erste Forum, dem ich je beigetreten bin, vielleicht hat das etwas damit zu tun.

Ich kann dich absolut verstehen, mit der Schüchternheit, weil es mir genauso geht und ich mein Leben sehr einschränke. Ich war seit meiner Jugend in Therapie wegen meiner sozialen Angstzustände, Depressionen, Anzeigen und quakenden Angststörungen. Es ist über die Jahre so schlimm geworden, dass ich jetzt keine wirklichen privaten Freunde und Bekannte mehr habe und total einsam bin, weil ich keinen Kontakt zu Menschen oder ähnlichem bekommen kann. Ich finde es toll von dir, dass du den Schritt gewagt hast und es hier postest.

Ich hoffe du verstehst meinen Text mein Englisch ist nicht das beste ich komme aus Deutschland
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