Terrifying experience

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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
Hey guys! So I went to a movie yesterday (how to train your dragon). I ended up using my diaper after drinking a big soda, which I have done before. After the movie ended and the lights started to come on, I hear this lady next to me say "why do I smell wet diaper?" First off, I wasn't aware wet diapers had much of a smell but I was more concerned with how the heck this lady knew so quickly. I stole a glance to my side and realized she was speaking to the kid in the seat next to her. What was interesting was this kid was way too old for diaper age. I tried not to pay too much attention but she started chastising the kid, who very audibly argued that he did NOT use "the diaper."

When he got up sure enough, there was a pretty obvious diaper bulge. After I calmed my heart down from 300mph I sort of laughed to myself but felt bad for the kid because the lady ended up lecturing him all the way out about being too old for this, etc. whilst she marched him off to the bathroom (I presume because she procured another diaper out of her purse). Poor kid was trying to convince her that he wouldn't do it again and tearing up. So that was for sure the scariest experience I ever had diapered in recent time. The whole scene sort of reminded me how you can wander grocery stores at night and sometimes see parents come in with kids and head straight for the diaper aisle and exit with a pack of Goodnites and the kid looking ashamed or begging them not to.
Reminds me of a time a while ago when i was at the movie theater and some kid had said "Who Farted" and I was absolutely sure it was the kid asking the question who actually farted.

Assuming that you hadn't needed to pee for a long time (to me it seems like if you have held it in for a long time that the smell will be much worse than if you were awake, drank something, and needed to pee afterwards) I dont think it was you; maybe the kid is having trouble with daytime training (trying to be potty trained and not need some form of diaper during the day).

And of course kids want to act big like they dont need diapers even during the night; kids at that age seem terrified of someone finding out they need diapers for bedwetting and I think that is a big part of why Goodnites tries to make it seem like they aren't Diapers, like they are "absorbent underpants" or whatever terminology they want to use to preserve the Childs/Teenagers Dignity.

And I kinda get it, kids/Teenagers are cruel until they gain a decent level of maturity (most seem to start to gain maturity in High School) and before that they are rather cruel.

I remember at one point I had daytime accidents that ended up being solved by surgery and after that I didn't have daytime accidents again.

This was in 5th grade I think and I was picked on pretty badly for it and my mom had asked me if I wanted to wear diapers and that was the last thing I wanted at the time; little did I know a few years later on I would start to discover my ABDL Side and really like Diapers.
Yeah, it's always nice when you can preserve a kids dignity. I think many of us had cases where ours weren't at least somewhere along the way. In this case, mom had no sense of shame. Kid was definitely too old for diapers and to be honest, I sort of wonder if it was me. He seemed pretty insistent that he wasn't to blame, although he did say something about not doing it again. If it were me at that age I probably would've peed just from fright it embarrassment. Ah well, I think I went undetected at any rate.

On another point, your mom asked you if you wanted diapers in the fifth grade? Whoa! That's a little older than you'd think would be appropriate
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alonebag said:
Yeah, it's always nice when you can preserve a kids dignity. I think many of us had cases where ours weren't at least somewhere along the way. In this case, mom had no sense of shame. Kid was definitely too old for diapers and to be honest, I sort of wonder if it was me. He seemed pretty insistent that he wasn't to blame, although he did say something about not doing it again. If it were me at that age I probably would've peed just from fright it embarrassment. Ah well, I think I went undetected at any rate.

On another point, your mom asked you if you wanted diapers in the fifth grade? Whoa! That's a little older than you'd think would be appropriate

Well, I had started having Daytime accidents, and at first I didn't know why

So of course my reaction to being asked if I wanted diapers was no, out of fear of being picked on even worse than I already was at school.

Then i saw a doctor, they found out what it was (I think it was some sort of non-cancerous blockage; didnt need further treatments) and did a surgery and I was back to normal
It is so taboo to be in diapers after a certain age that we tend to say we don't want them. I think a part of us wants to be little again as we grow up. Some of us resist growing up.
lilshelly said:
It is so taboo to be in diapers after a certain age that we tend to say we don't want them. I think a part of us wants to be little again as we grow up. Some of us resist growing up.

I think I definitely always retained some form of being "childlike" to say the least and never grew out of cartoons, video games, Anime, etc.

I think overall some people have this misconception that basically to have fun by enjoying those things is "childish" and "unbecoming" of any Reasonable adult with responsibilities.

And of course with the connotation that diapers are for Babies and Toddlers, that bring a lot of shame to diapers past Potty Training.

I mean what do they tell a Toddler to try to get them interested in Potty training?

They say, "Diapers are for Babies, are you a Baby or are you a Big Kid" and you have the Huggies Pull-Ups Slogan "I'm a Big Kid now".

So of course when a kid has any issues past potty training it is a very embarrassing situation because the parents made it that way.

Even in most marketing towards adults with any form of Incontinence they try their best to avoid even using the word "Diaper"

They will call it all kinds of words except for Diaper, but a Tape On Style Diaper will typically be marketed as "Briefs" and that is what the packages tend to say; this is to try and give the consumer some sort of dignity.
Poor kid :( seriously why have him in diapers if she is going to get angry when he has to use it what the hell. I never understood this mentality, if the kid is still wearing then with ther parents are too lazy to potty train them or using it as punishment, either way not the kids fault and either way bad parenting.
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TittleTyler said:
Poor kid :( seriously why have him in diapers if she is going to get angry when he has to use it what the hell. I never understood this mentality, if the kid is still wearing then with ther parents are too lazy to potty train them or using it as punishment, either way not the kids fault and either way bad parenting.
The mom probably just doesn't know about incontince
Well, either way the Mom handled it the wrong way.

She probably knew the Kid would probably need to use the bathroom during the movie and didn't feel like getting up to take him there; or maybe the Diaper was there "Just in Case" and she wanted him to tell her he needed to go.

But shaming a kid in that situation isn't gonna achieve any positive results, they will only make the kid feel miserable for not meeting the expectations set for them.
BabyTyrant said:
Well, either way the Mom handled it the wrong way.

She probably knew the Kid would probably need to use the bathroom during the movie and didn't feel like getting up to take him there; or maybe the Diaper was there "Just in Case" and she wanted him to tell her he needed to go.

But shaming a kid in that situation isn't gonna achieve any positive results, they will only make the kid feel miserable for not meeting the expectations set for them.

I agree fully.
A child that young doesen't need that kind of shaming, there is a difference between discipline and shaming and I think that this crosses the line into shaming and can be pretty damaging for a young childs mental health.
TittleTyler said:
I agree fully.
A child that young doesen't need that kind of shaming, there is a difference between discipline and shaming and I think that this crosses the line into shaming and can be pretty damaging for a young childs mental health.

I would say we should be more fair to the mom. Since this is all a struggle and embarrassment for her aswell. But she really went to far with the verbal abuse
SicartheaSpikefan said:
I would say we should be more fair to the mom. Since this is all a struggle and embarrassment for her aswell. But she really went to far with the verbal abuse
I get that it's difficult and she probably meant no harm but still.
I think most people were probably not focusing on what was going on with Mom and the Kid (after all going to see a movie is expensive so people want to enjoy the movie) and she made it a bigger deal than it needed to be; drawing unnecessary attention to them by yelling about "smelling wet diaper".

It's much like if the same situation happened at a Walmart, people want to live their own lives and arent on "diaper patrol" unless they are the parent or an adult responsible for the kid.

Had the Mom not been yelling about "Wet Diaper Smell" she could have saved the Kid embarrassement and handled it without the whole theater knowing about it

I also wonder if maybe the Kid was in the Diaper for a while, I wouldn't expect there to be much of a "wet diaper smell" over the course of a movie if she had just put the Kid in it right before the movie.
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Pretty scary, funny thing is when she changes her kids diaper, if its dry she is going to know the baby was on the other side of her.
I had a situation like once, I was out shopping with my mommy wife and we stopped for a coffee. I was wearing an abu cushies diaper (very babyish all over print).
I didn't realise the diaper was peeking at the back of my pants. A lady near us told her son "put your pants up, you didn't want the world to know your still a baby in a diaper". But as she said it she was looking over at me. I was like she meant the comment to me, I pulled my shirt down and realised she must have seen my diaper. If it was a white diaper I could of gotten away with it but baby style print. lol.
I was embarrassed.
  • Wow
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Yeah, mom didn't handle this well at all, especially since they were in a public place. Obviously, she did want to shame him. A lot of Autistic kids wear diapers for whatever reason. My son and daughter-in-law have a child with Autism and he wears diapers. He has a lot of other problems so bringing him to a movie would not be practical. They certainly never shame him about wearing diapers because that's part of his Autism. He's as cute as a button, but destructive. He'll try to break things he can get his hands on...sigh.

Of course, wouldn't it be tragic if the kid at the movies was dry and it was you she was smelling!
dogboy said:
Of Ofurse, wouldn't it be tragic if the kid at the movies was dry and it was you she was smelling!

And that's what worried me, ha! Kid was protesting pretty good. I have to wonder.
alonebag said:
And that's what worried me, ha! Kid was protesting pretty good. I have to wonder.
I would say she nows who the baby was. I guarantee the kid was dry if he was protesting so bad.
just think, she checks her sons diaper and its like hang on he's dry???
the toddler must have been???

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I know you are petrified that she was talking about you, but it would have instantly eased the tension between the mom and the child if you had turned to her and said, "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. My diaper usually does a good job of masking the odor when it is wet, and people don't notice. I am sorry that this time it didn't do as good of a job. Please don't be mad at your son due to my wet diaper."

She would have been so embarrassed. Turning the whole situation around.
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Darn, the OP missed the chance to claim it for himself. Just imagine the look on her face. Sorry mam, it's probably me. Too much soda in too short of a time, and not able to change soon enough. Ha, that would be total vindication for the kid too.
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