It's fear of small holes or bumps, and the other one is feet.
SpAzpieSweeTot said:
It's fear of small holes or bumps, and the other one is feet.
Ooooh so close. Trypophobia is holes. Pediophobia is a fear of dolls.
Think lotus pods photoshopped into someone's face.
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No phobias and not afraid of anything. That's not meant to sound tough; but, it's a fact. The first time I was subjected to incoming mortar fire in Vietnam was the last time I was ever scared. All the "scare" I had in me was scared out of me that day. There are many things I'd prefer not to happen in my life and many things I wouldn't like to happen to those I care about; but, there is nothing I can think of that scares me.
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Fulldiaperwaddler said:
dose this emoji scare you 🤡
lol! No, emoji aren't scary.
But don't click this if you disagree:
👻 BOO! 😂
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db80 said:
lol! No, emoji aren't scary.
But don't click this if you disagree:
👻 BOO! 😂
Ahhhhhh you scared the shit out of me
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I don't know if I'd call it a phobia, but stinging insects are the bane of my existence.
I've been having terrors because a hornet attacked me a couple of weeks ago and now anything that flies or moves quickly sends me into a panic attack.

I love bees, but wasps and hornets can go to the bad place. D:

Bees are generally very forgiving and don't try to attack you unless you're really bothering them a lot because they get one sting and die. Wasps and hornets can sting as many times as they like so they come after you just for walking by. Which is what happened to me.

It's almost PTSD levels of panic. Which is insane because it's just a friggin' insect but I will literally run in blind panic if I think one is after me. D: (To be fair, the one who attacked me went -inside- my shirt to further attack. Got me all up my arm and into my armpit before I got it away from me. Like six to eight stings.)

Yeah...I'm now freaking out just thinking about it.
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I had a mild fear of needles and injections, but then got used to them after I broke one leg and then through recovery had to inject myself with heparin every 12 hours for over 2 months.
Fulldiaperwaddler said:
Ahhhhhh you scared the shit out of me
A bit late for the reply...but hope you were wearing a diaper XD ( ≥з≤ )
I have a fear of peeing my pants and rush to the bathroom with even the slightest pressure in my bladder. Diapers alleviate all my pee fears ❤️
I have terrible claustrophobia, I often have nightmares and I wake up middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep , can't even lay down I need to be moving. might take and hour or two before I can get back to sleep Images of people trapped haunt me for long times .... THE FEAR IS REAL
  • Wow
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Blathers said:
I fear dying alone...ANYWAY lol XD

I dislike big crowds and become super paranoid, around people I dont know. Also hate heights, roller coasters are a huge no.
🐸 🌸 🌈 🐸
I dislike like crowds more and more as I age, in my teens and early 20’s I loved them, crowds made me come alive.
But now I really dislike them and it’s turning into a social anxiety disorder I think. I think it also has something to do with how fake humanity is.
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  1. Fear of Spiders (where is my knife)
  2. Fear of heights.
  3. Fear... Um... 😢of the dark😊 (I still have my closet light on most nights)
  4. Growling at darktime no matter what it trips me out i want to growl right back haha
  5. clowns, doll's i literally cannot (still won't watch it or pennywise)😡
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Believe it or not I recall having nightmares about having to wear diapers again. When I was a kid, after I was potty trained. Not sure what it all means. I'd be curious if those with clown fetishes went through something similar.
I have a few phobias I don’t know all the technical names but I do know quite a few of them.
1. Claustrophobia (a fear of dark enclosed spaces) having being locked in a closet twice and a garage once this is hardly surprising and yes one of those times it was done deliberately.
2. Fear of people finding out I’m ABDL (I don’t think there is a technical name for that!)
3. I fear insects particularly those that can sting most of my dads side of the family is allergic but I’ve never been stung so I don’t know if I am.
4. Isophobia (Fear of rust and poisons) I really don’t like handling chemicals like disinfectant and bleach I’m always worried about possible corrosive properties and accidentally swallowing some as I often put my hand near or in my mouth.
5. Blenaphobia (Fear of slime) I’m not sure where this comes from but slime or jelly like textures really freak me out.
LeakingOut said:
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean or deep bodies of water. I nearly drowned several times as a kid so not being able to touch the bottom makes me incredibly uneasy.
That's not a phobia I can't deal with, as I work out in the ocean for months on end.
jamiejamie said:
I love to swim but have a fear of drowning (there is not a name for fear of drowning) When I was around 13 years old, swimming in a river, a whirpool pulled me under and kept me under for like 200 yards downstream. My whole life flashed before my eyes and I knew not to panic cuz I knew whirpool will eventually brings me back to surface. It did not and I felt the bottom of the riverbed and pushed off the bottom. Nobody saw me went under so from that day- I now dont go swimming in the fast flowing river without a float or lifejacket. I was a competitive swimmer so its no biggie swimming in the water.
Omg that's terrifying. Wait 200 yards?! That's two football fields! How the hell did you managed to hold your breath for 200 yards?? On a good day I could swim from one end of the pool at the gym to the other in one breath. IDK how long that is, but it's that's a good feat in my books. Your story is an eye opener. I'll tell people to stay away from rivers if the subject ever comes up.