Paranoia over Urinary IC

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Depression gets spoken of with IC, but I'm curious to know if anyone else has started to become paranoid? Ever since the leakage started, I find myself trusting no one in public. Anyone I pass, or passes by that includes laughter, smiling, looking away and the likes, I instantly want to rip someone over. Away from work, I live in the shadows and don't leave the house unless I take meds to alleviate the anxiety.

It makes a trip to the local Walmart emotionally exhausting. All over a condition many choose not to understand.
I wouldn't say it was true paranoia, but when I first started to wear nappies I was convinced that everyone could see the outline under my trousers, could hear the crinkle, see the top poking out above my trousers etc. And, I occasionally thought that the odd person was doing as you've suggested. After a while, though, I just got used to wearing them, my wife convinced me that no one can see them, and any paranoia disappeared.
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