Overflow Incontinence?


  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
Just to preface: I’m a 27 years old male. I’m healthy, exercise regularly and look after myself. I don’t drink or smoke. I was a nightly bedwetter right until I was 15 years old and haven’t had any accidents at night since.
I think I have overflow incontinence, particularly after I use the restroom. I never leak any urine before I go to the bathroom and I feel like I have decent bladder control otherwise, I never worry about having accidents if I have to hold it occasionally longer than need be. After I use the restroom, I have noticed recently I’m leaking quite a bit of urine. I would say at least the size of maybe two to three quarters in total in my underwear and it quite often shows a little on my pants, not a ton but I notice it. I notice also sometimes that I have a hard time getting the stream going and it can be a little slow and sometimes I double void but even after that I feel like I have a little left inside and that’s when it comes out. Like I said it’s not a ton but enough to where I notice it and feel a bit wet in my underwear. I don’t think I need to use a catheter as I am young and I have no other problems otherwise and it isn’t severe. However, I was thinking about using an incontinence pad (a light absorbency one) in my underwear so I don’t have drops in there and avoid the wet spot. Any advice? Thanks
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wear a diaper or something
luvmommy said:
wear a diaper or something
It’s not enough to warrant a diaper but I think an Incontinence pad would do the trick. I was just mainly posting to see if anyone else has overflow Incontinence and could relay some info from their personal experiences
yeah seems reasonble
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Bedwetter12 said:
Just to preface: I’m a 27 years old male. I’m healthy, exercise regularly and look after myself. I don’t drink or smoke. I was a nightly bedwetter right until I was 15 years old and haven’t had any accidents at night since.
I think I have overflow incontinence, particularly after I use the restroom. I never leak any urine before I go to the bathroom and I feel like I have decent bladder control otherwise, I never worry about having accidents if I have to hold it occasionally longer than need be. After I use the restroom, I have noticed recently I’m leaking quite a bit of urine. I would say at least the size of maybe two to three quarters in total in my underwear and it quite often shows a little on my pants, not a ton but I notice it. I notice also sometimes that I have a hard time getting the stream going and it can be a little slow and sometimes I double void but even after that I feel like I have a little left inside and that’s when it comes out. Like I said it’s not a ton but enough to where I notice it and feel a bit wet in my underwear. I don’t think I need to use a catheter as I am young and I have no other problems otherwise and it isn’t severe. However, I was thinking about using an incontinence pad (a light absorbency one) in my underwear so I don’t have drops in there and avoid the wet spot. Any advice? Thanks
That doesn't sound like overflow incontinence; it sounds like post-micturation dribble (PMD). Treatment generally involves pelvic floor exercises. There are also techniques for massaging the bulbar urethra that you can learn to help get the urine out. While you're working on a solution, a male guard can be very helpful in preventing noticeable wet spots or smells.

PMD is not necessarily a precursor to other types of incontinence, but a weak pelvic floor can cause other incontinence problems in addition to PMD. Embarrassing as it is, it's worth bringing up with your doctor and getting an evaluation to be sure there's nothing else going on that is contributing.
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Also, make sure you don't have any symptoms of a uti like urgency, frequent voiding, and burning while voiding. You are very young to have benign prostate hypertrophy, but could have prostatitis. Might be worthwhile to rule out, particularly since your post-micturation dribble is a new development. Once these are ruled out, and since you are on ADISC, my advice is then to enjoy wearing diapers for comfort and security.
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Not sure if what I have is an overflow issue or not. But ever since I was about 22 (I'm 46 now) I've had a difficult time holding my bladder without leaking. I mean, except when I work out; I can't seem to hold it at all without getting pretty wet. I use pads under my shorts while I workout to keep it from showing through. But still, if I don't go right away, the pad can't hold everything. I'm assuming it's because I drink high doses of pre-workout. At night however, I wake up in the middle of the night needing to pee really bad. Usually can't make it all the way to the toilet without urine leaking out and my shorts getting really wet. Sometimes I wear a diaper at night or rarely put a catheter in so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night. I live by my self now and have for several years. But in college I wore diapers at night and shared a room. Not sure if anyone noticed I was wearing at night, but if they did no one said anything. I have had physicals and the doctor seen no issues and I'm perfectly healthy.
Bedwetter12 said:
Just to preface: I’m a 27 years old male. I’m healthy, exercise regularly and look after myself. I don’t drink or smoke. I was a nightly bedwetter right until I was 15 years old and haven’t had any accidents at night since.
I think I have overflow incontinence, particularly after I use the restroom. I never leak any urine before I go to the bathroom and I feel like I have decent bladder control otherwise, I never worry about having accidents if I have to hold it occasionally longer than need be. After I use the restroom, I have noticed recently I’m leaking quite a bit of urine. I would say at least the size of maybe two to three quarters in total in my underwear and it quite often shows a little on my pants, not a ton but I notice it. I notice also sometimes that I have a hard time getting the stream going and it can be a little slow and sometimes I double void but even after that I feel like I have a little left inside and that’s when it comes out. Like I said it’s not a ton but enough to where I notice it and feel a bit wet in my underwear. I don’t think I need to use a catheter as I am young and I have no other problems otherwise and it isn’t severe. However, I was thinking about using an incontinence pad (a light absorbency one) in my underwear so I don’t have drops in there and avoid the wet spot. Any advice? Thanks
Sorry to hear about your leaking problems.
I too have a lot of leaking & post void going on & oddly enough , it seems worse after I go pee “one last time “ before leaving for work , or any other time that I pee. When I have a bladder that is more full & I need do really go, I have less dribbling & less post void .
During the week days , I wear depend undergarments for the post voiding & dribble, also for the just in case accident if I am not able to get to the bathroom to pee quick enough .
I never have a hard time getting a stream started , and I have never stopped wetting the bed so my case is a little different than yours . I might add that I suffered a few bouts of prostatitis in 2013 and had a uti from a catheter that was inserted in me the end of 2012 for a cystoscope & urodynamics test. I think personally that my post void & dribbling are much worse because of those incidents. I also have chronic Lyme disease too & I know that plays in a big part of the bladder being irritated . But oh do I understand your frustration with this problem . The only time I do not have any form of protection is usually on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon when around the house & that’s when I really realize how much post dribble /void problems I really have . Good luck & I hope you get the problem under control
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Absorblock said:
Sorry to hear about your leaking problems.
I too have a lot of leaking & post void going on & oddly enough , it seems worse after I go pee “one last time “ before leaving for work , or any other time that I pee. When I have a bladder that is more full & I need do really go, I have less dribbling & less post void .
During the week days , I wear depend undergarments for the post voiding & dribble, also for the just in case accident if I am not able to get to the bathroom to pee quick enough .
I never have a hard time getting a stream started , and I have never stopped wetting the bed so my case is a little different than yours . I might add that I suffered a few bouts of prostatitis in 2013 and had a uti from a catheter that was inserted in me the end of 2012 for a cystoscope & urodynamics test. I think personally that my post void & dribbling are much worse because of those incidents. I also have chronic Lyme disease too & I know that plays in a big part of the bladder being irritated . But oh do I understand your frustration with this problem . The only time I do not have any form of protection is usually on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon when around the house & that’s when I really realize how much post dribble /void problems I really have . Good luck & I hope you get the problem under control
Yeah it’s definitely worse when my bladder is less full oddly enough
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They will need to test you, does kinda sound like overflow incontinence, which I was recently diagnosed with after an ultrasound found I was not fully emptying my bladder, I can pee feel like I am done, but a I may dribble a bit or have to pee again in a few minutes. I am seeking help from a urologist now. Mine is prostate related, probably just Prostatitis, but need to rule out tumors and cancer.
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Yes Sounds just like me. I will get tested soon and make sure it’s nothing serious
Aby said:
They will need to test you, does kinda sound like overflow incontinence, which I was recently diagnosed with after an ultrasound found I was not fully emptying my bladder, I can pee feel like I am done, but a I may dribble a bit or have to pee again in a few minutes. I am seeking help from a urologist now. Mine is prostate related, probably just Prostatitis, but need to rule out tumors and