Most worn diaper

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Like the thread title says what is die diaper you wear most often that you like.
Mine is pampers size 6 becausevthey fit perfectly without any mods. Yes i'm small enough to wear and use them without problems, like tapes coming unstuck.
Mine would probably be Abena M4 or recently it's been Northshore Supreme
I wear GoodNites, they are my all time favorite, even if the fit could be discussed since I'm around 40" at the waist, they work quite surprisingly well and I love them.
I would love to be able to fit back in goodnites. But my most worn at present are a mix of north shore, wellness superior, and snuggies all white diapers.
is that a good overnight diaper? What size do you buy for yourself? I'm 38 waist, and ususally wear control top support pantyhose over the diaper.
This week I actually got into a Parent's Choice size 3. I was at Wal-Mart and they said 12 hours. I got a huge pack for boosters. They were paper thin so I am thinking only an idiot parent would leave one on a kid for 12 hours. However, they swell a lot. I'm sure I get 25 oz in one with minimal leaking. So that night I was going to bed and I got the crazy idea to try to fasten one. I weigh 100 lbs so not going to happen. Then I thought if I put 2 together side by side it would work. Leg holes were too small. Then I grabbed the scissors and cut a few snips through the leg guard. It fit so snuggly and felt so incredibly good. It didn't last long though. Wasn't too long and I was going uncontrollably so I had to get up and change again before going to sleep.
Mine are wellness
Wow I would love to be able to fit in pampers/goodnites!

Not that I have tried recently, but the last time I wore goodnites was prolly 10 years ago, and even then they were getting small on me. (was around 15 or so at the time) So not sure if they got bigger over time, but still couldn't imagine trying to squeeze into a set.

For me, my common diaper I use are Depend protection with tabs (size large) But with my order of quality diapers, I have a feeling the depends will relegate to a 'stealth' diaper, and ATNs will be my mainstay.
Pampers and goodnites since they're practically my only option
Goodnight trufits are becoming my favourite :) Love pampers baby dry size 6 (yup fits me very well without mods), goodnights tend to leak easier than the baby drys but the trufits holds 3 wettings, swell massively and fit perfectly!
Depends with tabs. Yes, Depends. I do wear pull-ups and premium diapers but I wear the Depends most often. For the cost and the length of time I normally wear, they are prefect.
Mine is clearity briefs from walgreens, i just bought a new pack a couple days ago
I started out in cloth, and have lately returned to cloth, however the diapers I've worn the most--averaging over all of my DL years--would certainly be Pampers. As a tween in the late 80's, I made the switch from Curity baby prefolds to Ultra Pampers, then Pampers Phases, etc., etc., and still use Pampers Baby Dry and Cruisers from time to time. The "fit" is certainly less than ideal, but the babyness is tip-top. Unfortunately, they've lately gone the way of Huggies and removed the scent that was always such a... *blush*... turn-on for me. It may take a while before I really warm up to unscented disposables.

In the meantime, my use of prefolds--including my old Curitys--has returned to pre-Pampers levels. To re-answer the question with only the last three years in mind, I would say: Cotton prefolds. My favorites are the Changing Times adult prefolds stuffed with either vintage Curity or modern Green Mountain toddler prefolds, fastened with either diaper pins or Boingos, with vinyl pull-on pants on top.
To not be a cloth backed fan I am currently loving the Seni classic plus, Seni super plus and the seni quattro which are all cloth backed but are great diapers just the same
Bambino Bellissimo's however I've switched to dry 24/7 now (I'll still get bellissmo, but only as a supplemental diaper). I'll be getting a case of barebum's out of Sacramento when they release though and good reviews come in, because they look decently thick as well as adorable.
Bambino diapers all the way. I like the frontal landing zone. I wish more diapers have that.
My usual diaper is the Abena Abriform M4 with plastic backing. I wear them 24/7.
Was Abena M4's now it's 100% of the time 24/7 in Dry 24/7's best diaper I have for me for fit and comfort
Probably either Bambino Bellisimos or Snuggies overnights. Or maybe the day ones, I've yet to try them.
I'd love to say DC amor as well, but just... the tapes... >~<

I'm interested in trying out these amazing medical-ish diapers you guys speak of like dry 24/7 or Abena, but I live for those baby prints ^u^
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