(Life Story) Earliest padded memories. (Lengthy)

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
When I was 8 I found out I enjoyed diapers and would always want to wear them but I knew they were for babies, this was before I found out goodnites (that even older kids wear) existed.
It was summer and we were going on a roadtrip to my dads parents house, he went there a month ahead of us so that he could spend some time with them. My mom was driving me and her and this was back when I WAS pottytrained (obviously) but I would have the common wetting accident when I went to sleep. Since we were on a roadtrip that took 5 days we usually slept in the car or the usual motel. So we stopped at a motel on the first night and I stayed up all night playing on my gameboy so I decided to nap in the car. Well, if you didn't see where the story was going, I wet in the car. My mom forgetting I had accidents didn't prepare and only brought 3 pairs of underwear. So finally tired of having accidents (and being day 2 of the trip) and not wanting to cut into my limited underwear supply she drove us to the closest convenience store and bought an 8 pack of budget goodnites, they were close to goodnites but weren't brandname. It was really embarrassing when I woke up (she changed me while I was asleep, I sleep like an actual baby which is ironic) because I thought she found about me liking diapers.
(wasn't a fetish/sexual thing back then, just an innocent hobby)
It was even more embarrassing that I had to wear diapers and I knew I liked diapers. So we didn't stop at motels anymore because I couldn't wet all over the seats. The sad part is I unwillingly wet 3 of them because I had these night accidents.

(Decided to post this here instead of stories since it is true AND it was how I truly started to love diapers and goodnites)

So what was your earliest padding memory?

TL;DR : was young and have occasional accidents, went on roadtrip, wet while napping in the car, mom bought budget goodnites from a convenience store and I wore them.
For me it's still an innocent hobby. Very good story, I wish I was you then :eek:
It is still an innocent-ish thing for me but there is always the kink side for me.
I remember having my diaper changed by my Mom probably when I was about 2.5yrs old and her telling me to keep my hand away. Guess I was messy. I also remember her doing diaper checks on me, pulling at the back of my diaper to take a peak and also her placing her finger in the leak guards to see if I was wet. Also potty training and her taking off one tab of my diaper and wriggling it down my legs and placing me on the toilet. Not sure what kind of diapers they were but they were the standard white plastic backed diaper. I also had several pairs of pink plastic pants. I remember wetting my pants once when I was 3. Also pooping my pants when we were at a neighbors house because I wanted to go home. I had rode my tricycle there and had to sit on my loaded pants and cycle home while my mom walked beside me. My first bedwetting accident was when I was about 4yrs old and had a fever.
My earliest memories of wearing diapers came about from when I was a 18 month old child wearing Pampers babydry or Huggies diapers I can quite vividly remember how the looked and felt like to wear.

This was in 1981/1982 when I lived in the Cayman islands with my pearents who were bouth teachers at that time, nowadays I wear diapers virtually all of the time because of my disabilities and have almost reverted back to were I was almost 35-34 years ago, although the only difference is now that I wear adult sized diapers.

My blog/story is on zity.biz if your interested in finding more about myself.

Yours sincerely
Due to some memory issues, I can't really recall much from when I was three or younger. However, when I was about five, me and my of my friends took some of his brother's diapers and decided to wear them. We both still liked wearing them and would do so when we got the chance. One time I wore one home under my clothes. I was eventually caught with it when my sisters came into the room to find me lying on my stomach playing with my toy cars only in the diaper. I was spanked I told never to steal diapers ever again. As for my friend, when his parents found out about him, they had him 'fixed'. Ever since he hasn't been the same mentally. Disturbed if you would.
I remember a potty training incident from when I was younger. I don't think I was ever put in training pants but I have a very vivid memory of having to go to the bathroom really badly. My mother was asleep at the time and dad was at work, I was afraid to go to the bathroom by myself. So I asked my older sister to take me to the bathroom and naturally being somewhere in the 7-9 year old range that she was, she couldn't be bothered. So after a while of bugging her I finally just decided to go to the bathroom. I don't remember walking to the bathroom but my next memory is me scooping erm. . . feces out of my diaper and dropping it into the toilet and my mom had woken up at this point and found me doing that and I remember saying something to the effect of "LOOK MOMMY I'M DOING IT!" Couldn't have been more than 2 and a half.

As I've said in other threads I do remember at least one or two diaper changes. I remember one time laying on the floor at my grandparents during I think a thanksgiving dinner or something and I had a pillow under my head and all I was wearing was a diaper. I remember being changed once, all I remember from that is having my legs in the air and then them being back down and then a diaper being back on me. The only other things I can really recall are things I've gone into great detail of in other threads so I won't bore you all with those stories again. (The swim diaper story and the school easy up story.)
I remember when I was starting the kindergarten (I was potty trained) I wet myself, but it was my teacher's fault because she didn't allow me to go to the bathroom and I couldn't hold anymore, I don't remember is I was in my chair but the next I remember is my teacher taking me out of the classroom and leave me in another room, and after that she entered in the room and she take of my skirt because it probably was wet and she put me in diapers, I don't remember how it felt but I remember I was very happy, because I was playing and touching my diaper. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately we had a time to go to the bathroom so when my time to enter to the bathroom came they take off my diaper and they didn't put me another diaper So I was diapered like 2 or 3 hours. I don't remember if my teacher told my mom about my accident, maybe not because I don't remember her saying me something about that topic. But I actually love my memories of that day :wub::wub:
I don't remember any time in diapers, but I remember the day I was potty trained, it was a bright sunny spring day, and I wanted to go outside and play, but was not allowed to because I was <scary voice>being potty trained</scary voice>. I was not happy about that
I remember an event in the first grade, not me but a friend. We were sitting in reading circle and all of a sudden she let out a whimper and flooded the chair. That image has stayed with me my whole life. I suspect in kindergarten and first grade we all see something like this that stick with us. I also remember taking an empty wrapper for the toilet paper, that clear plastic you know, and pushing my feet through the corners and pulling it on like plastic pants. My mom had a fit and yelled at me to take that off. I think i was 4 or 5.
My memory's a little fuzzy, but I do remember one moment when I was back in preschool, early in the school year. I potty trained late (like 4.5 years old), so for the first part of preschool, I was sent in Pull Ups. Can't really recall what else happened.

There was another moment, right around the same time, where my mom was trying to potty train me and I was being somewhat stubborn about it, but that's about all I can remember.
I have very vague memories of being potty trained like standing up to pee in the toilet and my parents watching; I think one of those old training potties was in the bathroom as well. The only memory I have that could be considered diaper related was when I must have been between 2-4 years were I remember my mom and I went to see a friend of her's who lived in a condo and either my mom or her friend laying me on a bed to I think either change a diaper/pull ups or change me from underwear to swim trunks.

As for enjoying diapers; I remember being around 7-8 and befriending the boy of the women that my mom cleaned a house for. He had a little sister that was still in diapers. We were upstairs and went to a hall closet and he grabbed 3 or 4 Huggies and says "Take these to my mom." I said something like "Na, you do it." him walking away and me just staring at the pack of diapers as he walked away. There were times when I had off school but he didn't because we lived in different counties and mom would bring me with her and I would just spend the day watching TV and playing video games. I recall having many days where I wanted to grab and diaper and wear it under my underwear and maybe use it but I never did.

I did have occasional accidents of wetting and messing my pants between ages 5-9 and when I was 6 my mom yelling at me "Do you want to be a 6 year old in diapers?" I remember being afraid because of the embarrassment of wearing diapers at that age but at the same time I wanted to say yes. I also recall my dad making a comment when I was 8 or 9 about if the accidents continued they'd put me in pull ups but never did.
My earliest memory also happens to be a diaper memory: I can remember lying on my back in bed and looking down to watch my mom pinning on my cloth diaper. At that point, I was potty-trained but still wet the bed. This would have been in late 1978 or 79, so "bedwetting pants" were not a thing yet, and training pants were just padded undies meant to soak up a dribble. If you were a young bedwetter in those days, you either got a bedwetting alarm or you just kept wearing baby diapers.
I only have a couple of diaper memories. The one that sticks with me the most is taking part in a couple diaper tests when i was 3 or so.
When I was about two years old and I'm pretty sure I was wetting my diaper. Also I have a very brief memory of getting powdered just out of the bath and I was likely having a fresh diaper being put on. I think my dad was the one doing it.
I remember standing in the bathroom while my mum pinned a nappy on before bed. I was probably about three or four, and I remember flinching as she put the pin in one side, and she told me not to be silly and that she wasn't going to prick me!

Another time, I remember my dad coming home from work, slumping in the chair... and, desperate to show off my new party trick of using the potty, I ran off to get it, set it down at his feet, and curled out the most impressive turd I could muster. To my shock, he shouted, "Argh! Bleurgh! No! Jesus Christ! Away with yer!".

I was baffled. Mum seemed so delighted when I used the potty. And it was a really big one, too. :dunno:
My earliest diaper memory is of my mom putting on a Huggies Super Dry Kids... and she told me "This is the LAST diaper I am putting you in, from now on it's either underwear or Pull-Ups." So I made a mental note to remember exactly how it felt. I remember thinking that I was going to miss how snug and warm it was, and the feeling of being warm while wetting....
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