is it bad to wear a wet diaper to bed?

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
I'm a female and I'm kinda nervous about wetting and then going to bed is it possible I could get a uti from that?
babies wear wet diapers to bed every night and they seem to be perfectly fine so i don't see why you'd have any problems with it
You could get a diaper rash hun :( :'( Be careful it hurts and takes a little while to heal :(

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I am incontinent and wet most of the time and apart from nappy rash now and then I don't have any problems. My nappy is always soaking when I wake in the morning.
I believe the cleaner you are before putting the diaper on and using it, the less likely a uti will be a problem. But everyone is different so I would shower well before wearing and give it a try. You will learn the limits of your body after trial and error. As a male, I never had an issue. My wife tried wearing a few times in the early days of me wearing, after much begging on my part, only to wake up with a mild one once (and she showers twice a day.) Suffice to say it was her last time wearing. I still think it was not entirely related to wearing since it only happened one time, but she won't budge now.
I always use plenty of nappy cream around my genitals before putting my nappy on and wash the area thoroughly in the morning and ue wipes at changes during the day.
Starsdreamland said:
I'm a female and I'm kinda nervous about wetting and then going to bed is it possible I could get a uti from that?
It also depends on how wet it is too. If its soaked there probably a better chance of you getting a uti.

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Yep, baby powder is important. I'm not sure it prevents UTI's directly but it helps keep moisture away from your private parts, and that helps. As others have said, so long as the diaper isn't soaked, it's probably fine. If you're very worried, you can use an antibiotic diaper cream. But realistically, if it hasn't been a problem for you yet, it likely won't be. Just don't stay in the same wet diaper for too long before going to bed, and I'd think you should be alright.
Seems pretty normal to me.
Are we talking damp or are we talking fairly soaked?
Well going to bed with a soaked diaper posses a risk of leaks, and likely more chance of rash due to the probability of sitting in that pee longer than normal, because well it's soaked, so obviously it's ideal to change out of a soaked diaper into a dry one before you sleep, but if it's damp it should be ok, unless you have weak skin and end up getting a rash.
I make sure I only use SAP products and no matter how wet and how long the diaper is worn, there isn't any diaper rash. I never need powdering, even in the heat of summer time.
yeh it be fine just be carefull of diaper rash
I recently had a bout of prostatitis (infection of the prostate) and it is NO fun. As is usually the case, I certainly can't prove that diapers caused it, but I haven't the vaguest idea how else I could have gotten it. I'm imagining one of the many times I put on a diaper first thing in the morning, before showering, and then . . .

Because females have urethrae that are so much shorter, you will be more prone to UTIs. As others here have said, cleaner is better. Make sure things are clean before putting on a diaper and between changes and you should be good.

Nope, been doing it for ages, never had any problems.
I've done it a few times with little to no problems, so I don't see any harm to it
You did it a thousand times when you were a baby and either really super smart and have access to a computer or you grew up fine into a woman, you will do fine with a wet diaper, a messy one is a completely different thing and has potential health complications ,but that's a whole different topic .

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