I was 10 when I diapered myself and pooped my pants


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  1. Adult Baby
I just wrote a blog post on my blog about when I was 10 and pooped my pants while my parents were at work.
In my blog, I reflect upon potty training in general and what it was like to poop my pants at the age of 10. :unsure:

BusyBritches said:
I just wrote a blog post on my blog about when I was 10 and pooped my pants while my parents were at work.
In my blog, I reflect upon potty training in general and what it was like to poop my pants at the age of 10. :unsure:
Always interesting to hear of the exploits of other "cloth DLs" who indulged themselves as kids. It was Curity and pins for me as well. But messing! I was usually too chicken to even wet my diapers, as I had no good way to wash them. They were used for rags around the house, though, so they did periodically end up in the laundry. When I was feeling especially daring, I'd wet them, rinse them in the sink, and put them in the bin by the laundry machines--where the spent rags and various dirty non-clothing items waited to be washed. It worked, but I was always scared. Did you manage to clean your diapers, or did they end up getting tossed?
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Well, this is going to sound bad...... but I would throw them away in the beginning, and just stole more diapers off of neighbor's clotheslines when they were hanging out to dry.
Later, as I got older, while my parents were at work, I washed them.
Wow, never threw em away, parents were gone all of the time so the washer was available... just had to remember to get em into and out of the dryer! Cant imagine trying to explain that one to my mom. She was already suspect as she had found an unopened package of "supersized baby-pants". I made up a fast excuse but it was pretty lame. I actually think that she knew, but did not know how to handle it, and knew my dad would kill me; so, it was out of sight out of mind.
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BusyBritches said:
Well, this is going to sound bad...... but I would throw them away in the beginning, and just stole more diapers off of neighbor's clotheslines when they were hanging out to dry.
Later, as I got older, while my parents were at work, I washed them.
Nah, doesn't sound bad. I'd have had no better solution. I was fortunate that, in the very early days, my younger sister was still in diapers, so there was a period of a few months--maybe half a year--when I was able to wear, wet, and toss into her diaper pail. Heavenly. After that, although I had easy access to the diapers, actually using them was pretty much out. Still had my fun, though. And when the opportunity to "get" (first by stealing, later by buying) disposables arrived, my long-starved need to pee in diapers was dealt with.

littlemoosey said:
Wow, never threw em away, parents were gone all of the time so the washer was available... just had to remember to get em into and out of the dryer!
Alas, I was too sheltered a child. I didn't learn how to use laundry machines until I moved off to college. Although, ironically, I'm sure mom would've been thrilled to show me how to do my own laundry years earlier, and then I'd have had no trouble washing my cloth diapers. Sigh...
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I read your blog post with interest. I remember a psychotherapist telling me 30 years or so ago that my desire to have a woman change my dirty diaper was borne of rage against women in general. I'm not entirely sure she was wrong!

I found myself counting the number of times I've managed to have a dirty diaper while being babysat. You'd think this would be a substantial figure, since I've had 17 babysitters over the past 35 years. But I think this has happened less than 10 times. Most of those were memorable events, and I still remember what my sitter said and did.

I was never able to acquire (or steal) diapers when I was a boy; my mother's 'stash' was always too carefully watched in the hall closet. She knew of my AB predilections and would have noticed had one or more gone missing. If I'd managed to satisfy my curiosity about messy pants when I was a child, my life might have taken several completely different turns.
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My first diapers as an adult were cloth baby diapers and toddler sized Gerber plastic pants. I got a lot of enjoyment out of those.
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I would fashion a makeshift cloth diaper out of whatever I could find that my Mom wouldn't miss, usually an old sheet or towel. I would put them inside my underpants and push out a poop. I started doing this at about 5 years old. Now that I'm a senior citizen, I don't poop in my diapers, just pee. I don't enjoy the clean up although I do fantasize often about pooping in them. I have a heavy weight cloth prefold on this morning with 7mil Gary plastic pants. These plastic pants are very stiff.
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