How many of your friends know you're IC?


Profoundly incontinent since the beginning.
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  1. Incontinent
I've been IC since the beginning. Obviously it hasn't been easy (but I manage). I have a fare amount of friends but very few know. When I was a kid some people figured it out. I wasn't pretty good at hiding my diapers when I was young. These days I'm fairly good at. As for my friends, very few know. A select close friends that I've told. Some knew because they figured it out and others I told. I don't use that IC flag to anyone. I prefer to be incognito. How many of your friends know. Did you tell them or did they figure it out?
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Al my close friends and family know I am incontinent and dependant on nappies 24/7. No one has a problem with it. When I was growing up I got a lot of stick about my bed and pants wetting.
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No one Knows. I prefer it that way, can be they are suspecting something, but no one ever said anything, or hinted.
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Basically everyone. It’s never been secret
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Mostly close friends, I don't hide it but dount flaunt it either. Never had an issue 👍
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Most of my friends have worked it out in the past, or I've told them. They're all cool about it or they wouldn't be my friends. It's pretty convenient for them to know to be honest, it means that if I have to change my nappy, I can tell them what's up automatically and they let me go no questions asked. Saves me a lot of time that would have otherwise been spent on lying and excuses.
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greatlake5 said:
I've been IC since the beginning. Obviously it hasn't been easy (but I manage). I have a fare amount of friends but very few know. When I was a kid some people figured it out. I wasn't pretty good at hiding my diapers when I was young. These days I'm fairly good at. As for my friends, very few know. A select close friends that I've told. Some knew because they figured it out and others I told. I don't use that IC flag to anyone. I prefer to be incognito. How many of your friends know. Did you tell them or did they figure it out?
My wife and my boss and all of my family and quite a few of my friends know as well they are all very accepting and still really respect me for dealing with my incontinence in a responsible manner! Only a few of my friends realize that i also happen to be a diaper lover.
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All my friends snd family and my boss knows its made dealing with incontinence easier
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Rob110 said:
All my friends snd family and my boss knows its made dealing with incontinence easier
Being open makes it so much easier!
I’m a little too! I really want to be more open about that as well. That one is a whole lot harder.
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Quite a few good friends are aware. I am a sociable person, thus we spend a lot of time together. They found out by accident in most cases. You know... never going to a bathroom at home (while other girlfriends used it a few times) was quickly questioned. Leaks happened. Just life of an IC person :)
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Just my wife and kids know about my incontince . I guess I’ll explain to friends if they say something
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A lot of my friends know, also most of them wear diapers too. There are a few regular friends that know. If I was staying at their place or they crash at mine then I let'm know what's up. I recently had a close friend around who wanted to stay over a couple nights. I know I could've been super lo-key about it, but he's also really close and cool with me to share that with him. My friends are really amazing and they have incredible support for everyone in our circles. I also have fun with it too so it's not some awkward thing for me or them.
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I’ve been incontinent since my early teen years. So my family knows. As well as a handful of my friends. If I ever get a question from a coworker or new acquaintance, I just tell them a the deal. Very rarely get asked as most never even suspect it.
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Rachelthelight said:
I’ve been incontinent since my early teen years. So my family knows. As well as a handful of my friends. If I ever get a question from a coworker or new acquaintance, I just tell them a the deal. Very rarely get asked as most never even suspect it.
None of my friends know, I've kept it from them as much as I can. I don't think anyone knows... so to say...
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Almost all my friends know I'm incontinent and that I wear diapers. I realized long ago that if you wear 24 7 people around you are probably gonna notice even if you try to be discreet and you try to hide it. After having several friends notice that I was wearing I decided to just go ahead and be honest and open about it.
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Mathew said:
Almost all my friends know I'm incontinent and that I wear diapers. I realized long ago that if you wear 24 7 people around you are probably gonna notice even if you try to be discreet and you try to hide it. After having several friends notice that I was wearing I decided to just go ahead and be honest and open about it.
I agree it is just easier to be open about it. No one seams to care anyway.
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caffelatte said:
Quite a few good friends are aware. I am a sociable person, thus we spend a lot of time together. They found out by accident in most cases. You know... never going to a bathroom at home (while other girlfriends used it a few times) was quickly questioned. Leaks happened. Just life of an IC person :)
Have any of your friends ever shown interest in trying diapers themselves once they discovered you wore?
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I see there quite different approaches! In my case, as some of you in this post, most of my friends know. As many of you said , makes life easier. And besides, I ain’t scared by a possible rejection done by an asshole, and I prefer not to lose any time else with somebody that despises a poss friendship because something like being IC. Those are the main motivations to act this way.
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I have a good friend who I thought she didn't know. But she figured it out and finally asked about it. Kind of embarrassing. I did have to own up. As it turns out she is a really understanding person. And now she is one of my best friends.
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