How long were you in diapers for?

You too nice talking. With you
You too
i was potty trained sometime when I was three. I really wasn't excited about it, but I suppose it eventually worked out.
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ShippoFox said:
i was potty trained sometime when I was three. I really wasn't excited about it, but I suppose it eventually worked out.
Neither was I
Most people including myself don’t even remember how they got potty trained, since potty training usually happens at such a early age like 2 or 3 years. Becoming potty trained felt like being flash-cutted from diapers to underwear. If potty training at a later age range such as 4-6 were standard, then some people could remember being transitioned from diapers to underwear. As a side effect of a later potty training age range, we would had more AB/DLs than before and the world would be slightly more accepted of older people still wearing diapers.
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I was potty trained about normal like 2 or 3 but ended up forced back into them occasionally as punishment for having accidents. I kind of suspect this is partly because at the time i didnt know i had minor autism and aspergers but i know it started my love for all things diaper
As long as you love your diapers then I think everything is good I need them for bedwetting and some day time leakage but it is fine with me as I am so use to wearing diapers I would feel weird not wearing
Here is the thing why did they revert to punishment for bed wetting when it was not on purpose? It was an accident that didn't weren't forced diapers. That bothered me for a life time. Being diapered in front of my brothers and sisters Just didn't seem right. My face was red for a long time in front on them.
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WABX said:
Here is the thing why did they revert to punishment for bed wetting when it was not on purpose? It was an accident that didn't weren't forced diapers. That bothered me for a life time. Being diapered if front of my brothers and sisters Just didn't seem right. My face was red for a long time in front on them.
I can understand that and it was the wrong approach my mom threatened me with diapers a few times but never followed through in the end it was my choice but I have always wanted to wear diapers so I don't know how it would have felt I would have been embarrassed but I think I would have liked it too sorry for the way you were treated hope everything is going better for you these days
Also the answer to the thread is now I still wear diapers everyday
I trained a bit late at the age of 3 1/2. I distinctly remember being in diapers, and the transition to underwear was a bit disappointing, as I preferred the way the former felt. If anything, I have been a lifelong DL, now that I think of it.
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I was 5 years old before I was out of nappies during the day and a lot longer at night.
All i can remember is i was late in ALL my development so i would guess say 5 -6 ? just before i started kindergarten. After that COUNTLESS " accidents " day and night up to 10
I don’t have memories of being potty trained. I do know I was in cloth diapers as a baby though. I do remember when I was put back into diapers for the first time. I was hospitalized for chronic constipation. They gave me enemas every two hours. I reminded Diapered for a week while in the hospital. This happened when I was 6 or 7. Times throughout my childhood I was offered diapers for my bowel issues but never had any bladder problems. Fast forward 30 years and I’m in diapers 24/7 for bladder incontience. My bowels are very unpredictable and I have issues with control from time to time. I strongly believe my issues growing up led to my issues today. Drs don’t have a real good idea why I lost control
I was about 4 when my mom put me into training pants. I kept having bowel accidents and was constantly being criticized for being lazy. Wore training pants during the day and wore them with plastic pants every night. Same thing all the way through elementary school, had wetting accidents during the day a couple times a week. When I got to middle school it was the same, except I wore plastic pants to school. On days when I had to dress for gym class I was allowed to wear goodnites to school and take an extra one with me to change into after class. When my brother was born, parents got a gift of cloth diaper service. One night I didn't have any clean training pants, so my mom decided to put me in diapers that night. It happened more and more often, and eventually I was able to diaper myself so I was in diapers every night, and got used to it.
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I don't remember for sure, but I want to say I was close to four before I was potty trained. Even after that, I still had daytime accidents on occasion for a year or two afterward and bedwetting issues throughout elementary school.
Hi plastic under pants where did you get them from thanks Glyn
I buy Garywear active pull on PUL underpants. Great fit, very durable. Last pair was from LL Medico website.
I have pictures of me in diapers at 4. But I'm pretty sure I was potty trained before that. Around 6 I started having night accidents. I guess that wasn't impressing the parents. I was diapered for bed until I was 10ish. Same routine every night. Changing pad and cloth diapers would be waiting for me when I got out of the tub. Soggy diapers taken off in the morning and back to underwear!
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