How did you come to be a babyfur?

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Adelio said:
So, judging by these posts, I'm to assume that I'll eventually convert over time then? X3

Yes. It's only a matter of time until your assimilated into the Borg collective.
Mattew said:
Yes. It's only a matter of time until your assimilated into the Borg collective.

How about the Diaper Collective instead?
This is a fantastic conversation piece! Okay here it goes. I have been an Ab/DL for all eternity and back in middle school I was really big into Sonic the Hedgehog, so put those together and an curious adolescent me put the two together online and found some comics and such. I really enjoyed it, but wasn't I didn't identify as a furry till much later because I didn't know there was a term for it. When I got to my first year of college (ya, that long) a friend FB messaged me because he knew I liked MLP and from there he mentioned furries. Well I had no idea what a furry was I did much research and stumbled upon furries wearing diapers! I was like wow! This is so me! So I dived deeper into the fandom about a year after joining here and wanted to make a character of my own. I wanted to be wolf at first so that is why I'm paddedwolf on here, but I later converted to being a husky since it was different. Now I have a character that has been apart of me for 4 years and Wrangell is just part of me now. I love him and everyone I know, family, friends, inside and outside of the fandom love him. That was a lot of information, but that's my story I guess.
im not a babyfur *crosses arms and pouts* i just leak ><
I was a diaper lover for some time before getting involved in the furry fandom. They just sort of combined together, no big deal. My fursona just happened to wear diapers. It was there from the beginning :p
I don't know why but i always loved mascot costumes, and to be honest when i was first looking at Diaper stuff, I just kinda loved it and it kinda combined.
I suppose, that I have been a Furry, decades before the term was first used in popular culture.
I identify as a BabyFur.
I am a furry that do to trauma has had continence issues. So my fursona followed suit. I am not a babyfur, but I am a diaperfur.
For me was kinda a slow transition. I had been exposed to a lot of baby/diaper fur content during my early adventures online. So kinda over the years I became more and more intrigued about the furrier side of things, and about half a year ago a found myself making an FA acount. There wasn't so much of an ah ha! Moment as there was a gradual transition. No one really coaxed or pushed me, but having a couple furry friends did help. A boring story, but it's mine :biggrin:
Squeak! I think I'm slowly transitioning into a babyfur myself though I'm still rather unsure about it. It's been an interest few months and especially this past month it seems.

Also, by chance would you happen to be a rat? Squeak! O:
I was a dl first, that started about 20 years ago when i began earning money.
I learnt about furries much later when they found me lol...
I had the nickname of pup since a kid (totally unrelated to furry) and that was a part of my facebook
name at the time, one day i got a message asking me if i had any artwork of my fursona! o_O
I was very confused but after a few google searches i learnt more about the fandom, that was about 6 years ago now.
So for a while i was a fur who loved to be padded when i had the chance still with no idea of a link between the two.
That was until my dl side led me here a few years ago and i discovered the df/bf forum! :D
Two members here got me into it back in like 2009 (not matthew). but i'd liked the DL/AB stuff sense I was 14. so it was this site.
scoo said:
Two members here got me into it back in like 2009 (not matthew). but i'd liked the DL/AB stuff sense I was 14. so it was this site.

lol, Dang it. I thought I might have converted another. :p
I was a furry long before I had ever heard the term. Same for being AB. It was actually on foxtailstimes that I got my first exposure to the concept of a babyfur, and it made complete and utter sense to me. Things just kind of clicked, and I ended up merging the two, eventually creating my own fursona.
Well first i was a furry then i became a babyfur because i just have the personality and stuff
I kinda shyed myself into it because I was curious and liked being lil and being a fluffy butt, so about 2-3 years ago I think I chose to be a babyfur
I discovered the furry community after ABDLs. I found out about them via a video on Pamperchu's Youtube channel which got me really, really interested and then I sort of wanted to go with the cool kids- so I did and then saw people had already successfully melded the two communities together and so I just crafted my fursona quite quickly. I knew early on I'd be a tiger and so far, it's stuck with me pretty nicely.
I found the furry fandom back in 2010, then I found diaper furs. I gradually got curious about it as I browsed around, before deciding to try it for myself.
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