Getting into ABDL as a late unexpected discovery


Elmo Loves You ❤️
Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
A lot of people are pretty much ABDLs from as early as they can remember... but I kinda got into ABDL/being little on accident.

I used to pee myself on purpose when I was young, and at around 7 years old, and I started to pee myself in my bed (not something I would do today, poor mattress!). I had no interest or thoughts of diapers or any other baby items at this point, only peeing myself.

Meanwhile, my mother started to notice, and thought I'd started wetting the bed. So, she bought me DryNites... and I was horrified! Those were for babies... It took me a lot of convincing to wear them. I still remember the first one I put on. I wore it to bed, and wet my first diaper since toddlerhood. And... I was hooked! I knew there was no going back. I loved diapers now.

So if my mother had never bought those DryNites on false premises, I'd have never worn a diaper, and I'd never become AB/DL! So weird, as this is a huge part of me now, and brings me so much joy. And there's a good chance that this could've just... never happened.

Do any of you have a similar story of becoming an ABDL?
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I didn't start wearing diapers on a regular basis post-pubescent until I was in my thirties (circa 2001). I started wearing them for medical/psychological reasons related to military service. Diapers became my prefered undies around that time..
In my teens and early twenties I did wear them to Halloween parties fun. In college classes diapers were more for comfort rather than desire. It was annoying to get up in the middle of class to pee and test anxiety made it difficult to concentrate and hold my pee. Diapers were my choice then because i don't like the side effects of drugs.

In the eighties and nineties adult diapers weren't available as they are now.
I was not aware of ABDL, nor did occur for me to order diapers online till about 2005. Prior to that I got mine from a local medical supply store. Even though, I do like to dress up in AB clothes from time to time, and AB diapers are my favorites but that is the limit of my AB life.
Pampering, pacis, and baby talk doesn't appeal to me.

Today wearing diapers is as normal as picking out what shirt to wear, and wetting them is part of everyday life. I do like my spouse to change sometimes, it is part of the intimacy we share together.