Fermented Foods


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Sissy
When I was reading the postings on farts, I thought of my problems with a medication I was taking years ago. The usual complaint was gas, diarrhea and greasy stools. I started taking fermented foods like sauerkraut and Korean kimchi and that solved my problem. My stools are hard and small. Having good gut bacteria helps with a lot of problems.
Speaking of fermented u might wanna try japanese natto as well xD
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I have been tempted to try sauerkraut. Given that cabbage aggravates my IBS-d, I was reluctant to try it.
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I eat a couple of mouthfuls of one or the other every day.
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Seasonedcitizen said:
fermented foods like sauerkraut and Korean kimchi
I have found this very helpful as well. Promotes good, healthy BMs. I make my own sauerkraut.
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slimjiminy said:
I have been tempted to try sauerkraut. Given that cabbage aggravates my IBS-d, I was reluctant to try it.
I love sauerkraut and smoked sausage with mashed potatoes.
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Seasonedcitizen said:
When I was reading the postings on farts, I thought of my problems with a medication I was taking years ago. The usual complaint was gas, diarrhea and greasy stools. I started taking fermented foods like sauerkraut and Korean kimchi and that solved my problem. My stools are hard and small. Having good gut bacteria helps with a lot of problems.
It the opposite for me, when i do eat fermented food i will shit my pants, seriously. After going on a histamine low diet, aka no fermented foods at all, it got much better with my IBS.
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