eBay stuffed animals , are they clean?


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Little
  6. Incontinent
So recently I got three stuffed animals - that you’d normally go for like 56 bucks on build a bear but I some how manged to get 3 for 56 ish bucks and one of them is rare apparently? Would you think the sender would wash them before sending them out or should I give them a wash myself? None have speakers I checked but idk how to clean stuffed things from build a bear and any advice on explaining a hyper fixation on a kids show that you got stuffed animals from? Parent unit is aware stuffed animals and cartoons are my go to, but idk if she’d say “nice deal” or “stop wasting money on that.”
I've only ever ordered a new in bag plushy from Ebay. I would imagine that they would clean them. Or at least I hope they do. Kinda like I hope that before a plushy gets donated to a thrift store they are cleaned. But I would definitely clean them just in case.
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Janiseguchi said:
I've only ever ordered a new in bag plushy from Ebay. I would imagine that they would clean them. Or at least I hope they do. Kinda like I hope that before a plushy gets donated to a thrift store they are cleaned. But I would definitely clean them just in case.
Trying unfortunately one turned pink ish but it makes sense for his tv chacters I just can’t see him anymore if I wanted.