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I was a member for years under the name BBB.

I did meet Tommy at a DPF party once. nice guy.
Long time member even in roster. Some of the stories are classic. Have been searching for one of the stories to replace first wife's malicious episode " Where the trees grow tall"
That was one of my favorite bought stories in print. Later on Tommy let website drift on autopilot and chat basically became flame central. Even met several members in Rl from roster.
Would really like to reacquire the story " Where the trees grow tall"
I lurked on DPF and it certainly opened my eyes. I bought diapers, plastic pants and a sleeper there; now all gone in a purge.
DPF was the first AB/DL online website I found back in 1996. Found it not exactly to my liking.
I date back to the news letter.
And was on roster.
foxkits said:
I date back to the news letter.
And was on roster.

Same with me.
By the time I discovered a community existed, DPF was on its way out. I always felt pretty creeped out by that site... Don't know what it was, as I never saw anything particularly unseemly. Maybe it was just how outdated the site looked, combined with being very young and all the members being older.
Like many others, I discovered DPF on AOL back in the dark ages of the early to mid 90's. And, like many others, it gave me an uneasy feeling.

Was happy to have discovered Bittergrey's Den a couple years after :)
Discovering DPF was the first time I realized I wasn't alone. I never posted and it was gone within months of me finding it, but it was how I put a name to what I was feeling. So I'm eternally grateful.
I was a DPF member way back in the early 90's when I was just out of college. I corresponded with some people (via post mail) and even went to a gathering once. The newsletter was okay and I bought quite a few cotton diapers through them. The website I used just for links because it was horribly put together and it just seemed like the wild wild west back then.
I used to visit the site when I discover that I was not the only one in the world that like diapers. I was not confident enough to register or buy anything, but it was a good support at the beginning.
"We stand on the shoulders of giants..." It has been fascinating reading the many differing posts about DPF. I found the comments about the site being "creepy" a bit humorous. I seem to recall every website back then in the early days of the internet was 'creepy' in some way or another. While there were bulletin board sites that tended to be the social networking of the day, sites like Tommy's were early attempts at being social, educational, and commercial. And keep in mind, so many of those old transient sites were hosted on somebodies big-box computer in their basement, not on the slick servers of today. (OK, I'll show my age now...) I recall standing in a magazine and news shop in West Hollywood in the 1980's and coming across a print copy of the original DPF (then, Diaper Pail Fraternity) newsletter. I held it in my hand and I trembled a bit, looking around thinking every eye in the store was on me. My nerves forced me to put it back and to this day, I am sorry that I did because it was a part of this communities history. I never met Tommy. I heard that in the end, as he was dying, his lawyers actually took over the web-site as it was a source of income and helped pay his medical bills. Without Tommy's direction, the site ultimately failed. Tommy gave this community a significant start. His efforts paved the way for things like aby.com, rupadded.com, this site, and a whole commerce community like babypants.com and bambinos. Maybe he was a bit crazy, maybe a bit odd (I suspect most of us here are in some way) but that crazy one had the courage to create something that we are still talking about today.
I had visited the site a few times when I was trying to find out if I was all alone in my feelings about diapers. I think that I might have purchased a cloth diaper and a pair of plastic pants also. I really enjoyed some of the stories, but wasn't really interested in the pictures so much. Like others have stated, I didn't have a real safe or secure feeling about the site, so I never signed up. I also have visited WETSET just because some of the pictures appeal to my fetish side.:detective3
I remember dpf being one of the first sites I went to when I was learning about my ab/dl side in the mid-'90s. I even ordered a catalog from them and was so nervous and excited when it arrived in a plain envelope. Good times..but I've heard it's gone now. I think my name on there was Sappling.
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