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Do you just pee, or do you hold it?

ben0510 said:
Normally when I'm wearing if I feel I need a pee, I just do it in my nappy. but lately I'm wondering if it might be more fun to hold it in for a while, while I carry on with what I'm doing, and when I can't hold it anymore let it all go at once. just wondering what you do when you need a pee?. hold it in for a while or just let it go bit by bit as n when required?
It's more fun if you hold it. Then you feel like you've had a proper accident. More fun if you let go when you lose control than when you're in control. Then you feel helpless.
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Millbay said:
Unfortunately being incontinent no choice here!
95% same issue here. I do occasionally get a warning I have to go and less often can hold it for a decreasing amount of time to get to a bathroom but alas, that ship is pulling out of port and no likely to ever return!
CptKirk said:
95% same issue here. I do occasionally get a warning I have to go and less often can hold it for a decreasing amount of time to get to a bathroom but alas, that ship is pulling out of port and no likely to ever return!
Sometimes I get a warning but it is futile trying to hold on and find a toilet so so don't bother anymore.
I normally pee as I begin to feel the need, I enjoy seeing how my diaper grows during the day. However, today I did the opposite and waited until I couldn’t hold it any longer and flooded my Rearz Safari. I enjoyed it! It’s a different way to diaper, and I’ll do it more for sure
Belarin said:
While I love emptying a really full bladder that I've been holding for a bit (never that long as it can be harmful to hold it too long) especially if I am able to relax enough that the pipes are all open with a consistent flow but also in control enough that the flow is long and slow, it can be quite blissful.

I also really enjoy when I am just letting out little bursts every 15-20 minutes, laying back at home relaxed, chilled and trying to keep the pelvic floor relaxed and outer sphincter open (the one that is under control of conscious thought) so that as soon as there is more than a dribble in the bladder it just trickles out, This may not give the same blissful feeling of release that a really full bladder does but feels much more natural and like I am really making the best use of the nappy.

More so is the fact that wetting this way gives the SAP and fibres more time to absorb fully and wick it all around, I've had nappies wet this way that feel much fuller and have taken much more in than the same brand that has taken full bladder floods. for example a Tena Slip super for me can take one big flood and then one or two dribbles later on before I feel it getting leaky and ends up weighting about 950-1000 garms but same nappy wet in tiny amounts over a whole afternoon/evening will keep going and going before it feels leaky and end up weighing 1300-1500+ grams.

So yeah for a quick fix of dopamine hold it for a bit and flood in one go, for a more relaxed, comfortable and really full nappy feeling then slowly over the course of a few hours. If I had to pick one only it would be slower small amounts more often often.
That's what I do. When I'm padded, I hold open my sphincter and wet whenever it comes out; I don't even fight it, unless I'm gonna make a #2. Then I'll make an effort to hold it if I'm not home. I agree with you about the sap and micro fibers having more time to wick the wetness all throughout if you release in small portions. But I wear baby diapers on the inside of my diapers so they get the full force floodings 1st. Then once they're soaked, it'll more evenly distribute the wetness better than not having one at all. I love holding open my bladder continuously because as you said yourself, I feel like I'm getting a better use out of my diaper.
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I kind of do a mix of both. Generally for the first wetting, I'll try to hold it and wait till the urge is pretty strong, so that way while the padding is at its most absorbent I get to flood it as much as possible and see and feel how much I can fill it up at once. After that, I usually just go whenever I feel the urge to. I don't just relax and keep the "flood gates constantly open", it's always a somewhat conscious thing, but I don't usually put extra effort into holding it in either after that first initial wetting.

If I'm already pretty wet and worried about leaking, then I might hold it then until I can change.
Lostboy123 said:
It's more fun if you hold it. Then you feel like you've had a proper accident. More fun if you let go when you lose control than when you're in control. Then you feel helpless.
I can't disagree it is fun with a full force wetting but see I feel more like it is an actual accident when I pee in little bits at a time, kinda like "oops there it goes again" rather than me just having a full wee cause I'm in a nappy, if that makes sense.
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Belarin said:
I can't disagree it is fun with a full force wetting but see I feel more like it is an actual accident when I pee in little bits at a time, kinda like "oops there it goes again" rather than me just having a full wee cause I'm in a nappy, if that makes sense.
This is me as well. When I'm in diapers I tend to wet pretty often, usually about once every 30 minutes. It feels little and carefree to just yield to the slightest urge. As a bonus, it gives the diaper a chance to do some wicking and makes it last longer.

The downside of this is that it definitely does weaken my bladder. I've talked a little before about my "diaper year," which basically coincides with my kids' school year. I work from home and wear diapers while the family is away. After a few months of this, I find myself feeling full sooner, which doesn't bother me at all when I'm in diapers but can be pretty irritating at night. Although my wife's been accepting of the diapers, I generally don't sleep in them, which means getting up more often. And then summer vacation comes, everybody's at home with me, and I spend about two months reconditioning my bladder, ha ha. Rinse and repeat.

Maybe I need to establish a routine of pelvic floor exercises.
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Usually when I wear I hold it for a while then I will go In my diaper.
For me, there's nothing like letting out a nice, long pee in a fresh diaper! Then once I'm wet (and my tail is more sensitive), I'm more content with peeing in shorter spurts . . . repeating until full.
The joys of wearing a nappy is not having to hold it in. I tend to trickle in smaller amounts as I need to when I’m wearing a nappy but tend to hold it until I’m desperate when I’m not wearing