Diapered With Airport Security?


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I’m curious about people who had the bad luck of having to get padded down and or strip searched by airport security. Do they do it in a private area or room? I’ve never flown before and would love to wear a diaper to minimize me getting up to use the bathroom. Not to mention that I usually have to pee a lot and would get embarrassed if I kept getting up. I’m just nervous to trigger airport security and be searched revealing my diaper. If I ever were to try wearing on a flight I would definitely not wear an ABDL diaper. Any advice?
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I think that question was asked before.. i rememember reading other thread about this issue.

i never wear during a flight.
littledinogoesrawr said:
I think that question was asked before.. i rememember reading other thread about this issue.

i never wear during a flight.
It wouldn’t surprise me if someone else has had the same question. There are a few repeating questions that pop up on here from time to time.
ChristianDiaperLover said:
I’m curious about people who had the bad luck of having to get padded down and or strip searched by airport security. Do they do it in a private area or room? I’ve never flown before and would love to wear a diaper to minimize me getting up to use the bathroom. Not to mention that I usually have to pee a lot and would get embarrassed if I kept getting up. I’m just nervous to trigger airport security and be searched revealing my diaper. If I ever were to try wearing on a flight I would definitely not wear an ABDL diaper. Any advice?
you will not have any issues with security/TSA. diapers are no new on planes and security has seen it before many times. i wear 24/7 and travel a lot both domestically and internationally. for me i change before going through security to increase the chance i will be dry. there are many family special needs rest rooms for private changing in the airports. allow extra time arriving so that you are not rush and decreases the stress. do not out powder in the carry on that will get flagged. i have never been stripe searched and never heard of anyone ever going through that. I have been padded down no an issue and that was many many years ago. security is a simple process just follow the instructions. if anyone is to notice why care you don't know them nor will you see them again so why care what they might think. there are a lot traveling wearing diapers. i carry at least three changes in my backpack and change shortly before boarding so i am starting out dry on the plane. best to be prepared. just plan ahead. and i have worn ABDL style many times while traveling by air be stylish and comfortable.
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I had a bad experience with TSA but it didn’t have to do with diapers.

I always go through with a dry diaper. They have seen my spares in my carry on though. But that doesn’t bother me.
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I wear when traveling and unfortunately usually get a brief pat down around the waist/crotch area because the whole-body scanner "sees" something unusual there. Actually, though, I flew in July (31)/August (2), 2023, and for once, and the whole-body scanner didn't flag me. The other direction they were using the metal detector at that point and it definitely won't flag a diaper. Never have gotten more than that for security.

One thing I do carry with me is a card which reads: "I have an incontinence situation and am wearing appropriate protection. I would appreciate further screening in a private area, please." I would plan to hand this to TSA if they are really questioning what I am wearing. I understand that they would do the inspection in a private room and then presumably send me on my way. I believe that would be the most mature/professional way to handle the situation. Haven't had to do this yet and hope I don't have to.
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I've had the pat down by TSA too. I gone through moderately wet several times. Never been pulled aside to drop pants tho.

If you wear 24/7 then you have to get used to some embarrassing situations. Doctors visits are the most embarrassing in my experience. Those gowns don't hide much.

Public restrooms also feel way too public when you're diapered. Everyone can see your feet at the very least.
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So I always fly padded. I do have TSA Precheck so I can skip the body scanner. I always try to go through security dry (in case I get dinged for extra screening). One time I had to do the body scanner, I was dry and don't recall for sure which diaper I was in (think it was a northshore supreme). The scanner flagged my crotch area, they did. a pat down and let me through, nothing was said and all was professional. I always have a spare or two in my carry on and never been an issue. I don't sweat it any more.
The new scanners ‘see’ something on the surface of your body, but security will usually know what it is and a light pat down will tell them that you are not carrying anything you should not. Just put on a clean one before the flight and you will have no problems.
I've travelled to and from the states in nappies with no problems.
I travel wearing and been patted down and they do not care at all. Plenty of people fly padded, they see it all the time.
I fly a bit. Because I have a controller in my chest which controls some stimulators in my brain (DBS), I can’t go thru any machines. Always get a total pat down. In fact I have to insist on a pat down and they route me around the scanners.
Anyhow, point is, they always ask me if I wish to be patted down in a private room. I decline as I’m not wearing anything while flying. Couldn’t anyhow as I’m old school and wear cloth with diaper pins. That would set off some bells.
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Joeysms said:
you will not have any issues with security/TSA. diapers are no new on planes and security has seen it before many times. i wear 24/7 and travel a lot both domestically and internationally. for me i change before going through security to increase the chance i will be dry. there are many family special needs rest rooms for private changing in the airports. allow extra time arriving so that you are not rush and decreases the stress. do not out powder in the carry on that will get flagged. i have never been stripe searched and never heard of anyone ever going through that. I have been padded down no an issue and that was many many years ago. security is a simple process just follow the instructions. if anyone is to notice why care you don't know them nor will you see them again so why care what they might think. there are a lot traveling wearing diapers. i carry at least three changes in my backpack and change shortly before boarding so i am starting out dry on the plane. best to be prepared. just plan ahead. and i have worn ABDL style many times while traveling by air be stylish and comfortable.
Great advice! Thank you!!
Here's my stance: I don't give a $_&#. I will wear a diaper. I will change it when I am good and ready. And if they sense something, then they can take a good long look at my wet diaper. I hope they have fun.
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It might have something to do with the material used in the diaper. I wore 2 different styles of pull up diapers and was patted down both times. Others have worn tape up style and have had no problems. Either way, they are very professional about it. One of them asked if I would prefer a private room but I said no that would not be necessary. The only person who will know you are wearing a diaper is the officer doing the check, and I'm sure they have seen it all and won't think twice about it.
I recently went through TSA with a diaper. I was able to hide it with my skirt but I was still anxious walking through the scanner. No reason to be nervous as they’re mainly looking for metal objects. I just didn’t want them doing any extra searches where they’d figure out im wearing and I’d have to tell them about my ic. All good tho!! ☺️ It went smooth with no hiccups.
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ChristianDiaperLover said:
I’m curious about people who had the bad luck of having to get padded down and or strip searched by airport security. Do they do it in a private area or room? I’ve never flown before and would love to wear a diaper to minimize me getting up to use the bathroom. Not to mention that I usually have to pee a lot and would get embarrassed if I kept getting up. I’m just nervous to trigger airport security and be searched revealing my diaper. If I ever were to try wearing on a flight I would definitely not wear an ABDL diaper. Any advice?
I have been patted down multiple times in the past few months. I have NO idea what's going on but my crotch keeps highlighting on the scanner for some reason. Maybe I should see a doctor lol.

They don't do in a private screening room unless you ask for it. I never do because I figure if we go to a private room there's nothing to stop them from getting even more invasive. At least out in the scanning area they just get it done and that's the end of it. Another thing: I have never told TSA I'm wearing a diaper. I don't say shit. They say they have to pat me down, we go through the pat-down, they don't find anything, and off I go. I've even had to lift my shirt up and have them work around the waistband area where the diaper is clearly sticking up, and nobody's said a word. You don't have to explain yourself or tell them your life's story.

An option is to put a diaper on once you're inside security. I do this pretty often. you can use one of those family restrooms or just do it in a stall, it's not that big of a deal. Find an area of the terminal where it's not busy and the bathrooms usually aren't either. I often wear a pull-up to the airport, then inside security rip it off and put the tape-on diaper on. Whatever your choice, regular or ABDL diaper doesn't much matter, nobody's going to see it if you put it on after you clear the security area. You can also buy day passes to airline clubs sometimes, where they have private bathrooms that are much nicer.

Wearing in flight is comfortable and convenient, as you can imagine. There's no concern about turbulence or not being able to get up for a while. Just wear something that's good for the length of the flight you're taking and you should be good to go. If you're flying to or from a big city it's unlikely you'll know anyone on the plane or in the airport (although this has happened to me on multiple occasions because I fly so often). So there's not much worry about someone noticing that your pants are bulky or something looks unusual. You'll never see them again.
After going through the body scanner I’ve been flagged both wearing and not wearing. I’m convinced they use some sort of face recognition. There’s NO reason why I’d be flagged while completely dry and wearing normal undies. I believe I’ve been flagged for past occurrences. I’ve had to answer that yes, I’m wearing an “external medical device” before. One time the agent pulled up the back of my shirt and said “oh, is this some sort of diaper?” And I responded with a simple “yes”. It is completely hit or miss when it comes to airports in the US. Whatever happens, I take it in stride and keep moving on.
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I seriously wonder what will happen when i next fly. Since 2021 I had a double bypass, so there is wire in my sternum, I have two very large stents in my aorta too, which do show up on X-ray. The diaper is the least of it. I was patted down once a few years ago and they just asked what was around my waist and I said an adult diaper, i need them. Lol not sure if that was the time when my bag got screened in front of the church ladies and my Pooh was brought out for extra screening (lil shit was smuggling hunny)
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I have to wear diapers 24/7 for incontinence. I just, recently, went on a cruise with my wife, and we flew Delta. First, we both applied for TSA pre check. Costs aound 80.00 and lasts 5 years. It was awesome. We just put our items on the conveyor and walked through a metal detector. No removing belts or shoes and whatnots. Shorter line as well. Also, if you go to the tsa website, you can print off a special needs card that you fill in with your special need. Mine just stated Incontinence. This actually came in handy for my bag check. Medical bags are free with delta. When I put it on the scale, I told the person the bag was all of my medical supplies. The gentleman inquired as to what kind, and I just showed him my card. Once he saw, he knew and checked my bag. All in all there were no issues.

Just to add, when we boarded our ship, and met our room steward, I tipped him handsomely, let him know I am incontinent and will require a supply of biohazard bags during my stay. That worked out well as well.

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