Diapered in college - fire drill

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This year, I've been living in a student apartment in a single room and been able to enjoy my DL side a lot. As part of that, I've been going to bed in a diaper almost every night and even went to my night class diapered. Well, last night around 4am, our fire alarm went off. I was already wet and woke up confused, dazed, and slightly panicked. My apartmentmate then burst into my room with me in nothing but my diaper. He said to get up but didn't look at me.
I threw on shorts and a shirt over my diaper, but couldn't conceal it very well. Everyone was hazy and nobody spoke to one another. It was less than 10 minutes and over. However, I know that my apartmentmate saw my diaper and even heard me crinkle while walking back to our room. He hasn't said anything, but I'm afraid he will. How should I address this?
Most likely, if they noticed, they are going to chalk it up to bed wetting at this point, considering you were sleeping and in the state. I'm guessing no conversation will actually happen due to it. One thing to point out, its quite normal for issues like that to arise in college, due to stress and anxiety, so if they ask, you can take the easy (deceptive way) out. I wouldn't change a thing about your diapering habits at this point, as what you do in the privacy of your own room is just that - private. If a conversation does arise however, ask for discretion on the issue, and promise it in return. Come to an understanding as this will be a person you will be living with for the rest of the school year.

Things to stress if you are outed as a DL:

1) You are not a pedophile, you are not attracted to kids. You are attracted to the sensations of wearing a diaper.
2) You expect discretion in the matter, and in return, will keep this private within the confines of your living space if desired not to wear in common areas.
3) Everyone has a fetish. This is nothing worse than someone having a fetish for pantyhose or the like.

You'll be fine. Its college. People are more usually more mature and more accepting then before. It is also a time of experimentation, sexually, mentally, socially, and physically.
I'm sure you're worrying over nothing. Nobody will ever know unless you give them a reason to suspect it.. like being nervous and self-conscious.
You might want to keep a bathrobe handy. Also slippers to protect your feet. Anytime there is an actual emergency, there can be broken glass and such.
Don't we all wish that we were bed wetters? I have often thought how great it would have been to have been a bed wetter in college. I would never say that you were a DL. Like a previous commenter said, ask them for some sensitivity and move on.
Lock your door always.
This happened to me last semester, although in a *slightly* different situation as I live in a relatively small close-knit 'Honors' dorm and had way more time to sort of prepare.

When it happened to me, I literally explained to a girl that lives across the hall from me who asked why I was walking so weird (she though I had tripped on stairs)--by saying I was sort of groggy sleep walking.

She had no idea that the real reason was because I was stumbling out with a wet bambino teddy on. Although granted I was able to throw a pair of jeans I have specifically for wearing diapers on, so I was a bit safer (I hope..?).

I would suggest assuming they know nothing about it. Acting nervous sand paranoid about it all will only make them think more intently about it all. Just act as though nothing at all was unusual. Chances are you'll be fine.
baden said:
Don't we all wish that we were bed wetters? I have often thought how great it would have been to have been a bed wetter in college.

I think many actual bedwetters would beg to differ. Bedwetting is much more appealing when one has the option to do so (should they be into that sort of thing). Being a bedwetter at any age is not easy. Nor is being an AB/DL. Admitting to either is extremely difficult.
BigKid25 said:
I think many actual bedwetters would beg to differ. Bedwetting is much more appealing when one has the option to do so (should they be into that sort of thing). Being a bedwetter at any age is not easy. Nor is being an AB/DL. Admitting to either is extremely difficult.

Some non-bedwetters, too. I prefer having the option to use rather than the requirement.
It's strange, the exciting part of diapers for non-bedwetters is to wet the bed. The exciting part of diapers for those of us that DO wet the bed, is not wetting the bed.
That would be a very nerve-racking experience for sure. It's great that you have your own little place. Hopefully your apartmentmate will be understanding and will not judge you. I think others here are right in that he will just assume you wet the bed, assuming he even noticed at all. You did mention that everyone was hazy....
I always keep trackpants, uggboots and jumper at end of bed...but thats because I am a volunteer firey and we can be called out any time day or night.
Can't you lock your door or something? Also don't talk about unless he brings it up but it really shouldn't be too much of an issue. I remember having fire alarms go off a few times in the middle of the night when I was wearing diapers. I put on loose shorts over them and made sure my shirt didn't ride up to expose them.
I wouldn't worry too much about it if i were you.
If you get caught wearing most people chalk it up to you having a health problem, and most will keep silent. If this were high school it'd definitely be a problem, but unless your friend is a drama queen you should be okay!
As already noted, you'll be fine. Just never mention it and I'm sure the person will show some sensitivity and never mention it either.

As far as fire drills go, I've never found them to be as urgent as the one you described sounded like. My apartment building had an alarm a while back and I got up, took my diaper off and tossed it in my trash, put on some jeans and a sweater, and then went outside. It's of course possible that a more severe disaster could prevent even that, but for a typical alarm, you have a minute to get outside (and should seriously make sure you have a jacket and good shoes on in case of the off chance that something bad really is happening and you can't get back in later).
Some of my friends at the cigar shop found diaper porn on my phone. They just got pissed at the jackass who got on my phone while I was buying a cigar.
In general, its a good idea to have a robe and slippers or something ready for the fire drills, or when someone in the dorm sets it off by accident, especially in winter.
baden said:
Don't we all wish that we were bed wetters? I have often thought how great it would have been to have been a bed wetter in college. I would never say that you were a DL. Like a previous commenter said, ask them for some sensitivity and move on.

No it was not that great. Having few bed wetting accidents after age 8 through high school and then getting to college and losing it about every night for the first month was to say the least anguishing. The good side was the housing authority suggested (they washed the dorm sheets once each week per student, other wise for heavy soil and more numerous occasions you had to do your own) I begin wearing protection (like several other guys in my dorm area they noted but would not reveal any names). My roomate was actually glad I wore protecton as he did not want be referred to as the guy that lives with the bedwetter (his words not mine). He was never mean about it and rarley said anything about it (he even kept another guy from rooting through my drawers and finding my protection once looking for some socks to borrow when I was not there).

Adapting became easier as time went on but couple this with the dorm floor jerk who enjoyed grabbing other guys and wrestling with them on the floor meant I could never go down to the bathroom in the middle of the night and just put on my jeans over my snap-on diaper and plastic underpants; if he was there and began to grapple with me he would notice my protection and certainly make it is prime directive to inform everyone. Over the months my challenges became less but I could never be totaly confident as I still had minor occurances at night over several months at a time. I eventually learned to accept my situation and as it became part of my college life in relationships it worked out OK but it definitely would have been easier if I never would have wet my dorm bed in the first case.
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