Diapered 24/7 for $80 a month

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I bought two cases of Bambino diapers taking advantage of the sale and they only costed me $127 something for the Classicos. They should be here tomorrow and will be picking up the wrong order they sent me. Hopefully they don't make another good up again when they get here. I will open both boxes to be sure. Molicare Super Plus on ebay would have been a little cheaper and I would have gotten a little more diapers but I only spent $10 more and got a little less diapers.
babyeddie71 said:
I have been 24/7 for a year now and I wear Attends with waist band they hold up well the tapes stick great and I use a cloth stuffer in them. I can buy a case for 49.99 and they have free shipping.
So I am very very happy with them and they have a Plastic out side layer like baby Diapers.
I found Attends Waistband Medium for 4 × 22 subscribe for 61 cents each or auto delivery subscription to get them every 1-6 months for 58 cents each. I will check out the absorbancy and see if I like it if I decide to order diapers by the case.
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