Diapee rash


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I'm not sure if it's okay to post this here, if not feel free to remove it.

A little over a week ago I've begun to see some rash on my lower belly. I usually use a cream and baby powder on clean skin when I change. I bought a zinc ointment for it, but since then the area has only become larger. It doesn't hurt/itch but it does look... problematic. I usually wear 24/7 but I have started to not wear indoors during the day now... doesn't seem to help. Apparently I was prone to all kinds of rashes as a baby too (according to my mum). What else can I do? I'm kinda sad about it :(
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Maybe try a medicated ointment like Resinol. It works for diaper rash too.
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If it is an option for you (i.e. you're not IC) then spending some time with the area uncovered (no nappy/clothing) to let it air out without any material chaffing can help.

Zinc oxide creams are good usually but some people can't use them or have a reaction to them, they also won't help as much if the rash is from a more serious infection, you would need to see a doctor about that to get recommended a treatment.

You could try a Titanium oxide cream, in the UK the main cream used and recommended is Sudocrem which is ziinc but we also have one called Metanium which is a titanium oxide cream and is usually recommended by medical/child health practitioners for very severe rashes as it is a bit stronger, I don't know if it's available elsewhere though.

Obviously keeping very clean down there is important and washing regularly can help but you may find that changing soaps can make all the difference, many contact dermatitis issues come from a combination of substances on the skin including different kinds of soaps.

Where is the rash on your lower belly? Is it within the area covered by a diaper or a bit higher?
If it's a bit above the waist band then that could indicate something else going on but if it's within the diaper area it may be just a diaper rash.

How hairy is that area? In the last 8 years or so my skin has become really sensitive down there and I have to be more careful but something I have found helps quite a bit is to keep the area mostly shaved. it doesn't have to be with a razor but trimming any hair with a clipper with no attachments (on the blade) should be enough. lots of hair can trap the bacteria from urine in and make it harder to clean.

If you are very sore at the moment be careful with any shaving/trimming of hair as you don't want to further damage/irritate the skin. you caould also look into getting some moisturising cream, there are a huge number available and some designed to be used on children in their diaper area (like Child's farm brand), well moisturised and nourished skin is stronger and less prone to rashes.

Another issue may simply be the use of baby powder, I know it is a big thing for many ABDL's to use powder to get that "baby feel" but unless you are using cloth diapers and reusable wet wipes to wash off during a change there really is no need for powder to be used with disposables.
I have brought up this issue many times on here and while I love the idea of baby powder myself it is purely a holdover from the days when the only option was cloth diapers and to wash a baby during a change, a tiny amount of powder would be used just enough to dry the skin off. If you are using too much powder in a disposable not only is it preventing the diaper materials doing their job properly it also holds onto urine and bacteria keeping it against the skin and clumping up becoming an irritant.

On the topic of powders though if you really want to use one I have found one called "Cuticura mildly medicated powder", I find if I use regular baby powder my skin gets very dry and flaky but the Cuticura one works wonders, I went through a period of several months with a constantly reoccurring rash and tried absolutely everything to get rid of it until I got to Cuticura and it cleared up very quickly and didn't come back.
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I would see a doctor about that. Maybe or she can prescribe something for it.
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@Belarin thanks for the super detailed answer! To answer your questions: The area is covered by the diaper, but it extends beyond the padding if that makes sense. I have very little hair around there, so that's not really a problem. I do use a lot of baby powder. I always thought that it was good for your skin, but I must admit that I tend to overuse it ^^. I need some on my thighs though because otherwise the plastic sticks to my skin.

The weird thing is that it doesn't really look like diaper rash from the photos I looked up online. The best way to describe it is as if I sprayed myself with a very bad self-tanner, because it looks a bit like spotty pigment.

I'm trying some time uncovered when I'm at home during the day, hopefully that will also calm it down. I'll also look into the other suggestions and perhaps I'll make an appointment with my doctor just in case...
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See a doctor.
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Agreed. I'd get it looked at regardless as rashes can be indicative of underlying health issues. The autoimmune disease I have gives me a splotchy, salmon colored rash sometimes. I saw it before my issues became devastating and chronic but never though anything of it.

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Mikochi said:
@Belarin thanks for the super detailed answer! To answer your questions: The area is covered by the diaper, but it extends beyond the padding if that makes sense. I have very little hair around there, so that's not really a problem. I do use a lot of baby powder. I always thought that it was good for your skin, but I must admit that I tend to overuse it ^^. I need some on my thighs though because otherwise the plastic sticks to my skin.

The weird thing is that it doesn't really look like diaper rash from the photos I looked up online. The best way to describe it is as if I sprayed myself with a very bad self-tanner, because it looks a bit like spotty pigment.

I'm trying some time uncovered when I'm at home during the day, hopefully that will also calm it down. I'll also look into the other suggestions and perhaps I'll make an appointment with my doctor just in case...
So if it is coming up above the diaper waistband Then I would say see a doctor, the only time I've ever seen actual diaper rash higher than the diaper itself has been in cases of serious child abuse and neglect where a child has been left in a diaper that has basically overfilled (wee and poo) and exploded inside a onesie/clothing and the child has been left like that for most of the day and even that had gotten a further infection causing bigger spread.

It could simply be chaffing or what they call "jock itch" (sweat rash) or there could be some other underlying problem, especially if it has not cleared up after a day or 2 of regular treatment, that is definite reason to seek professional medical advise.

As for how it looks, diaper rash does tend to follow a similar pattern in most cases however the way it appears can vary a bit between people and even between 2 rashes on the same person and dependant on the severity/stage, anything from a scattering of little red spots but regular coloured skin around them to red splotches of skin, there can be almost blister like bumps and even open sores where the skin has split.

I'd definitely say cut back on the powder too though, you may not have to completely stop using it but reduce the amount, I keep thinking I really should try and make a video/photo guide on how powder is supposed to be used and how much is needed as this comes up quite often.

What may be better options to stop the plastic sticking to your thighs is to wear a pair of long slightly loose boxer shorts over the top of the diaper, I found this works for me when I started using the Threaded Armour briefs which chaffed my thighs leaving them sore, the shorts worked wonder to prevent that. Another option would be to use baby oil/lotion or some kind of thicker oil based moisturising cream on your thighs, this will keep them slippery so the plastic doesn't stick but also keep the skin moisturised rather than drying it out like powder does.
Belarin's advice is excellent. I've often found that ointment for athlete's foot works very well on diaper rash.
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How did you ever make out with this? I ask as I forgot to add in the possibility of a fungal infection. Anywhere where the skin is kept warm and moist is susceptible to a fungal infection and inside of a diaper is prime real estate for this to occur. Some others here use athlete's foot medications (sprays, creams or powder all work) but I get prescription cream for free (I'm a disabled veteran) so I use that but honestly anything will work. The big clue to discern a fungal infection from your "standard issue" diaper type rash is that diaper rash generally isn't going to spread and if kept clean with use of a rash ointment will clear up in relatively short order plus these fungal infections can ITCH like you wouldn't believe! I'd use far more graphic terms but it's sufficient to say that I had this so bad last year that I literally peeled skin off a very sensitive part of my body by scratching too hard! It felt really great to scratch it but wow did I pay for that!

I've needed to wear for over 20 years now and I had never encountered a fungal infection before. Technically I did, but that was my feet growing up as I had BAD athlete's foot as I hated wearing socks and ran for miles every single day for a few years for wrestling. I never put 2 and 2 together though and had to see my Dr. to learn that I had a fungal infection though I can promise I'll NEVER make that mistake again because the week following me going NUTS (pun intended) scratching (it really did feel great while I was scratching which is how I made such a mess out of what could and should have been a non-issue!) that I suffered, A LOT, for a solid week afterwards though once I began using the anti-fungal medication the itching was cleared up in a day or two. It took longer for the skin to heal though and I'd wake up as I was wetting as it felt like someone was holding a blow-torch to my skin where I "shredded" it.

I figure you most likely found your solution already otherwise this post wouldn't be "dead" but I figured I'd chime in anyway, just in case. Hope everything is "back to normal" for you now.

Keep note of what you wash your cloths and such in ,
I would break into rashes, only went sweating and it being super warm , and i was not wearing the diaper's even ,
in the where a diaper would be region,

Turns out! it can be laundry detergent, Keep that in mind, Culprit for me was Gain Detergent soap from the wash! funny enough the first thing that came up searching it was that/ due to chemicals in the soap used being strong ,
Thanks for following up, it's been a while! And thanks to you guys I know a lot of stuff now about rashes and so fort ^^

Okay, so, I went to my GP in the end and told him the whole thing. He was super kind and supportive and honestly it couldn't have gone better. He knows about my mental issues so I guess he understands my need for a comfort item (plus my bladder has genuine issues, but that's another thing). According to him, it wasn't diaper rash but some sort of mechanical trauma. He said that it looked like tiny subcutaneous bleeds that were caused by compression or something rubbing against it.

I've tried out different nappies, put them on less tight and starting using more and more onesies instead of a cover with strong elastics. I'm being more careful. The 'rash' disappeared within 1-2 weeks and hasn't come back yet ^^ I'm very, very happy with that!

Belarin said:
Then I would say see a doctor, the only time I've ever seen actual diaper rash higher than the diaper itself has been in cases of serious child abuse and neglect where a child has been left in a diaper that has basically overfilled (wee and poo) and exploded inside a onesie/clothing and the child has been left like that for most of the day and even that had gotten a further infection causing bigger spread.
To be honest I couldn't shake this story after I read it. This world can be such a cruel place.
Mikochi said:
To be honest I couldn't shake this story after I read it. This world can be such a cruel place.
Sorry about that, an unfortunate aspect of my job is having to do regular child protection and safeguarding courses in which stories like that come up a lot (among other horrific things), humans can be capable of some truly disturbing crap involving the most vulnerable people.
Belarin said:
Sorry about that, an unfortunate aspect of my job is having to do regular child protection and safeguarding courses in which stories like that come up a lot (among other horrific things), humans can be capable of some truly disturbing crap involving the most vulnerable people.
No need to be sorry, I'm glad that people like you exist and help vulnerable people. Childhood trauma is the reason that many of us AB/Littles exist I guess, but at least it's a healthy alternative to substances or whatever ^^;
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