Changes with PeekABUs?

BabyTyrant said:
My latest order of PeekABUs was before (just) before Black Friday so I'm sure it's a newer Batch, I just havent encountered any problems with them, they fit me the same as any PeekABUs have and function the same.
My guess is you have some from the April batch, but we'll never know unless you look at the bag and tell us.

I'm guessing this means 06/05/19, so June 5th 2029?
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So regarding the plastic....

Is it similar to the Dinorawrz now? Because that seems much thinner and crinkles kind of like a trash bag. Is the plastic still soft?
seandetering said:
So regarding the plastic....

Is it similar to the Dinorawrz now? Because that seems much thinner and crinkles kind of like a trash bag. Is the plastic still soft?

Idk about everybody elses, but mine is literally the same as any other batches I have had since I been buying PeekABUs back in February (and those were made 4 months prior if I remember correctly)

And my latest Batch appears to have been made in June, well within the range of the effected Batches that are supposedly thinner and perform worse
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bad batch was mfg in september.
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The bad batch I received was manufactured in September.