Breaking bad habits after benefits of DL.

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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Sissy
I was just wondering if anyone else was able to break a "bad habit" after adopting diapers into their daily/weekly life?

I noticed about three months after I started to wear diapers as part of my night time sleeping method that I no longer picked or chewed my finger nails. I was shocked one day that I had scratched myself with a finger nail. I never had a finger nail that extended past a quarter-inch of my finger tips since I was potty trained!

I always thought that it was my mind's way of dealing with daily stress - going to school, taking tests, starting to work as a teenager, getting married, military duty, having children, etc.

I've been retired for almost ten years when I went back to diapers, mainly to get a full six hours of good REM sleep. But now I try various ways of wearing diapers for movies, lengthy therapeutic massages, driving in the country, etc. Wearing a diaper has become a more important part of my daily life - and has, I believe, added to a decrease in my daily stress levels.

How about you? Any positive changes in your life or daily habits?
Aw I'm glad to hear this has helped you in other areas of your life! I think for me diapers are a big stress reliever in general:sweatdrop:- whenever I wear them and suck on a paci I feel all of my stress melt away and I feel better the next day! I also feel a lot more confident when I can be more in touch with my little side :smile:
I too am much happier in a nappy.
If I could get used to peeing lying down, I would get much better sleep with a diaper than getting up multiple times per night to pee.
perlFerret said:
If I could get used to peeing lying down, I would get much better sleep with a diaper than getting up multiple times per night to pee.

Absolutely! I'm always pointing out this "fringe benefit" of diapers. Nothing helps me get a better night's sleep than avoiding multiple trips to the bathroom overnight. Those really disturb my sleep and it's hard for me to get back to sleep.

Keep at it, you'll get it eventually. It took me about a year before I could easily use my diapers while in bed, but it's sooooo worth it, keep trying!

That, and there's nothing quite like waking up at 8am on a Saturday morning, having not gotten out of bed all night and having a great night's sleep, and seeing your bed is still dry but your diaper has swollen greatly. ahhhhhh... :cloud9:
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