
As a chronic bedwetter at boarding school and college I was wary signing up on notice-board lists for extra-mural groups. If you were "out" as one [I was!], guys would add comments beside your name - wet bed/bedwetter/bring rubber sheet/oh no/no thanks - despite warnings not to do it!
I recall some funny ones: "may piss the piste" for a ski holiday, "umbrellas lads" for a parachuting course, "poor horse" for a riding school. If it was residential "NOT my dorm" or "nappies" were usual.
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As child, teen and adult I have visited relatives and friends and "slept over" - with some anxiety!

Shown to my bedroom by my kind hostess/host I need to find out if they KNOW or not!
As child or teen they probably have been informed in detail by Ma which is easier for me.
As adult, they may or may not know, which makes it more difficult and embarrassing.

So first things first! - when left alone, check the bed for a RUBBER SHEET! Yes - or no.
If yes they will raise and discuss it with me; if no, I will have to raise and discuss it with them, assuring them I will use full body and bed protection - and just need to know where to dispose of disposable.

Always a rather awkward conversation either way at any age.....
vaslav said:
As a chronic bedwetter at boarding school and college I was wary signing up on notice-board lists for extra-mural groups. If you were "out" as one [I was!], guys would add comments beside your name - wet bed/bedwetter/bring rubber sheet/oh no/no thanks - despite warnings not to do it!
I recall some funny ones: "may piss the piste" for a ski holiday, "umbrellas lads" for a parachuting course, "poor horse" for a riding school. If it was residential "NOT my dorm" or "nappies" were usual.
I last wet the bed at about 13yrs then dry for a long time but in my 50's started again been back in diapers or padded incontinence pants for several yrs now.
Aby said:
I am one of those weirdos that taught myself to wet in my sleep, at first it only happened when I was wearing a diaper but it became an issue and I had to wear diapers. I then eventually decided I was wasting money and diapers were for stupid babies and I retrained myself to stay dry, that last two years and now I am back in diapers and I can wet in my sleep occasionally, sometime i get up in my sleep and use the potty, but its rare.
making sure I go potty before bed seems to help if I don't drink to much liquids before bed. Most mornings I still wake up dry, and sometimes dehydrated.
How hard was it to retrain after untraining?
Bedwetting brings up the question of PUNISHMENT - both at home and at school. For me after age 7/8 "school = boarding-school"! At home it included rubber sheets, nappies, rubber pants, a potty under the bed, wet sheets & pajamas out the window or on garden washing line to dry, and so on. It also included going earlier to bed than my peers, friends family and neighbours being told stories about my constant chronic bedwetting as an open topic of conversation. Result? BEDWETTER became not just what I did - but WHO I WAS! School was another story......NO nappies or rubber pants - but plenty else!
I been wearing diapers to bed for over 10 years. because they help me sleep better. I never wet when I was sleeping until about a year ago. It started just a couple times per week. Now its just about all the time I sleep. but with my condition I could end up with no control
The late head of a prestigious London boarding school for boys was asked by a journalist if the school accepted applicants who were bedwetters. He replied: "Of course we do! No doubt about it. Many bedwetting pupils go on to excel as leaders, scholars, and sportsmen at school and beyond!"
I last wet the bed when I was 15/16 and wearing DryNites (UK's version of GoodNites in the US?), it stopped gradually and slowly (it wasn't instant, as if I completely stopped wetting the bed one night). I was also a 'late' potty trainer, I didn't stop having accidents during the day until aged 11 ish.
I went a long time without wearing any diapers or anything AB / DL related, despite being a DL since the age of 13. I did think about diapers occasionally and I'd miss them immensely at times but I never actually bought any/engaged in DL stuff again until I was in my early 20's.

I haven't accidently/unintentionally wet the bed since I was 16. I still remember clearly that I had no real control when I was a kid with my bedwetting, it just happened. I didn't wake up, I had no urge to pee or anything. I just woke up in the mornings with a wet diaper (as a kid) or a DryNite as a teen.

As a 29yo adult now and wearing diapers because I choose to I still haven't wet the bed accidently, even if a small part of me wants to, it'd be impractical and quite concerning tbh. When I pee in my diaper it's because I choose to, I'm aware when I'm peeing. I will say though that it's incredibly easy to pee in my diaper, perhaps a little too easy lol. Pee comes out a lot more quickly/easier etc when I'm wearing a diaper in bed compared to if I was to use the toilet.

It's an interesting concept to explore if regular diaper use in bed, even if you're aware you're peeing, can lead to accidental peeing/bedwetting. I suppose in a way you're 'de-training' yourself and the more natural it feels to use a diaper, is there a possibility you're more likely to use it without knowing you're using it (specifically when asleep)? This applies doubly I suppose if, like me and many others, you were a late bedwetter anyway.
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I've been wearing constantly every night for the past 2 years but still have not gotten the hang of it, my body just refuses to relax. Ive tried hypnosis tapes to help relax but nope, my brain just wouldn't allow it. Any tips on how to wiuld be much appreciated.
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I can recall the event - but neither location nor circumstances. I was once sleeping somewhere on a very thin mattress on a wire bed-frame. Both mattress and body unprotected. I wet the bed of course and got up to check the damage. To my shame, the floor had a large pool for me to wipe up - somehow! Certainly it was rare for me to sleep without protection: luckily I never repeated it....
There is bedwetting and bedwetting! Once, in a cold badly insulated and unheated house, I was given in snowy weather a hot-water bottle in the bed to warm it [and me]. Come the middle of the night I was aware my bed was flooded [usual]. But this was excessive, and I found the bottle was near empty. So who had wet the bed? - not me but the bottle! I called my parents, who dried me up and moved me into the spare bedroom. They were a bit dubious?! But took my word that the bottle was the culprit ......
I’ve been training at the gym a lot recently and part of my training is a balanced diet, which also includes lots of water to displace snacking.
Last night was a great example of what I’ve been kinda of going through, worked 12hrs, got home, picked up the wife and we went to the gym, worked out for about 1.5hrs then back home to eat a lite dinner / shower, by then it was already 9pm and I had to go to bed since I had work today, I feel asleep pretty quick and prob sometime around 11:30 half woke up and just wet a little bit, drifted off back to sleep, woke up this morning at 4:30am and my diaper was way heavier then I imagined, I must have wet 1 or 2 times more during the night, thank god for tykables overnights lol. Point is, I’m almost always 100% hydrated or really close to it and when I’m tired, a deep sleep usually results in wetting at night, I personally kind of like it, my wife is use to it as a routine, as long as I don’t have leaks, things are good to go
As a bedwetter still living at home until eighteen, there were two anxious times of day! After breakfast waiting for a wet bed to be "discovered" and the call "I want you upstairs in your bedroom, dear; and in the evening after supper waiting for the cue.....either:

1."Well dear I think maybe it's your bed-time?" or
2. Worse, "Well dear it's your nappy time!"
3. WORST, "Come upstairs to the nappy table and get you into YOUR NAPPIES AND RUBBER PANTS!"

Waiting, morning or evening, I had a sense of real anxiety, particularly if guests were present! with us!
vaslav said:
As a bedwetter still living at home until eighteen, there were two anxious times of day! After breakfast waiting for a wet bed to be "discovered" and the call "I want you upstairs in your bedroom, dear;
I too had anxious times. Went through a period of trying to hide a wet bed via making it as if all was fine. The first time I did the “hide” mom found my shame calling me to view the discovery. Subsequent times nothing was said. In case anybody is wondering, beneath blankets and all a wet bed dries little if any during the day with the aroma intensifying! She must have known.
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