Babyish Foods


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What are your favorite foods to eat as an AB?

I've never had store-bought baby food, but I've sort of made my own before. Mashed bananas with a tiny bit of milk and sugar is a favorite of mine. Cream Of Wheat is good, so is Cocoa Wheats (basically chocolate Cream Of Wheat). Occasionally I'll eat cream of chicken soup
And don't even get me started on those puffy cereal thingies (strawberry banana is my favorite)

Also does anyone remember YoGos? Those yogurt balls with a center that was like a jellybean? I used to love those things! Welch's makes something like it but it's not the same
I like anything messy but nooooo baby food cause it’s yucky yucky yucky
to be honest when I'm very little I love warm formula and if I'm nearer 3 then I love baby rice
So childrens food is probably my favorite subject, mainly because I collect recipes. I have made my own baby food before (even though I don't know if I've ever really aged down enough to be a baby). My favorite recipe is making chicken and broccoli soup with a little onions and TONS of noodles so that there really isn't a ton of broth and then blend it! Yummers!!!! But I mostly like soft finger foods, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets cut up, chicken and rice or grandmas dumplings and ice cream that has been smooshed into soup.
I do not remember YoGos but I really love gerber yogurt drops.
I usually prefer to make myself a macaroni cup. But sometimes a lone bottle is enough to fill me for the moment.
I eat the baby puffs and the little squeezable pouches of baby food and usually stuff like apples or kid meals. My daddy likes when I eat healthy so. I usually have water or apple juice in my sippy
my main problem with diet is that I'm a type 2 diabetic so if we are having a full day of mummy/baby time we normally have something like spog bog for supper.
I may have mentioned this in other posts, but when I regress, I tend to favour baby foods and baby snacks. I tend to stick to fruity baby foods as they are tastier and tend to have lower iron content. My favourite fruit baby food is Pear, Apricot, Banana and Brown Rice Flavoured :)

PrincessBrattyButt said:
I've never had store-bought baby food, but I've sort of made my own before. Mashed bananas with a tiny bit of milk and sugar is a favorite of mine. Cream Of Wheat is good, so is Cocoa Wheats (basically chocolate Cream Of Wheat). Occasionally I'll eat cream of chicken soup
And don't even get me started on those puffy cereal thingies (strawberry banana is my favorite)

I too enjoy mashed bananas and cream of wheat. I eat cream of wheat or oatmeal when the fruit baby foods aren't filling enough, both are equally satisfying 😄 If you really want a treat, try mashing a banana into some cream of wheat with a little bit of milk and honey, it's rather nummy 😋

As far as snacks go, cheerios and arrowroot cookies are nice and nothing beats a nice warm bottle of milk either 😉🍼
PCBaby said:
my main problem with diet is that I'm a type 2 diabetic so if we are having a full day of mummy/baby time we normally have something like spog bog for supper.
I don't usually bring up any kind of health issues but I too and a Type 2 Diabetic but I so eat a little more bread and carbs than I should. However OI would love to know what Spog Bog is. I looked it up and I can't find anything about it.
Sorry it's short for Spaghetti bolognese. And I recommend a bib!.
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PCBaby said:
to be honest when I'm very little I love warm formula and if I'm nearer 3 then I love baby rice

How does the baby rice taste?
it's not overly sweet, but is very smooth and comforting