are bambino still a good diaper


18 months
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Incontinent
I have been wearing tykables for a while they're great, but at $200 a pop, it gets to be costly for them. So I was thinking about getting bambino instead. I have been looking at the teddy bear one and wondering if they're just as good. I would be saving a little money if I switch not much but some.
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Poohbearboy said:
I have been wearing tykables for a while they're great, but at $200 a pop, it gets to be costly for them. So I was thinking about getting bambino instead. I have been looking at the teddy bear one and wondering if they're just as good. I would be saving a little money if I switch not much but some.
Here's the Advanced Diaper Review by the awesome Fruitkitty here on ADISC, absolutely should check it out:
Bambino Classico, Bianco, and Teddy Advanced Diaper Review

Personally I haven't worn Bambino in a couple of years but from the case of Bianco I went through, they're alright. Not the greatest but certainly not bad.
I apologize I can't give a direct and up to date review on the Teddy, but I'm going out on a limb and assuming they have a pretty similar shell and construction.
The only difference I assume between the Teddy and Bianco is print and absorbency, Teddy being more absorbent(Once upon a time they stated there's "extra SAP in the seat of the diaper" before their site upgrade) and having cute print.

These are the things I remember about my time using the Bianco.
  • Pretty soft and thick
  • Outer shell was smooth and somewhat quiet, really liked it
  • Standing leak guards were decently tall
  • Good leg gather elastics and elastic waistbands(front+back)
  • Absorbency was pretty decent and had a very satisfying swell, especially in the seat
  • Taping panel was strong and crinkly, but tapes weren't very good and tended to pop/peel as the diaper swelled.
I prefer buying during one of their bigger sales which popped up often then.
Only issues I've heard lately around here about Bambino is they're not responding to some customers E-mails and shipping complaints/orders not shipping/no tracking. So good luck if you do order from them.

Hopefully this helps, again I apologize I couldn't give a direct review on the Teddy themselves.
Hope you find a good Tykables replacement that works for you! (y)
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Bambino is a company that just happens to sell ABDL diapers. Tykables is ABDL from the ground up. I don't see that many people today wearing Bambino products anymore(Magnifico and Bellissmo still have a following).

There are just so many better options out there. Crinklz, Megamax, ABU products.
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Bottom Half Group ( Bambino ) are VERY expensive. Their overpriced pullups leak pretty badly. Their overpriced ultra stretch diapers have incredibly weak tabs that rip off easily .
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I abandoned Bambino after they were my first ABDL diaper. The cut of the diaper was just too far off in the front-waist. As a result, they didn't absorb when laying down and fluid would start running to my hips. And their recent "innovations" around stretch panels just make the diaper awkward to wear. I found Tykables and ABU put a lot more thought into cut and fit of their product.
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Thank you because I did not want to order them and not be as good as tykables. I think Crinklz are the best choice at the moment or ABU to save a little money in the long run.
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I've always got a good fit from Bambino's cut. Back when I first started buying diapers, they had some of the thickest / highest capacity on the market. But they didn't do much to improve on their padding in the years that followed, with the Bellissimo being the only upgrade.

Recently though they went to an all-over print on their Classico, and greatly improved their padding. I don't know if they did the same upgrade to their Teddy when they went to all-over print?

So they're not doing as good of a job of keeping up, but they're still a good option. Their classico/bianco/teddy first gen are about the same capacity as say, a Rearz inspire. They've also got the Magnifico with the upgraded padding.

Bambino is a company that just happens to sell ABDL diapers. Tykables is ABDL from the ground up.

I always thought they were first and foremost an ABDL company?
unsure how they are , usually since im in canada i never get those brands as most sites dont offer them much,
as per the diaper themselfs from when i use to wear them way back they always split on me on the bum\ so i gave up , i do have a few of the newer ones i got like random few samples but not enough trial ones to get a really good idea or feel on how they are or how i like em now
Poohbearboy said:
Thank you because I did not want to order them and not be as good as tykables. I think Crinklz are the best choice at the moment or ABU to save a little money in the long run.
Dunno why everone likes the crinkles, maybe its a location thing, but i coulnt stand them , specially the weak plastic that would rip if refastening , and the lack of abosortion they held , Maybe its because im used to mostly rearz diapers and abu
I never really had a problem with crinklz but just want to tykables for a while but with covid 19 and money issue right now can't keep spending $200 month a case. ABU / Crinklz I save like $50 what not much but it does give extra money if need it set aside.
Tried bambino when the had a Labor Day sale. Took almost a month for them to arrive. The boosters they sell are really good. The maximum absorbency ones, total dry line I think. I wanted to try the new version of the teddy and all print bellisimo. I wasn’t overly impressed. I liked the print but most of the rest falls way short of other options out there. I used to order bambino a lot, but unfortunately not anymore. It’s sad because they were the company that really brought the abdl diaper market to life.
I ordered from them this month and it took a week to get my order. They just fit me better. I do wish they had a two tape diaper available. SDK by ABU is still my favorite.

Give them a try :)
ABU out of my size at the moment, so until getting medium I bought some Crinklz instead.
I've still got a few Bambino Magnifico's left from a case I bought ages ago. I really like them, the fit is good due to the stretch sides. I haven't tried any of the new ones they've released (V2's of Classico, Teddy etc) as I can't seem to find anywhere that sells them in the UK
I actually really like bambinos. They fit me better than some of the other brands. I prefer the Original V2 baby print. Also their Quadro deluxe stuffers. Note they need to really fix their website descriptions but I assume it will happen over time.

I haven't been having too good of luck with ABU's quality control lately :( and as much as I like the capacity of Tykables, it's more of a treat to get them as they are pretty expensive. Or I need to share a case with a friend to justify buying them. I only buy cases.
I use them almost every night for my bed wetting. For the price, I like them. I rarely have leaks. They also make a nice daytime diaper when needed.

My alternate is megamax. Those are for when I don't want to rush to change out of my nighttime diaper.
I'd still call the Bambino Magnifico my favorite ABDL diaper, if only by a hair. I really like the stretchy wings and the print. When it came out a few years back, I figured it wouldn't be long before we saw some stretchy-winged competition from ABU and Tykables. Alas.
I'm going to flat out say it, no. They're not. Their fit and capacity are sub-par, and their pricing is not competitive. AND their materials are sub-par, putting bare uncoated plastic against your skin. ABU and Tykables both add some form of coating to the inside of their plastic so it won't cause irritation and heat rash; Bambino does not. Bambino may have created the first "good" adult diapers, but they've been left far behind their competitors. In my opinion, Tykables is far and away the best now. Their slightly higher apparent price is made up for by free shipping.
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I coincidentally bought a few packs this week. I’m excited to try the Velcro one with the stretchy side panels. I’ve always wanted the same stretch that my kids had with their baby diapers. I’ll have to update with my impressions after they arrive.
I recently bought 3 packs of them - Bambinos, Teddys and Bambino V2. Overall, kinda meh.

Teddy’s have authentic vintage-feel plastic which for me is important. They are comfortable BUT just not thick enough really.

Bambinos are way thinner now. Honestly, I’m shocked as I hadn’t bought any in years, they used to be way thicker. Still thicker than Teddies but they have rough plastic which makes them less authentic.

Bambinos V2 I quite liked. Thick, comfortable, nice plastic, nice noise. I just don’t like the design.

To each his own though. Maybe I am too fussy with diapers as there are tons on the market and I only like SDKs, DinoRawrz, PeekAbus and Tykables Unicorns.