Adverse Effects of 24/7?

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Yes - when you don't use your bladder muscles to hold the pee at all, they will weaken from a lack of use. It's a similar concept when astronauts go into space - living in a zero-gravity environment means you won't need to use your muscles for nearly anything. So unless you exercise consistently while in space, you will become very weak surprisingly fast.

Perhaps if you're going to go 24/7, try to hold your pee in for a while rather than just going immediately.
jeremyi said:
Perhaps if you're going to go 24/7, try to hold your pee in for a while rather than just going immediately.

Seems to be a common answer. I will do that. Thanks for your help! :)
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Note said:
I'm talking about self inflicted Incontinence.

Look, a lot in this culture strive to become IC so they can justify their diaper usage, or even just to feel "little". If both or one of the two is what you're aiming for then more power to you, just be prepared to put in the extra work that comes with it.

My goal is not to become IC, I want nothing less than that honestly. I just want to wear diapers 24/7.
Wearing diapers does not cause medical conditions. They do not affect your body in any kind of way. They don't cause permanent conditions. The only thing even remotely considered medical is diaper rash. Diaper rash can be caused by one diaper.

"Incontinence" would be a physical change in nature. Things such as catheters, surgery, injury, disease, or physical body modification, that would physically prevent someone from holding urine.

Wearing diapers 24/7 won't make one lose control, it's more of a comfort or acceptance. I could wear diapers 24/7, and not lose capacity, or I could release when I feel the first sign of a void. Whatever the case, you will still have control. Your muscle won't disappear, it will be weakened ever so slightly. Your mental training will be whatever you train it to be. After a period of 24/7 you might have to consciously pull your muscle closed that you're body usually subconsciously, does for you.

I can actually wear diapers for a period of time and have easier voids. I can wear underwear at anytime and have control. It's like when I wear diapers, I feel myself letting go subconsciously. I can wear underwear the same day and not let go. I've trained myself this way mentally. It's like when you travel on a long trip holding back a void pretty comfortably. You can feel the urge getting stronger but it's no issue. Then you get near a toilet and the urge is stronger but it feels like its about to burst the closer you get. This is an unrecognized mental comfort.

I know that some people with this lifestyle or fetish do perform self inflicted incontinence in physical ways. However wearing diapers do not cause a physical change in your control, it won't be permanent.

Like I said in a previous post, it's no different from being a toddler. A toddler going through potty training from wearing diapers. Toddlers are mentally comfortable with diapers, and they are trained to hold it and go to the toilet instead.

There's a benefit from Wearing diapers 24/7, or urinating more often, will help keep your kidneys clean. Reducing chances of kidney stones and prostate problems. My career of truck driving increases a person's risk of these issues and doctors and health insurance companies and truck companies know this and some actually encourage truck drivers to take supplements for urinary health. I've seen truck drivers with catheter bags and I often see catheters in open trash cans. Some drivers can probably hold over a liter of urine. Before I've started wearing diapers while driving, I noticed my urine being really smelly, cloudy, and have a thicker consistency. I only went to the restroom 2-3 times per day. My bladder capacity got to the point to where I could feel it moving around inside from being so heavy. It is a terrible habit developed by truck drivers.

Yes, diapers are able to benefit people healthily. Please stop making wearing diapers 24/7 seem dangerous or making people think it can cause permanent damage or loss of control, because it doesn't.
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My urologist tells me that truck drivers, school teachers and nurses all tend to have distended bladders ...
Before I was able to wear diapers regularly I had a morbidly shy bladder. I'd lock up trying to pee sitting down in a stall if anyone was IN the restroom. Same problem at the urinal if I so much as heard a noise outside. It was reanny annoying. It's all in your head, but the problem is real. Using my diaper started out no better, standing was almost impossible, and laying down was completely out of the question. But my "diaper therapy" has worked mirables on me, and now I can even use a urinal while someone else is using another one near me. (although that trick still is a bit challenging)

So it's all a mental thing. You're just getting more used to it and adapting. The change isn't permanent, you can retrain yourself easily enough if you need to, but you shouldn't expect to be able to do so overnight. Your "diaper training" will take some days or weeks to reverse itself.

For me, my bladder was so hard to command that all my efforts got it to a somehat more "normal" behavior, being able to pee whenever I wanted to. For you, starting out at that point, you've just extended your reach a lot farther than I'll ever get, to being almost involuntary.
Note said:
Like I have already said, practising this fetish has it's darkside.

If it is a result of wearing 24/7 I'd advise to wear less and make an effort to hold more often. Gradually those control muscles will build back up.

Are you male or female? If you're female you can do pelvic exercises that might help.
Both genders can do Kegel exercises. Search it on
acorn said:
All too easy to forget that this is also meant to be a support community for people who are IC and not by choice.

Perchance you would be good enough to link us to an online diabetic community where the majority of members advocate the reconational use of refined sugar. With all the shut I've indured over the last month, I could really do with some serious lolz. Greatfully yours. :)

I completely missed your post. What I meant by that is I don't advocate forced or choice IC. I meant if I am not IC and my actions won't lead me to be IC there is no reason not to do said actions.
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