• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

About myself (lunamoonwolf64)

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Crinkle pup
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Sissy
  6. Little
  7. Incontinent
I don't really have much to tell, I work at dollar general and my hobbies are reading/ (writing when I have time for it), wood carving, and art of any kind rly, but other than that, there really isn't any more to tell
Hello rocketlightmane and welcome to the group.

Nice introduction

rockylightmane said:
I don't really have much to tell, I work at dollar general and my hobbies are reading/ (writing when I have time for it), wood carving, and art of any kind rly, but other than that, there really isn't any more to tell
Congrats on coming out of the lurker cave! Welcome to the forum!
rockylightmane said:
I don't really have much to tell, I work at dollar general and my hobbies are reading/ (writing when I have time for it), wood carving, and art of any kind rly, but other than that, there really isn't any more to tell
Hello and welcome
Hello and Welcome hope you enjoy the community and forums
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