AB/DLism in popular culture

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Last night, I was watching King of the Hill.
The dad's dad, Cotton had to go to a nursery school and then one of the guys said he would babysit him.
He was watching teletubbies and was sitting like a baby. The guy (can't remember his name) put a baby bib on him.
Then said I can't stand to see you this way Cotton!
How I Met Your Mother has been really going for the ABDL thing recently. After we had Lily acting like a baby way back in Not a Father's Day (4x07), we've had two similar instances in the latest season: Baby Talk (6x06) has Barney trying to pick up a girl while speaking like a little boy (he later succeeds by finding a woman who wants to essentially be a rather dominating mommy/babysitter type figure), and then in the very next episode, Canning Randy (6x07), Robin makes an adult diaper commercial which we get to see (it's quite surreal).
Badger said:
How I Met Your Mother has been really going for the ABDL thing recently. After we had Lily acting like a baby way back in Not a Father's Day (4x07), we've had two similar instances in the latest season: Baby Talk (6x06) has Barney trying to pick up a girl while speaking like a little boy (he later succeeds by finding a woman who wants to essentially be a rather dominating mommy/babysitter type figure), and then in the very next episode, Canning Randy (6x07), Robin makes an adult diaper commercial which we get to see (it's quite surreal).

Yeah, I've been noticing it too, but I swear, with that diaper commercial, one of the producers must be like a dl or ab to make something up like this… or they could have just used Google :p.
There was an episode of The New Adventures of Old Christine on last night where one of the characters was looking for a roommate. When talking about the previous applicants for the day he asked if the person apply, "is now or has ever been an Adult Baby."
Hm, cartoons in general seem to be very prone to it. If one just recalls all those Disney- and Warner Bros. animations including references to diapers...
But Nickelodeon takes the cake - I remember a recent episode of "The Mighty B!" with a diaper transport van in the background. I can just speak for the german versions, but "The Fairly Odd Parents" is the king, with several dozens of diaper related jokes, ranging from a lot of situations where it's shown that Cosmo wears diapers, some age regressions happening to Timmy, a lot of "Diaper Stores" which pop up in the background, ... the list goes on. These moments are even increasing in number since the debut of Baby Poof. (Understandably, though.)
I know that this little undergarment is largely considered "funny" in popular media, but especially in animated serials it appears or is at least mentioned with such a frequency that I can not resist the thought that there are some Adult Baby and/or DLs out there in the wide world of cartoon industry. ^^

(Oh and please excuse possible mistakes in my text - English is not my native language and although I can understand practically everything I read or hear, I still manage to make some mistakes. xD')
Sayaki said:
(Oh and please excuse possible mistakes in my text - English is not my native language and although I can understand practically everything I read or hear, I still manage to make some mistakes. xD')

You could have fooled me! You have excellent grammar and vocabulary. I work as a writing tutor and I often help ESL students. There are a lot of very common mistakes that they make that I didn't find anywhere in your post. Good job!

On topic though, yes there are a lot of mentions to diapers in cartoons, especially kids cartoons. They know kids have just gotten out of (or are soon to get out of) diapers, and some have younger siblings who are still wearing diapers. It tends to fit in with the experiences they have had of this world, as well as the things they find funny. This is just par for the course, in my mind. Are there infantilists somewhere in the industry that are part of the production of these shows? Possibly, or perhaps they have done market research and have found that kids simply liked that kind of content and were more likely to watch. Honestly, anything is possible, so who really knows?
Mk12121 said:
One person is being changed (doesn't show the diaper) who is playing with the rotating thing that goes over a crib (don't know what it is called).

That would be a baby mobile :). Cool find there.

One of these days I'll have to make a big post with all the references I've found in my favorite show. I think I said I would do it when I first joined but hadn't ever gotten around to it, lol. Maybe by the next break in my classes. :p
The mushroom people, whatever they're called in Super mario seem to wear them... :laugh:

Here is a favorite from my youth.

Kinda held my breath for a minute when she said she knew what else he liked and reached into the nightstand drawer. Turned out to be vapor rub, instead of a diaper.
THE INCREDIBLES "About Being Normal"

Interesting posts about the cartoon world. I think you are probably right on track with your comments. It is interesting how many older cartoons depict characters in diapers. Little Hot Stuff is a great example, but then Baby Looney Tunes has many of the normally adult characters such as Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, etc. depicted as when they were babies in diapers. I can think of several scences where even in the cartoons with them as adult characters they had been wearing diapers as part of a disguise within the story plot.

My #1 Favorite
My # one favorite that I really wanted to share in this post was a scene from The Incredibles. The first time I caught it I had to replay it a couple of times to make sure it was actually what was said. In the scene at the family dinner when Dash is getting scolded for using his superpowers in school, his mom (Elastigirl) says that they need to just act normal.

Violet, the daughter gets upset and says, "Normal! What does anyone in this family know about normal?"

Elastigirl: "Now wait a minute young lady!"

Violet: "We act normal Mom, but I want to be normal! The only normal one is Jack Jack and he is not even toilet trained yet!"

Dash mumbles: "He's lucky."

Elastigirl (Mom) gives a startled look at Dash.

Dash looks embarrassed and says, "Umm, I meant about being normal". However from the expression on Dash's face it seemed apparent that Dash had actually been speaking about Jack Jack being lucky about the toilet training part.

I can't help but see the irony in this whole scene. It is actually a family discussion about acting normal, and the characters expressing their desire to be normal. I believe many of us have felt this exact concern about our own DL/AB interests and wondering "why am I not normal?". Yet in this scene, the only one who was "Normal", was Jack Jack, "and he isn't even toilet trained yet!".

If you don't remember this scene, or didn't catch it before, you've got to go back to it to appreciate it. Besides, The Incredibles was a great movie!

i guess i'll have to look that scene up
That scene is actually the reason I rented the movie and watched it. It's a great film, but if I hadn't know about that scene coming in I would have probably done a spit take.
Being Normal like Jack Jack

:cool: Great, you really should watch it. It really is an interesting little tidbit when nothing else was even insinuated. There really seems to be a deeper message. Its great to be like Jack Jack, since "he's the only normal one and he isn't even toilet trained yet!"

Sounds like a possible theme for AB/DL's everywhere?

Why should we think that everyone else are the normal one's? Perhaps its just that we're the normal ones as others have no idea what they are missing!!!

I don't know if anyone has linked this yet, but there is a very old cartoon where at the end, this guy is put through a "youth machine" as punishment for being a jerk father.

Go to Youtube, and type in "Boy Meets Dog" and the video should be at the very top. (I can't link anything yet, sorry for the lack of convenience)

there is also an episode in Ren and Stimpy which you can also find in YouTube if you type in "Ren and Stimpy-The Big Baby Scam"
Badger said:
HBaby Talk (6x06) has Barney trying to pick up a girl while speaking like a little boy (he later succeeds by finding a woman who wants to essentially be a rather dominating mommy/babysitter type figure).

Wait... I just realized that Barney is played by Neil Patrick Harris. Who played Doogie Howser. ...Who I had a major crush on when I was a kid...

So it was like Doogie Howser acting like a little kid to pick up chicks.

... I think my ten year old self just had a wet dream at those thoughts. (Yes, I had caretaker feelings back then... They were repressed and often ignored, but I definitely had them. Also, that chick at the end of that episode is exactly like me when I'm drunk. Shi-)
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