
  1. kik91

    The Epitome of Love: An ABDL Novella (Free Ebook for you!)

    Hi guys. So, as you probably read on my other post, I am releasing my ABDL Novella under a penname soon. The interior file designed by an editorialist is ready, all that's in progress is the cover artwork. Should be done in a week or two maybe, my artist is a bit busy. But... I am releasing...
  2. kik91

    Of Deviant Hearts: A Novella

    Hi everybody!! So, I'll just leave this here in case if you're interested. It's a novella about coming of age during high school. This was supposed to be a short film but we had budget cuts. But now it is a novella that you can all enjoy!! Of Deviant Hearts: A Novella Synopsis: "A journal, a...