"Big" littles

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I'm over six and a half feet tall, and this is a real challenge for me when I want to feel small. Not only that, but I think that most people who are looking for a babygirl to take care of are looking for somebody who is smaller, or at least average in size. When you are a head taller than your caregiver it kind of ruins the illusion on both sides.

Then again, I have managed to get pretty far just by assuming a small posture. By sitting on the floor and crawling around while my partner looms over me I really was able to feel small. Still, it would be nice to meet somebody bigger than myself and strong enough to scoop me up in his arms. *swoon*
im a big lil too, im 5'10 and weight around 125 kg, babies are chubby so here i am hehe , i look so babyish diapered, i love it every time. Being a big lil is awesome.
Well I'm like 6 foot 3 and weigh like 14-15 stone don't know what that is in pounds so I'm pretty big but I gotta be big playing basketball
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