POLL: Left or Right handed?

Lefty or Righty?

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A southpaw. Like some other lefties, I throw with my right. I use my left for finesse and my right for power. Also a drummer, I position my kit like a right-handed players kit but play the snare and hi-hat open handed. While playing I lead with my left and have encountered a couple moves I can't quite pull off as well as I would if I was playing a left-handed kit setup.
Anything that requires fine coordination like writing, eating, shaving I am left handed. For athletic or strength actions, throwing, golfing I am right handed.
I'm ambidextrous too.
So I think as an average that has been consistent since the first 20 votes.

Given that the average left-handed population is 10%, the one here appears to be ~40%.
So one is 4x more likely to be an ABDL if they are left handed than a righty.
I'm a total lefty.
Right handed!
60 left 40% right (ish).

I went to a few radical schools who still believe that using your left hand is evil so both hands are legible (barley). Left is still more cordinated but my muscle memory is in my right hand.
hmm wasn't expecting that outcome. Right handed here though
I'm left handed writing using tools wiping Arse but can do some things both hands
Themanswifesman said:
So I think as an average that has been consistent since the first 20 votes.

Given that the average left-handed population is 10%, the one here appears to be ~40%.
So one is 4x more likely to be an ABDL if they are left handed than a righty.

Once I finished reading your intro post for this thread, I tried to look up 'paraphilic' in my computer's dictionary, since I had never heard that word before. But it returned no results :sad: !

Then I came to Page 5 here, since it is currently the last page of this thread. After reading the above, and noticing that I had gotten approximately the same percentages once I voted in this Poll, though, I think I have a very general idea of what that word means....

BTW, I am a complete right-hander.
Wow alot of right-handers on this forum... lol xD
I am right handed. I can use the left for the computer mouse or to use a knife but not catch or throw a ball.
I'm going to say I'm 65% right handed. I'm in a skilled trade so I often have to do things in tight corners sometimes or from odd angles. I weld left or right handed - both pass X-ray testing. Some machinist scrapers are right handed only which sucks but I use some generic shaped blades with either hand. I'm faster with a die grinder right handed but can do ok southpaw.
Right-handed by birth but ambidextrous by practice ^-^ .
Is nobidextrous an option?
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