Oh the uses of pee

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Growing up along the Atlantic ocean, I remember reading histories on the old sailing ships. They too would use a pee collection barrel where they would use the pee/ammonia to wash clothes. It sounds really gross to me!
Well, urine contains large amounts of nitrogen and will break down to ammonia over time, both of which are useful for a wide variety of things. Not too surprising it found a lot of weird uses by virtue of being readily available, though one does wonder how these uses were discovered before any real chemical knowledge. How much trial and error do you go through before "lets try peeing on it" comes up.
BoundCoder said:
....though one does wonder how these uses were discovered before any real chemical knowledge.

Actually, it is easier for me to understand how uses for urine were discovered. What bogles my mind is how something like soap could be created without any real chemical knowledge. Saponification is a rather cool chemical process, but it is just that, a process. And if done incorrectly is extremely hazardous for human contact which is also crazy that they figured out how to manufacture soap and test it to be safe for use without any idea of things like Ph scales or testing.
Yeah, some stuff you can picture just _somehow_ got stumbled upon, and some stuff (like bread) you can see the iterative steps that got them there, but some stuff is kinda all or nothing.
Urine also used to be used in the leather tanning process.

I don't know if there is any truth to this, but someone pulled something off the web about how at one time they went door to door to buy urine for the leather tanners. If you were poor, you were "piss poor" and if you were really poor, "you didn't have a pot to piss in".

There was also something about the tanners being out of town because their places (and them) smelled so bad.
Let's see I'm doing a load of whites should I throw a cup of tide or a pint of urine?
Tetra said:
Let's see I'm doing a load of whites should I throw a cup of tide or a pint of urine?

Oh I would just use half a pint. LOL :p
Maxx said:
Having once been a 10 year old boy, I'd suggest "let's pee on it" is pretty high on the list of things to try in just about any circumstance.

"Note for future: don't ever try that on a barbed wire fence (with bright yellow insulators on the top line) ever again"
bambinod said:
"Note for future: don't ever try that on a barbed wire fence (with bright yellow insulators on the top line) ever again"

And then the grandmother says; "Oh my! Why would you ever do that," in a tone similar to Raymons panicky mother.
Bambinod did you get a "little tickle feeling" or did your junk start smoking
Tetra said:
Bambinod did you get a "little tickle feeling" or did your junk start smoking

I personally have never experienced it, but I know of several that have. (a few animals, a few people)

The most entertaining story was from a friend whose family had a really curious bull one year. He walked up to the newly installed segment of electric fence and sloooowly approached it, tried to give it a sniff. When he got close enough, it got him right on the nose. "the cowpies flew for about 10 feet".

And that was the same guy that as a much younger kid, got himself. Had to go, was watering the fencepost, and suddenly BAM, felt like someone kicked him hard. So there he was, laying on his back a few feet back from where he had been, pissing all over himself, unable to stop. Ouch, adding insult to injury!

I prefer to learn those sorts of lessons third party rather than personally!
With me being an Adult Baby/Adult Toddler, my bedroom smells of pee-pee.
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