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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
Do any of you unintentionally drool? From time to time, I catch myself drooling unintentionally. Fortunately, this usually happens when I'm in private :sweatdrop:, but it does really play into my little side :) (You're not just dressed like a baby, but you're drooling like one.). I'm not sure if it's my Asperger's with its motor issues or just a quirk of mine:dunno:.
I think I got a little too much humor out of reading this. Really its a little irritating when it happens to me. It normally happens when I have my paci in my mouth. Last night I started to and was just awake enough to fix it. On the other hand I absolutely hate waking up with a dry mouth. It was just last night that I was able to sleep all night with it in my mouth. I would move it around when ever the top of my mouth got dry. I guess thats what caused me to drool a little bit. I found a way to seal the outside air with a little saliva on the mouth guard.
Haha I'm constantly dribbling when I've got my paci in. Without thinking a big drool will just run down my chin, or worse drip strait into what ever I'm doing. I really should wear a bib more often :laugh: :paci:
I drool when I have a pacifier in too. It used to be just when I was sleeping, and I'd wake up with it dried around my mouth, but lately it's been happening a bit when I'm still awake. Maybe it's this particular brand of pacifier.
I drool a little bit as an older adult with cerebral palsy.
I can not help it.

Hi tobid03

Yes I have started to dribble a bit. Really did not think about it to now.
It more when I am sucking on my Pacifier lying on my tummy.

This is yet another subtle change, that is happing.

I Just usually wipe on tshert, or bedding. Then continue sucking and carry on with whatever it was that I was playing with.



I've started drooling at night, mostly when I don't sleep with a pacifier in. I love the feeling though, it definitely helps the little within me.
drooling is a regular occurance, especially with my paci.

I drool around my paci or in my sleep sometimes.
I've always thought there's a psychological element linking my AB side to drooling. I almost always wake up having drooled on my pillow if I've got into bed with my Baby Stella doll or baby blankie, whereas I rarely do if I sleep without those things. :)
yah I do once and a while, it happens mostly when I'm sitting at the computer and start to dose off and I find I drool. and some time at night when I wake up I find that I have a little.
I drill a little bit sometimes due to my cp
I only drool in my sleep and around my paci when I sleep. I don't drool every time I fall asleep but when I do it only happens when I am on my side.
I drool in my sleep and have done so every so often when I'm slightly zoned out.
It happens on a day to day basis. In my defense, however, have a underbite and a disproportionalized jaw can attribute.
Your not alone in my sleep or laying down .
With my binkie also
silentdreamer1996 said:
In my defense, however, have a underbite and a disproportionalized jaw can attribute.

Hmmm...Really? I have an underbite too and prominent jaw. Never knew that could cause more drooling. But, yes, I drool, unknowingly, until it gets on me. Kinda funny.
sisi said:

Hi tobid03

Yes I have started to dribble a bit. Really did not think about it to now.
It more when I am sucking on my Pacifier lying on my tummy.

Me and sisi are in the exact same boat
This is yet another subtle change, that is happing.

I Just usually wipe on tshert, or bedding. Then continue sucking and carry on with whatever it was that I was playing with.



Me and sisi are in the exact same boat
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