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Okay sweetie. I feel obligated to tell you the truth. Your attendants are disability mitigation staff, not nannies. Their job is to make your CP as nonrestrictive as possible, which is why they'll most likely always talk to you like an adult. If they stop doing that, it's time to be worried, because I guarantee you, they're perceiving an iq deficit, which you don't want at all. It makes you look bad on paper, so if you do end up somewhere other than where you wanna be, they'll think you're too deficient to care.

I can't emagine depending on friends for changes. Could you try buying a better brand, like Abena, Confidry 24/7, or Molicare, and write them off as a medical expense at year's end on your taxes? If you could, you wouldn't need as much help at night.

It strikes me that someone should either be doing a better job of fall prevention with you, or you should have a safe way to get you off the floor, and where you wanna be, powerchair, stroller, bed, couch, to take a bath, wherever. Let's be honest. Why pay someone to be there if they're not needed? They wouldn't be needed while you slept if your diapers were better, and if in the event of a fall or other needed, you could handle it. Your safety is all that has to happen to make them less needed. That means diapers that don't need changing as many as 8 times a day, and independent transfer safety, which would also make a dandy fall prevention solution. Could you get a grant for a Surehands lift? Once you get comfy using it, it would cut down so much on attendant care. Is your home ADA, or as I call it, "the Torah of disability," compliant? I bet not, if you can't even safety access you're microwave.

I I understand how frustrating not being able to cook is. I haven't a compliant kitchen either. Maybe meal delivery services, if your microwave were safe to access? Maybe placed on a reachable table? Don't feel bad if that's not in your cards. I'll probably know many a delivery person, if and when I move out.

Don't even get me started on how much I hate that our doors swing in instead of out. The reason why code says they must swing out to comply is that if someone falls in front of a door that swings in, they mayn't be able to open it because they're in front of it. I hate giving my family a peep show every time I pee!

I'm gonna be honest about something else too. Your dream is my nightmare, sweetie. To let a disability mitigation staff member see my Little side? I shudder at the thought. Why? Because
disability mitigation staff aren't meant to love us. To do so would be improper. They aren't wired to see, "Here's my brave, competent, intelligent, opinionated, goofy, girly, Pooh Bear loving sister, or wife. Look how Little she can be behind all the strength and adult bulls hit." Know who's wired to see those things? My Little brother, who loved me like a sister before he knew either of us were Little, and my future husband, respectively.

Having Little time is a major motivation for moving out, but I'll never be able to have the time and space to Little down if I don't prove I can do as much as possible for myself. And I'd have to have one hell of an explanation to let my disability mitigation staff see an overtly AB anything!

Diapie changes, play times, bath times, feedings, bedtimes and naps, should be fun mommy stuff, to the extent that she agrees to them. Some of them may still end up done by your attendants. Anything you can do, or any equipment you can get to make your cerebral palsy less a pain in the butt for a typical AB mommy?
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