AB/DL Origin?

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Anyone know the origin of the term AB/DL? and when it was first used?
The AB part is pretty clear, but the DL part is odd, Diaper Lover, I cannot really identify with that term, although I wear 24/7 for enjoyment. I'd describe myself as a Diaper Wearer.
I don't like the term myself, but I assume it is a natural expression just like "chocolate lover" or "dog lover". It's a simple way to convey the idea that a person enjoys some particular thing.
"Infantilist" was the term of choice when I first saw signs of the community online. I don't know the origins but I think AB and DL and running them together as ABDL has had most of its momentum in the last ten years. Adult baby certainly goes back further but its popularity as an accepted descriptive phrase and not just a collection of useful search terms in a search engine seems like a more recent thing to me.
"I don't like the term myself, but I assume it is a natural expression just like "chocolate lover" or "dog lover". It's a simple way to convey the idea that a person enjoys some particular thing."[
Agreed, but given the fetish nature of the subject and the sexual implications, you'd think 'lover' would be substituted for a more appropriate word.
If "dog lover" had sexual overtones it would take on a whole new and darker meaning.
AB/DL seems to be to lack adequate description as to the true nature of the subject, to the man/woman on the street. which could result in an incorrect conclusion.
Eitherway I cannot Identify with AB/DL the AB part I've never indulged in, the DL part seems to be worded wrongly to describe the issue at hand. lumping them together is like saying Tennis and Basketball are similar sports as they both use a ball (the diaper).
Still I'm interested to know the origins of this term? I'd assume it was pre internet, or rather pre AOL 4.0 internet.

When I had to see a psychiatrist back in 1970, the term for what I was was infantalist, just as Trevor said. Adult baby may have been used around the same time, but without the internet, there was no public exchange of information for something that was so guarded and kept behind closed doors. I didn't much like being put into the collective category of infantile, as if I was an infant. At the time, with no kind of support system like this site, I hated myself for wanting to wear diapers and wet them. It was very confusing and having to tell a psychiatrist was worse.

I suspect that both adult baby and diaper lover came as a result of the internet, just like memes and other accepted collective knowledge.
Far as I remember I first saw the terms AB and DL on the Wet Set website back in the mid to late nineties. One of Wet Set’s forums was and to this day is titled “Diaper Lovers / Adult Babies”.
The history of a ABDL is unknown it is as been known longer then the internet it was even known in mail news letters from some really old ABDL members I used to know, they do admit the add on of DL was newer the AB but they can't point when they first heard of it so really best idea is just talk to older people they might even be able to link it longer back for you.
aleakyboomboom said:

Anyone know the origin of the term AB/DL? and when it was first used?
The AB part is pretty clear, but the DL part is odd, Diaper Lover, I cannot really identify with that term, although I wear 24/7 for enjoyment. I'd describe myself as a Diaper Wearer.

I believe that you are splitting hairs and quite possibly avoiding the truth. To be merely a "diaper wearer" would imply no emotional connection at all. If you had none and were not IC, you would not spend the money to buy them nor would you wear 24/7, risking possible discovery and social ostracism. I freely admit to being a diaper lover as part of who I am because like you, I wear for enjoyment. I do not wear 24/7 in the summer because it is too hot, sweaty and therefore not enjoyable.
I would tend to agree with aleakyboomboom- what a username -I am not really into the fetish side of things, so the term "diaper lover" does not feel right. I am more relaxed when wearing a diaper because it just feels comfortable and offers some convenience, but I do not derive sexual pleasure from it.

I have considered myself a "diaper pragmatist", which I would define as someone who is not incontinent, but prefers to wear diapers for their practical applications and disregards any stigma that comes with wearing diapers by choice as an adult.

In other words, it is- as it should be -my choice on whether I want to use a diaper or the toilet to do my business. It is just another form of underwear with an added function. All the waste is contained and can be handled in a sanitary manner. As long as everything is handled properly, it also should not affect anyone else in anyway. Like I am sure many of you are aware, many do not even notice when we are wearing or using our diapers. (Unless you make a scene.)

That is my take on the subject anyway.
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