Consumers Union: 80% of all kids not suitable for toys

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
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I found a great article on "Der Postillon" concerning kids and toys.
Der Postillon is a German website, featuring satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news in newspaper and TV format.

This article was meant to be satirical however it was nearer to the truth than the author propably knows (assuming the case that the author is NOT an AB/Little :tongueout: )

The thing is - I have three kids of my own, and we also have three kids of our friend visiting us on a regular basis.
No toys I ever bought for myself are safe anywhere, and they already did break or lose some stuff.

That made this article even more funny than funny as hell.
Here's the link

Below is a rough translation:
Berlin (dpo) - Stiftung Warentest tested 1000 Kids – with frightening results.
The study revealed that more than 80% of the tested kids, between the age of two and ten, are totally unsuitable for toys, because of their destructive nature.

The test incorporated a room with hot wheels, lego bricks, gaming consoles, plushies and similar things, which were then exposed to 1000 human guinea pigs.

(~The pictures caption says: 'Safer in former times: Kid'~)

After just four hours, the vast majority of the toys were either broken or at least partially damaged.

"Especially for couples who desire kids, this test result is devastating", Dr Ruth Rimba, the conductress of the test, explained.
"Even inconspicuous kids did a good amount of damage to pretty sturdy toys. Particularly for delicate toys from China, kids are poison, since they tend to put anything into their mouths and the saliva dissolves protective liveries and glue."
Only a very few kids seem to be uncritical for toys. Though its a matter of primarily bland and lackluster kids, which are picked less willingly.

Stiftung Warentest therefore recommends everyone who loves their toys, to take a pass on kids for now.
Reminds me of my puppy. She's even worse than a kid, because she chews on everything and has strong jaws. Having only had kittens for many years, I was unprepared for how much a puppy destroys things. So many of our things now have little puppy teeth marks on them.
My old tomcat (this one) used to chew and pull(!) on every wire he could find. Be it ethernet, audio, optical or live 230V ones. I'm kind of glad that my current one 'restricts' himself to the wallpapers. :biggrin:
Elbs said:
Reminds me of my puppy. She's even worse than a kid, because she chews on everything and has strong jaws. Having only had kittens for many years, I was unprepared for how much a puppy destroys things. So many of our things now have little puppy teeth marks on them.

Yeah, I can't play with my little green army men because the dog would do a Godzilla on them. My grandchildren seem to do a lot better, though the dog also tramples them. Run little children, run.....Godzilla dog!!!!
What is it with kids these days who are so destructive to traditional toys?
I never beat the crap out of my toys when I was a child decades ago.
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