Regression activities that ruin the little mindset

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
So, during regression, I try using baby talk at times and it just doesn't feel right. Almost wrecks the feelings I get during regression.

Does anyone else feel anything similar to this, or have any theories as to why it happens?
I don't talk much when little. I try to get by with as few words as possible, accompanied by pointing, gesturing etc. (It's worth noting that I have had very few opportunities to experiment with a caregiver.) I don't like baby talk too much, at least not in its written form. I think that I would feel silly too, and that kind of feeling absolutely can take me out of feeling little. It's not that I think it's bad, mind you, it's just not to,my liking at this point. However, I can imagine that, with the right caregiver and some time to get comfortable with it, baby talk could be conducive to a littler head. As it stands, I'm comfortable with my way for now.
Perhaps you're still uncomfortable with acting like a baby? Maybe it's just an interruption to where your mind is taking you. If it doesn't come naturally, but rather, it's forced or contrived, I suppose it would interrupt the natural flow of regression.
I don't think I could ever get into baby talk. At best maybe some letter substitutions (like W for R), but I like just being able to talk too much. Would ruin the fun to self-limit that.

I've found messing pulls me out pretty quickly. I've tried it only a handful of times (separated by several months so that I kinda forget how bad it was before wanting to try again) and every time as soon as I'm done, it's like "well, ewww, time to get everything off and take a shower immediately."
dogboy said:
Perhaps you're still uncomfortable with acting like a baby? Maybe it's just an interruption to where your mind is taking you. If it doesn't come naturally, but rather, it's forced or contrived, I suppose it would interrupt the natural flow of regression.

Ditto to this.....letting go, for me at least, transcends anything that might appear strange. I see and think like I'm little and I seem to be unaware of things that must look completely ridiculous to any rational mind. Having said that, there is always less distraction looking from the inside out.....somehow I've learnt to not focus on things which would break regression...except I know that even in the deepest moments there is my adult mind monitoring from a distance keeping me safe.

in deepest regression, I have experienced a kind of dysphoria, a freaky uneasy feeling of being huge....not nice at all. Fortunately this is infrequent.
I actually feel this way a lot when I try to regress, which is probably why I rarely ever successfully do so. It's just sort of lost on me to try REALLY babyish things like chewing on a teething ring or playing with light up baby toys. But I like what Dogboy and Ozbub brought up about that being an impediment to the natural flow. The idea of just letting go is the only way I'm able to regress, but the direction I head in isn't babyish. My version of letting go is unique to me, so doing things which don't seem authentic to myself break me out of the process of regression and usually result in a process of self-loathing or bewilderment.
I'm always by myself when I'm in full little state, so I have no one to talk to but I think baby talk would feel silly. So I just pop the paci in and not talk at all.
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