Tips on messing?

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
For those of you who enjoy messing your diapers, does anyone have any tips or tricks that are good to know when messing a diaper? I don't usually mess my diaper because I don't like cleaning up but I LOVE the feeling. When I do feel like messing a diaper, which is not very often but I still do, what helps me with messing myself, since I've been potty trained since I was a kid, is going into the bathroom, sitting on the potty like I would if I was pooping in the potty but with a diaper on and just act like I don't have a diaper on and I start pushing and fill my diaper. But once I start messing I can only fit a certain amount in the diaper (I wear goodnites) before I can't push anymore out but there is still room for more just not by my butt. One time this happened then I finished the rest in the potty then wiped it out with A LOT of toilet paper and dropped it in my diaper so I can be even more messy. If anyone has any tips or advice or anything just please let me know.
Chillax, do something you enjoy that takes almost your entire focus, so you're not too selfconcious to go, find a position that allows gravity to work, so the poop doesn't touch your skin, like squatting, or tall knee, and make sure your pull-up's not too tight. Always Discreet Maximum Absorbency are supposed to be pretty darn close to Goodnites, according to other threads. There're flowers on them though.
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+1 for squatting or some other similar position. Sitting down, you're not really giving yourself much room which is the biggest part of the problem there.
You could also try the oatmeal trick - easy cleanup and awesome feeling :smile:
When I mess I normally do so standing no pressure on my diaper so I can actually get the full amount of poop in the diaper.
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