What's your earliest memory of being in diapers?

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Sissy
Just as the title says: what is your earliest memory of being in diapers? I'm just kinda curious to see what other ABDLs can remember about it. If you can't remember then hearing about one of your earliest memories in general would be interesting too.

For myself, I can remember laying down on the change mat in my living room and being changed, it's kinda a strange memory as it's very hazy but I can remember things like the texture of the mat and where it was in the room. I can also remember when I was old enough to be up and about, I'd hide behind the sofa if I needed to use my diaper (not really sure what that was about)

Bonus: Thinking about this has made me recall wanting to be in diapers when I was old enough not to need them, I have a fairly vivid memory of coming downstairs one morning in my pjamas taking out an old disposable diaper that was in a cupboard and sliding it into my pjamas, up against my bum so I could feel like I was wearing it.

So post below what memories you have :)
I don't remember anything about being in diapers, or of my potty training, despite my earliest memory taking place when I would have still been in them.
My earliest memory, I say I must have been about late 1 year old to late two year old. I don't think I could speak, but I don't know, as the memory is very short. Anywho
I was walking out of a door into a hallway, when I felt the need to go number 2, so I went, and waddled down to hall, and that's about it.
I can remember my mom telling me to stop squirming or she'd stick me with the diaper pin. I was adopted when I was two, so it's possible I was in diapers longer than some, since I think I spent some time at an adoption orphanage. I can remember my first bedroom (from my adoptive parents). I have no memories of my first parents or the orphanage, assuming I was in one.
I can't really remember that far back! I have seen pictures of myself at about 1 or 2 now unless you doing being in good notes fro 8 to10 then those could count as a memory but those were disposable underpants and you all are talking about earliest memories in actual diapers so no except in pictures I can't remember that far back!
I remember discovering the concept of a hot coffee pot when I was around 1 1/2 years old while I was wearing a gender specific huggies.
I have absolutely no memory of wearing diapers, potty training, early baths, or anything else.

I have vague memories of getting my tonsils out, nursery school play yard and some other things but that would be from about 4 or 5?
I can remember being changed in my room. I was lying on my bed and my mom asked if I wanted to hold the powder bottle. I was potty trained really young so i dont know how old i was when this happened....I also remember standing in my crib at my grandmother's house after waking up from a nap and waiting for her to come let me out.
I remember running around in pull ups in the mid and late 90's around my house. I remember going out to the store in a pull up and using it, but didn't tell my mom. I was already walking, but wasn't more than 3 years old. I remember the waddle in my diaper, and sitting in my messy diaper in my car seat. I also remember my grandparents diapering me at a young age, as well as being forced to wear at their house for years, which is what I think drew me to being a dl
My earliest memory of being in diapers would be sitting in my apartment, ripping open the packaging on a 2 bambino sampler and taping one on, only to have to take it off about 40 minutes later to get ready to go out to dinner with some friends, having been totally unable to use it in that time period.

I have no actual memories of my first trip through diapers. I've seen pictures so I know what I looked like, and my parents had me in cloth my whole childhood, so I have no idea where my love for crinkly plastic disposables came from. But no actual memories at all.
I have exactly one memory of wearing diapers for need. In the memory, I am lying on my back in bed while my mom pins a cloth diaper on me. Really, it's not even that much, as I can only remember watching her pull the front of the diaper--a Curity prefold, I would later come to know--up between my legs. I suppose it's possible I forgot the rest, but it seems more likely that my three-year-old self (I'm 99% sure that's how old I was) found the process of being diapered at bedtime rather boring. I probably just looked away and didn't see the rest. It's kind of amusing to think about that!

This memory was a mainstay of my diaper play when I was a kid. Even nowadays, when I'm lucky enough to sleep in diapers, I'll often role-play myself in this memory as I fasten my diaper on.

So there it is. Long before my wife found out about my diaper habit, I admitted to her that I actually had a memory of being diapered, which she found hard to believe. Her own memory barely stretches back to five years of age. As I've said before, I don't find it at all surprising that many of us AB/DLs have memories of our diaper days. Particularly for those of us who recognized our affections for diapers as young kids (I was wearing my sister's diapers when I was six), it seems reasonable to assume that our diaper memories would be constantly "refreshed" in our brains, where in other kids they would fade away.
I've been trying to find a memmory of being in diapers. But so far I've only tracked down a few memmorys that I know I was wearing in, but was not aware in the memmory of it.
I trace my being an DL back to a few key memories. I don't ever recall wearing diapers before potty training, but I have memories which I think planted the seed for me.

I remember my mom scolding me when I was really little about waiting too long to go to the bathroom, and she threatened to put me back in diapers. I also remember being baby sat by a lady who ran a daycare, and my naive 3 or 4 year old self standing by the babysitter either watching or standing in a line, and I remember her asking me if I still wore diapers and I just shook my head no and ran off to go play. I was the youngest of my family and was always called the baby. The list goes on, and I attribute these memories to the reason I am a DL now.
I don't recall being in diapers, the first time at all... but there are some pictures. I don't remember any of that!
However, I DO vividly remember asking my mom if I could wear diapers. I must have been 4. The stuff I wore as a toddler still fit.
My mom DID humor me, however she told EVERYONE and it was most embarrassing. Prolly not the best way to handle a kiddo
who's asking to for permission to wear diapers... :/
There are two very clear memories I have of still being in nappies, which I spoke about previously in another thread.

I can remember being maybe about two and half/three years old and still having a nappy. This must have been very close to when I was about to be toilet trained. When I was growing up and then my younger brother, my parents referred to our nappies as 'wet' or then 'dirty' if we had pooped in them. I recall being on the floor messing with a baby lego type toy and my mam saying something like "Have you done a dirty?" before coming over to me, leaning me over and sniffing my bum and then saying "Yep, you've done a dirty".

I also remember another occasion where I think we'd just come back to the house having been out somewhere. My mother had just brought me up to the bedroom and asked me to lie down on the floor. I lay down on the floor for her and she called me a good boy and took what were perhaps jeans I was wearing off. I remember her smiling at me and then tearing the two tapes off the front of my nappy and opening it up.

I can also recall seeing my brother being changed a lot, and my mother calling me a "good boy" and "my little helper" for passing her things and taking away the used nappy and throwing it in the bin for her after she had changed him and tied up the nappy in a bag.

These memories have always stuck with me for some reason, and really do mean a lot to me so I blame my mother for the fact that I'm a DL! (I will not be telling her that though!) :p
It must have been nap time because it was light outside and I was in my crib. I was probably close to one year old because I can remember cruising around the crib hanging on to the railing. I had pooped in my diaper and they were hard and pebble like and quite uncomfortable. I started reaching in the back of my diaper and pulling them out. My mother was probably upset with me but I don't recall anything after I had removed the offending pebbles.
I have told this story before, but here it is again.

I remember being put into a diaper for bed time and asking why I had to wear it. I was told because I still wet during the night.

This is the point I go back to when I am able to regress.

Mmm, not sure about the details but it was a winter night, and for some reason I had to wear diapers that night and the next thing I remember is being changed the next morning ..
My earliest memory of wearing diapers was when my parents were trying to potty train me when I was around 3. I found it traumatic and very difficult to go on command on the toilet (still do to this day). I wore training pants for a long time and then around 5 started wearing diapers again on my own, much to the disapproval of my mom.
ArchieRoni said:
My earliest memory of being in diapers would be sitting in my apartment, ripping open the packaging on a 2 bambino sampler and taping one on, only to have to take it off about 40 minutes later to get ready to go out to dinner with some friends, having been totally unable to use it in that time period.

I have no actual memories of my first trip through diapers. I've seen pictures so I know what I looked like, and my parents had me in cloth my whole childhood, so I have no idea where my love for crinkly plastic disposables came from. But no actual memories at all.

My same experience! Interesting how a love for the crinkly plastic develops even though diapered in cloth growing up!
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