Any Littles with Autism out there?

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AddyShadows said:
I've got Aspergers as well as some generalized anxiety disorder that the doctors think has something to do with my Aspergers.

i have the same and im also ADHD but im more ADD im not really hyper
Unsure Aspergr, but very sure ADHD...
I was diagnosed with ADD as a child but I am unsure now if that is correct. I have been diagnosed with OCD and anxiety along with AS in 6th grade and I was told OCD and anxiety were both part of it. Autism causes anxiety from what I have seen and I have read that OCD can be neurological such as it can be caused by autism. I guess that is what some doctors mean when they say it's part of it. ADHD was suspected when I was a kid but never diagnosed. I was hyper and impulsive. Lot of times I didn't even know it was wrong to do or how people would react. It was just a word my mom often used. I also have learning issues and I would have been a high school drop out if I didn't have help. I tried college but found it very difficult and I realized high school was easier.
I'm an aspie.
Hi, last year I got diagnosed with Aspergers, well the paperworks says i meet the formal diagnostic criteria which I think means I have been diagnosed! I was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia (developmental coordination disorder) Dyscalculia and likely Dyslexia, these are SPLD's (specific learning disabilities) I laughed when she said spld, because it sounds like splud!
It was very difficult to get a diagnosis despite having problems since I was a baby (mum knew there was something "not quite right" about me, I was much slower in certain aspects of my development, late to walk, and had an unusual method of moving about, late to potty train (well, mum never quite managed to get me out of nappies!) My language skills seemed OK though.

Mum always noticed that I was an unusually unfussy baby and she could plop me down somewhere and I would just sit there and examine stuff, I wouldn't really play with toys, or play much in general I was more interested in other non baby toy items, I would just sit and stare and explore the textures and so on. (I'm making up for my lack of interest in baby stuff now!, perhaps that may be one of the reasons I am an AB?)

As soon as i was finally able to walk I was out in the alleys picking up lumps of lovely blue and green glass slag from the old ironworks in the area, plus other rocks and crystals, that's where my interest (more like obsession) for collecting rocks minerals and fossils started, at the time I just liked them because some were sparkly (I love sparkly things!)I also liked the colours and patterns, the textures, translucency, and even the smell! As i got older I found there was even more interesting stuff, how to identify them based on crystal form, hardness, specific gravity and so on, and then there is the chemical composition as well.

Well, anyway back then I dont think many people spoke much of Autism, or ADHD and learning disabilities, you were just considered an awkward child or just get lumped with the term slow/backwards. I know from what mum tells me that i was not accepted into nursery school because I was still in nappies (I dont think they can reject kids still in nappies now)

When I was 7 we moved from Wales to England. My coordination and motor skill problems were becoming much more obvious, I was still unable to ride a bike without stabilisers at the age of 9 or 10, I couldn't swim, couldn't run about and kick a ball without tripping up over my own feet. I had started school now and was often teased and bullied because I couldn't do things like the other boys, like climbing and stuff. I couldn't do up my shoelaces or dress myself properly (mum still put my clothes on) the shirt buttons and doing the tie up I found impossible to do, still struggle with that now, which is why you will rarely see me in a shirt!)

I dreaded PE lessons because of this, mum couldn't help me dress when I was at school so I had to try, and that just gave the bullies more to tease me about, then there was my problems in holding a knife and fork, and pens and pencils. At this time then school head master was the first person to notice I had some kind of problem and I know it sounds very strange but mum was so happy when the headmaster spoke to mum and asked her if I had any kind of learning disability, because she had been trying to get the doctors to acknowledge this but they just seemed reluctant to diagnose me.

This was when I first started seeing a child psychologist, they were unable to give me a name for my learning disability, but they did at least confirm that i had one and I needed some help, I was given special knife and fork, with big chunky plastic grips which were curved a certain way to help me hold them right, and a plastic grip that went on my pens and pencils, they probably were helpful but they also were embarrassing to use at school (i had to have my special knife and fork as I had school meals) so you can imagine how much I was teased for that! tbh they kinda looked like a bigger version of a baby's first knife and fork set!

For a while I was taken out of school and went to a special hospital place where the had a school but we also slept there, I suppose it was a boarding school for kids with problems, and here I had some more thorough tests, including one where they put electrodes on my head. They did not find anything but they said I had something like mild brain damage, that must have been a shock for my mum. I hated that term and am glad they dont usually use that now.

I spent the rest of my school years in between mainstream schools (in special needs classes or with my own special needs teacher, as I worked better on a one to one basis) and another stint in a school/hospital which was a hospital for adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems. Regardless of all this I was still not given any official diagnosis, other than learning disability.

After I finished school I started seeing a pychaitrist and she mentioned a few things that it could be, They were now treating me for depression, and It was suggested I had ADD (not ADHD) also Borderline personality disorder was put on my medical notes. However the GP is the person who really has the final say and he would not acknowledge what my CPN was saying and instead insisted on shoving anti depressants on me (I hated them and now refuse them)

Last year i was getting really frustrated with not knowing why I was the way I am and by then had done quite a bit of research and I kept reading about AS and thinking I can relate a lot to this, my best friends son had been diagnosed with AS and he had a few characteristics that i could relate to, I did a few of those online AQ tests and all of them indicated I had it, but i'm not one to diagnose myself based on stuff on the internet, I wanted to get an official diagnosis from a professional.

I went back to my GP and told his I think I have AS and asked about getting a diagnosis, he said that they do not do diagnosis on the NHS (maybe they do for kids) That's one thing that really bugs me is how it seems so easy to have children diagnosed with AS but if you are an adult they just dont seem to care, A lot of people I think have this idea that only children have this condition! I was also rather angry that he should even ask why it was so important to me to have a name for it, i should just make do with the learning disability and depression, like I was looking for some kind of badge of honour or something, which I can assure you was not my goal, I just wanted to know what it was so I can better understand myself and maybe be able to get some support and understanding.

I then contacted the National Autistic Society who were very good, I was sent some info, including their own AQ test, which was very similar to the ones I did online, and also a list of local private professionals that did specialise in ASD's My awesome and lovely mummy paid for me to go to this nice lady and the rest is history!
I am sorry for this rather long winded essay about my life story, you were probably just looking for a yes or no kind of reply, That's something I dont do!
I'm an aspie.
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