Baby furniture...

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Wow, this is perhaps the easiest question I have ever been asked.

Of course, it would be a crib. Which I have!! :detective3
A high chair, in the kitchen.

I want an entire nursery. I couldn't have just one. I want a crib, adult sized baby toys, changing table, mobile, rocky chair and high chair. Plus a play pen!
littlekorkor said:
I want an entire nursery. I couldn't have just one. I want a crib, adult sized baby toys, changing table, mobile, rocky chair and high chair. Plus a play pen!

yes, like that girl in the documentary (minute 9:10) who had the whole basement as little-place!!! I want it all!!!
She's the reason I embraced my little :) I'm hoping to get a two bedroom apartment and do what she did
The one piece of baby furniture that I really want right now is a crib and a changing table.
Goober said:
Hi everyone :)
just a quick question, if you could have any item of baby furniture made for you as an AB, what would it be..?

me personally would like a bouncer chair :) I have seen one made adult size, but not the way I would have it lol, I would love to have mine lined with baby sheep skin, and leather straps to hold me in, with a working hood and vibration unit, very soothing :) I think an adult bumbo would be pretty cool to.

What would be your ultimate item of baby furniture..?

Hello Goober :)
My Ultimate item of baby furniture would be a Double sized baby crib, in a beautiful white & soft pink nursery, so my partner and myself can snuggle up & soundly sleep togethers :cloud9:
Having been around some of the Thrashbear made nursery furniture....obviously crib first. Then probably changing table and high chair in no particular order. I do have good experiences with highchair feedings and baby mittens. Massage tables make pretty good changing tables though. Sadly Thrashbear hasn't been making cribs or anything like that for quite some time. When my friend moved out of state the whole set was being sold for around $4k I think, crib, changing table, high chair, and playpen, all in white wash.
Anyone have any baby furniture plans or schematics? I'm pretty handy at this sort of thing.
To echo everyone else; I'd like to have a crib.

Or a playpen!

I think a playpen would suffice for my crib wants, since ultimately I'd sleep in bed with daddy - it'd be too weird to sleep alone anyhow.
I have to agree with you sanch the baby Gym would be grate fun, but a crib wold be nice to sleep in.
hmmm, Crib for sure, I would also like a nice big changing table to get my diapers changed on. I would also like to have my bedroom painted and decorated in a nursery theme. lots of pastel colors and cute animal designs perhaps.
A crib, changing table, and highchair.
I have a crib and I realized that I really didn't care for it. Now it just sits in a closet in my house all taken apart and I'm not sure what I am going to do with it. It was a >$2k crib once it was all said and done With shipping and all.

Be sure that you want one before spending the money or you might end up like me....
Love mine.... DSC_0113c.jpg
I already have a perfectly fine crib and changing table, i guess I would want anything I had to be tastefully deigned and perfectly rounded/squared, maybe a bookcase, A Johnny Ive Styled Bookcase!
DBBaby said:
I have to agree with you sanch the baby Gym would be grate fun, but a crib wold be nice to sleep in.

It would, though I think you can use bed rails to get a decent substitute for the AB Crib feel, at a fraction of the price. I've even considered buying a regular Baby Gym, but there's basically no point, other than to look at it and admire its cuteness. Even the slimmest adult would have a serious job squeezing their body into one.
SpAzpieSweeTot said:
Honestly, a spherical shape with full-size adjustable bed in the middle, (round sleep deck, to fit inside the sphere) with a secret door, a round window, small, soft nightlight, and nature sounds, that gently rocks at the push of a button. No cribs, bars creep me out. Spheres have no edges.

That sounds like an interesting concept, and fits in with the cognitive/sensory needs of us autistics.

- - - Updated - - -

SoakedinTexas said:

It looks wonderful friend. I wish I had a crib, but I am stuck with just having partial length safety rails on my twin-sized bed.
@caitianx, that's a cute setup you have going on, with the toys hanging off the rails.

I don't want any "proper" baby furniture at this time, but I've always been drawn to the security small, efficient rooms, and to beds like this and this, where it's like an entire room compacted into one thing. I feel like that's tangentially related.
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